Warhammer Horus Heresy Legions User Reviews

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  • Needs better balance for FTP players compared to paying players.

    Only people who love the game, spend serious money and/or time on it. It’s not very loving to unskilled or new players. But, the mechanics and overall gameplay are great for this game. It’s just a shame so much of it relies heavily on pay to win, or dedicating more time to a card game than most working people have time to devote. You will most likely be playing against noobs, or experienced/seasoned players. Play it for free, and try not to get bent over things outside of your control. It is after all a FTP and a Warhammer game, so expect some sort of pay wall comparatively to skill. Especially when people play the meta only or research into building meta decks. Good luck and may frustration lose more than you do.
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  • Desperately needs a practice mode/more offline

    While the strategy and factions (for the most part) are fun, actually getting to play is def not the most fun. unless you want to get queued up with someone who’ll either stomp you or leave two turns in then theres nothing besides the faction of the month you can do. It would really improve the game entirely if you could go up against an A.I whenever with your own deck instead of only being able to play against a bot if you cant find anyone to queue up against.
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  • Absolute trash AI design + Pay2Win = You Lose

    If you play ranked you will hit a money ceiling like all the other mobile games. Sad, but nothing new. For some that is ok as long as the slow grind of reg campaign gameplay is good enough. Not with this game, you'll get assigned campaigns with the worst pre-made build a deck possible then shoved in front of an computer opponent whose deck is not only a total counter to all the cards you have and cannot change but also pull and play the right card for the right moment, every. Single. Freaking. Time.

    Not only that, you're placed in a gauntlet so even if you manage to skate by one or two character opponents, if you lose to one, you have to play against all the previous opponents over again. Literally no incentive to keep trying when you have almost 15 health points and eggs computer can cheese you down to 0 if not right above it.

    Stick with the tabletop, books and lore videos. This game could literally make you hate the franchise.
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  • Great game except…

    So I have been playing this daily for about 2 years. It’s a great card game especially if you are into the warhammer heresy lore.

    Here’s my issue. I recently blocked all internet traffic to Russian based IP’s and now I cannot play online matches which is the whole point of this game. Not sure if the game is hosted in Russia or it’s P2P with players in Russia, regardless if you block this traffic you cannot play the game at all.

    I would love an explanation, and if you are worried about the Russkies watching you (sorry I’m a Cold War kid) then maybe steer clear of this one.
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  • Fun except for that one card

    Wrathe is overpowered. He usually has value of 2 4/4 berserk warriors if played well, only 3 cost. So a total of 11 energy from 3 if optimized. How do you defeat this without winnow the weak from Iron hands, the other card that feels a little off.
    (Does not require you to have a troop for you to destroy to activate.)
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  • A must if you are a HH fan

    I am a long time HH fan having read pretty much all the books in the HH series and collect the Black Library book as well as modeling. I came across this game by accident and after do just fell in love the game. I literally have no card game experience at all so just went into it with an open mind.
    +I love the HH artwork so seeing them on the cards is fantastic
    +Of course balancing all the HH armies is a full time job but I have to admit they did a fantastic job capturing the feel of each HH faction like DG are slow and immovable, RG is fast hitting etc
    +While there could be some variety with the music, I admit the voice acting for the generals are good.
    +You don’t have to pay it seems but of course being a diehard UM and IF fan, I did pay the 9.99 for the starter deck for them. I tell myself it i cheaper then buying the models and books.
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  • Love the game but fix the crashes

    I love the game but it crashes whenever my alarm goes off or if I get a phone call. This needs to be fixed. The alarm and phone call app are through Apple, so I would imagine other apps from Apple would also crash. I haven’t had issues with receiving notifications from anything else.
  • No customer support

    After a day of not being able to complete a match without my opponents dropping connection I woke up to my account being banned. Apparently the developer thought cheating was involved. I have played this game with no issues for over 2 years and now customer support won’t even respond to my emails asking why I was banned.

    Don’t put the time in collecting cards for free and certainly don’t pay any money if they are willing to ban your account with no explanation.
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  • Avoid

    If you love or even like the warhammer games do not get this, it’s a god damned disgrace to the warhammer name. This game breaks its own rules on a regular and constantly prevents the player from acquiring cards that can be used when needed and even when it does it only provides useless cards and grants the A.I. Instant use of all card upon being deployed granting them more attacks immediately and never allows the player to upgrade any cards or gain more health leaving you as the player unable to cope with the games inability to follow its own rules
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  • Terrible devs ruin a solid enough game

    Game on it’s own isn’t terrible. Typical card game style and decently friendly people. But the updates and events are some of the most unbalanced trash I’ve come across in a game. It shows a completely lack of play testing or creativity. Newest event was the straw that broke the camels back. I wish I could get any money I spent back, but I did enjoy myself for a time. Play for free. DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY. Games works fine without paying and even if you drown them in cash they’ll screw you as hard as the f2p person.
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