Skullgirls User Reviews

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  • Great! But I have some ideas

    This game is amazing fighting game for mobile, with great controls, interesting and fun to play characters, and way more content than other games, even on console. However, there is something I would prefer to be in the game. I think it would be cool if there was a traditional fighting game mode, where you can choose any character you want and all special moves can be equipped. This traditional mode can mainly be either a random battle against a cpu, or a fight against every character. I am aware that the limitations of the touch screen can cause having all the specials to be too hard to control, but there are alternatives. There can be a button that can be clicked on to use special moves. The button can be tapped for a neutral attack, swiped left for something, right for something, down for something, or it can be held for something. Moves that can be held include moves like big band’s counter. Blockbuster attacks should be chosen however, and once it’s filled up, you can just click the neutral special to activate it, similar to final smashes in smashbros. I would love to see this control scheme in this game, but I could be over imagining. This is just personal ideas that I think would be good. Either way, this game is really good.
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    Developer Response

    Hey there, Thanks for your detailed feedback and ideas! We designed SG Mobile from the ground up to be easy to play on a variety of mobile devices, and to offer a more collectible RPG style of play. If you want to try out a more technical style of fighting like you suggest, I'd recommend playing Skullgirls 2nd Encore on consoles. You can play both games! :) If you have any more feedback to improve the game please let us know! ~HVS~
  • Completely Ensared. PLAY THIS GAME.

    I’ve seen the ads for Skullgirls and it’s different variants over the years but never gave it the chance. I’m very upset with myself that I didn’t try it sooner! With its rich world of lore, amazing soundtrack, and beautiful artwork I was immediately enthralled by this games looks. Gameplay wise my journey started off very simple(tapping and swiping). But as I peeled back the many layers of this game (prize fights, origin stories, daily events, fighter variants and tier levels) I was only rewarded. I never thought I would give my time to write a review about anything but this game deserves it. My only wish is for the community to become bigger, so I’m sharing my thoughts in hopes this will give it more traction. Robo-Fortune, Beowulf, Double and Big Band are the characters that made my experience what it is today. Thank you for making this game and please keep coming up with new characters and updates. I will always support!
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  • Awesome game!!

    Just wanted to say this game is awesome!!!! Ive only been playing for 2 weeks and I love it!! I don’t even have all the fighters yet. I was skeptical at first before I downloaded it because I couldn’t imagine how u could have intricate control over your fighter or how the controls would even work in a 2d fighting game being that I have never played a 2d fighting game/app on a iphone without any actual buttons before, but this game delivers! I grew up playing marvel vs capcom & 2 and I love this game!! I’m totally hooked and the game play is awesome, the air combos (or juggling as this game calls it) are cool and easy to perform but with my current undeveloped characters most of the combos I put together I pretty short in comparison to mvc but it just makes me want to grow and keep playing this game! If anyone is complaining about this game I’d say they’re bonkers! Anyway quit reading and download this game you’ll love it!! And thank you creators for such an awesome game!
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    I’ve had this game for around a week now and let me just say. I. AM. IN. LOVE. The animation is fluid, the music is outstanding, the controls are unique and well thought out, the voice acting is phenomenal and suits the characters well and the characters are beautifully unique along with some very cool and interesting concepts. You can see in the ways they fight their personalities really shine through. I don’t think I’ve seen a single bug in this game however I have a few concerns. The leveling up process takes AGES to the point where I (and probably other players) sometimes struggle to want to continue the grinding just so they can continue in the story stages because of the low levels of the characters. It also makes it disappointing once you get a new fighter because all you can think about is how long it’s going to take to level them up. Sure you can sacrifice one of the fighters you don’t use but sometimes that does more harm than good when you are reminded you need that specific fighter or decided you wanted them in the end. However this grinding process does not keep me from playing this game because it is SO ADDICTING! I just hope in the future there is more methods other than grinding tediously/sacrificing fighters to level up your characters.
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    Developer Response

    Hi SuperKawaiiKittySama, Thank you for the kind words and the thorough feedback! We are definitely looking to address the long time to level up characters going forward. We hope to be able to implement new modes and features that will not make it as tedious as you described. If you have any specific suggestions in the meantime, please let us know. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience! ~HVS~
  • Aesthetic Masterpiece on Mobile

    This app’s the Diddy, oh yes!
    Mortal Kombat style gore to get your heart rate jacked up! Yes! ...and so many friggin themes to each character, It’s like you never bored with their style! There’s enough freebies to keep you locked on, creators know what they’re doing for sure! They give a lot, but this game takes forever to level, its cool though because you never feel weak. I messed up at first and sold my “blockbuster” on a fighter, reached out to support - they backed me up and ACTUALLY TOOK MY RECOMMENDATIONS SERIOUS! Shout out to the support team for being the most DOWN TO EARTH individuals I’ve ever worked with. They were talking about a long list of updates they had planned. Definitely an experience I didn’t expect to see, but then again, this wasn’t a game I expected to play.
    My feedback was to add a way to know which moves were new, and explained that: “it’s like you get a new move and it’s lost at sea” and they spit balled ideas about maybe adding a number icon indicating that the move is new. Anyways, lots of stuff to explore, lots of incentives to keep getting better and unlocking new divisions that test your characters skills and combos. Good luck out there!!!!
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    Developer Response

    Hi Deadbolt10, Wow! Thank you for the awesome review. We're glad you are enjoying the game, and we appreciate the time you have spent playing! ~HVS~
  • I am BLOWN away!

    This game is absolutely great in every way possible. If you know you can handle it. It’s not for everyone. You need good hand eye coordination, and just being mature enough as you will enjoy the game even more. Getting premium credit is not difficult once you master how the system works a and how to properly use a good number of the 12 different fighters. I currently use Peacock, Squigly, Ms. Fortune and Beowulf really well now. Just playing a good amount that you get comfortable using combos and adapting makes it even more enjoyable. It will get slow after day not gonna lie but once I persevered and continued to keep players by I was rewarded with having lots of fun and getting excited to start getting silver tier and hopefully soon enough a gold tier. If you get stuck, you must remember as I don’t see too much help online,
    Don’t sell anything (yet)
    Upgrade Bronze even if you know there are silver and gold characters. (They are still good to have)
    Take risks that fit how well you play.
    I also love the comments some of these characters make after winning a match. I’m still laughing after the fact. Getting fully immersed in the story will be amazing for you. There are so many good things to say that you should just stop reading and play already. Thanks for this awesome btw, developers. Music is great, graphics is 200% on point, no glitching EVER and I’m happy to be playing! 🤩🤯🤗🤟🏻👏🏻👌🏻
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    Developer Response

    Hi King_Zekrom_100, Wow! We can't tell you what it means to see such a glowing review. Thank you for playing, and we hope that you will enjoy our upcoming updates! ~HVS~
  • One of the best mobile games in the store!!!

    This game is amazing. It’s free, lacking in advertisements, incredibly fun, free of glitches, etc, etc.
    Every complaint I have with other games are completely nonexistent.

    The characters have diversely different playstyles, and the combat is satisfying and fun.
    The difficulty is balanced perfectly, earning itself the perfect level of challenge. Grinding is not required, and though you need to wait for fighters to restore energy to play with them, it takes a while for the energy to run out and it recharges pretty quickly. The game also has multiple modes that require different energies, so you can also just take your fighters to other modes. Plus, energy applies to individual fighter, so you can still play with your other fighters, which you can get infinitely many.
    This game is also quite generous, frequently handing out rare and worthwhile rewards. In fact, I just got 100 of the premium currency today, along with 50,000 o the main currency, all because, as they put it, “The games performance wasn’t up too their standard last the last few days”. This company is AMAZINGLY generous and considerate, and though I’ve never had any issue with it, I know if I did the customer service would iron it out quickly.
    It was their simple act of generosity that inspired me to write this review and rate the app, and I’m going to make sure to tell all my friends! I love this game, and you will too.
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  • Download = Hours of Fun!

    Imagine a game where the tutorials make you actual understand how to play each character and learn their skills. Imagine a game where the animation is better than Disney or Sony. Imagine a game where you don’t have to buy anything to be an amazing player.

    Well, this is the game for you, buster!

    I love this game so much I can’t describe it in words. As a major game critic, I can’t place my finger on any NITPICKS in this game. It’s so well-rounded! The animation is professional, the characters are developed nicely (no mary sues), and even Skullgirls Encore (on PC)’s dialogue for the characters are well thought-out. There’s a wide variety of characters, all of them very original, I’ve never seen them before! I’m so mad that this game isn’t as big as Fortnite. It deserves so much more! I’m level 58 with 12 golds, and I spent how much? NOTHING. Sidenote: much like Skullgirls Encore, there IS short dialogue in Skullgirls mobile, so you get to see characters talking, too. This game is a gem on the appstore, and if YOU could help this game reach the top charts by donating and just simply downloading the game, it’d make me and the devs so very happy!

    In conclusion, this game is a diamond in the appstore. It’s nothing like any RPG I’ve seen before. I’ve had so much fun playing this game, and I hope you do, too!
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  • Great game, but has a serious bug.

    I love this game to death and I would give this five stars, but the reason I have it at 3 stars is because of this bug. This bug completely locks you out of your account that you make when you start playing the game. This happened to me twice and I had to uninstall this game two separate times within a year. This first time it did it to me, I had really strong gold tier characters (like dragon baller Beowulf and Rainbow Double) and when the bug happened, I lost everything. I couldn’t get back into my account again. That’s when I uninstalled it. About a year later, I decided to make a new account and try again. I played it for about a week or two and the same bug decides to lock me out of the new account I created as well. I then contacted the support for Skullgirls and I never got a response from them. So this is my last hope for reaching out to the developers if they read this, please fix this bug and if possible, give me my gold tier characters back if possible since this bug locked me out of my accounts.
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  • Potentially GREAT game ruined with artificial pay walls

    This could be a beautiful, really fun mobile fighting game. Unfortunately, it suffers the same fate as so many other mobile games - artificial barriers trying to force money out of you. I cannot stand this trend. I would gladly pay 30$ for this game to just have a complete experience. However, dropping $30 on this game might get you set for a couple days, and that’s just maybe.
    The grinding is tedious, and it takes so long to level up that it just ends up getting old.

    Again, this game would be an easy 5/5 without the BS mobile shenanigans that seem to plague this format. The controls are tight and it’s absolutely gorgeous. The unlock system would be addictive as hell if it wasn’t slowed down to frustrating levels.
    You’d think with fortnight breaking over 1 billion recently on aesthetic only purchases, developers would see that these artificial energy/grind barriers are so unnecessary. It’s just very sad when I know people would be willing to pay a fair price to play a great mobile fighter, as long as we just had to pay it once for a complete game experience.
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