Don't Starve User Reviews

Top reviews

  • Love the game but there needs to be a few improvements

    I love the game and the characters the gameplay is great just like your original one but one big complaint i have is when you die you don’t respawn and you don’t have any choice to change that, i would like to see a choice to make it so you can become not everyone is good at surviving and it’s annoying to restart each time. And another thing the unperturbed character has a hard time putting down her surf board you have to drag it up to place it otherwise she’ll just walk into the water ’wall’ and won’t do anything and moving away from land in the board is difficult, she usually jumps off when i try to do that. other then those things it’s a 5 star game
  • Home Sea Home!

    When did you sneak in the Home Sea Home update?! I could swear I checked the update notes every time because I'm one of the weirdos who actually like the iOS interface a lot, and I've been really sad that I couldn't play Shipwrecked on iOS because the Home Sea Home content is so, so important. So, yay! It's here at last! (Although it looks like some minor things are still a bit buggy -- Walani's descriptions of most of the new content are "It's a...thing", which is afaik the default "oops, we forgot to put in a description of this" description -- and the edge-of-the-map endless loop bug is still there.)

    Update: After finally unlocking completing the quest to free Woodlegs and unlock his character, I was feeling triumphant! So it was really crushing to discover that his exclusive boat cannon doesn't work on mobile. I love this game, but the bugs in this port can get you down.
  • Hours of obsession + sound fix request

    Discovered Don’t Starve: Pocket Edition through Apple Arcade and instantly obsessed. Great game play and world exploration. I’m a fan of adventure-plot games where this is more a premise-adventure but very dynamic and unique concept. I’ve bought Shipwrecked but as I’m starting to play it as I travel, I find I can’t listen to music and podcasts if I’m playing the game as I typically do while traveling. So not sure - may start the search again for something more compatible.
  • I like this better than the original.

    - I actually played this first rather than the original Dont Starve and I find this one more enjoyable. - I like the mechanics of this game and it is harder which is nice. The original is way too easy for me. - I love the music and almost everything about this game. 😀 + Things I would like: I kind of wish Webber and Wigfrid were here in this game. I know this is supposed to be hard but I feel like it’s too hard sometimes to get food, manure, and meat especially. - I would honesty rather have a difficult game rather than an easy one. (Not too hard or too easy.) Other than that this game is amazing Klei. 😃😀 🌴
  • Really good, but game-ending bugs and no fixes after years

    I adore this game. Truly, I do. But my favorite way to play is relaxing on the sofa on my iPad Pro — it’s just so portable and the size is perfect! Unfortunately, the bugs make it too frustrating.

    An example? Instant overheating when I enter the volcano, no matter what I wear or do or what season it is. I’ve never been able to unlock Woodlegs. That’s the most frustrating one for me. If you play on Steam I’ve heard there’s a mod to correct this, but no such thing exists on iOS. I’ve also run into a bug where my last action just keeps repeating and the only thing that fixes it is to save and quit, and one where when I sail off of the edge I keep bouncing back and forth without getting to the ocean. But those went away with a save & quit. The volcano one is a game-killer.

    If you go to Klei’s forums (where they direct you if you have a problem) you’ll see pages of people listing bugs and almost all of them have hundreds of views and zero replies. Nothing gets addressed. So be prepared going in.
  • A Viscous Cycle

    When I first started playing, I wasn’t really a fan of consistently dying all the time so I never got too far in the storyline. That was a few years ago, now I’m playing this game every other day since getting the hang of things. I’ve been playing and getting involved with the world lore and doing tons of traveling. As much as I’ve been enjoying this game, biggest issue is when taking a shortcut by going off the edge of the map. Your character gets to the other side but will then go back and forth between one edge to another, trapping you in a mentally degrading loop (in game) and by the time you’re free from it, your character is on the brink of insanity. It’s very frustrating when this happens and honestly it ruins the game experience.
  • Excellent game but…

    I have been playing this game for years starting with the original version. However, I now noticed the supply list at the bottom of the screen overlaps with the map and rotation controls so I can no longer click on my hats and costs being worn. Also the attach and repeat function buttons overlap with items in the world such as pots and other objects making the gameplay more tedious and not as fun. There should be an option to remove the attack/collect/repeat buttons from the screen. I know the programmers probably made changes like the joystick and the buttons to help plays but don’t get why the joystick can be removed but not the buttons. Also the issue with the overlapping rotation buttons and items being worn is very annoying. Please fix!!
  • Can not create new items

    The ability to create new items does not work sometimes. Create new weapon, fire pit or random anything so that the mental health stays high enough level isn’t working.

    Thank you Klei!!! I read somewhere that they were outsourcing the mobile port of both pocket editions, but had recently (like 6-12 months ago) brought it in house. Today they really demonstrated how closely they paid attention to their users and cared about their experience. I think every recurring issue I’ve had with the pocket edition was fixed with this past update. Just goes to show that tech debt may not be sexy but dear god is it the best thing ever to be an end user and feel like a company cares about your experience. THANK YOU!!!
  • crashes.

    This is the second review I made. But now all of a sudden, The game keeps crashing. Im using the surfer girl skin and now 5 minutes later its crashing. I turned off all the monster mods like the krampus or the hounds and more. I think that has something to do with it please try to fix it.

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