User Reviews: Randonautica

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Too Creepy a Coincidence

    I’ve watched plenty of videos on this app, normal and creepy, but that’s just because I’m a horror fan. I wanted to try this out to see if it was real, and frankly, I could barely get past the generated location. Keep in mind, I explore the woods and abandoned places for fun, so my adventure shouldn't have stopped after receiving the numbers. I pulled the location up on my map and was shocked and creeped out when I saw the name of the spot. Out of all possible outcomes, it was in the forest about a fifteen minute walk past my neighbor’s private property. The exact locations name was my last name and gave me the chills even though I was manifesting ‘Hope’. Now, normally, I love the chill, but this made my gut twist horribly. I started the walk, but once I got to my neighbor’s fence, I physically couldn’t go any further and not because of the fence(the fence is easily jumpable). The whole situation filled me with dread. This app that I didn’t give my actual name to generated a place with my last name, so I trusted my gut and went back home, locking the door behind me just in case.
    It’s your choice to download and use this app, all I ask is that you be careful, stay safe, never go alone, and allow your friends and or family to know what you’re doing and where you’re going. Always trust your gut. This is no game and can become very dangerous. If I hadn’t trusted my gut, who knows what could have happened?

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for your review. It sounds like you were expecting something scary due to all those videos, and you had a scary experience... yes please stay safe, the app only gives locations, it is up to you whether you go or not and use your head and listen to your gut! Please also note as you stated you did not give your name to us, we have no access to any sort of information about you or your device etc.
  • Make an anchor

    To those reading this. I tried dimensional jumping. Apparently I have done it my entire life. Waking up to your family and trying to figure out why they are strangers? It cost me more than I know. It cost my daughter the most. I have seen so many of her. It kills me to think of graduation. To see her walk across the stage when somewhen else, the girl who’s diapers I changed will be walking while another watches. We will both be proud. I will be proud and completely devastated. So make yourself an anchor. Take something from the when you live in. Make it into jewelry and always wear it. Because this stuff works. That way, you can focus on a way back. Baby girl? I am so sorry. I am proud of you. I would have never tried to fix things if I knew. None of me would. Just remember what I told you. Always believe in yourself. Especially when no one else does.
  • READ THIS !!!

    Downloaded this app b/c of some podcast I listen to but first time using it late at nite, I came across a dark country road where my destination pointed off into some woods. As I drove up and come to a complete stop I hear a lot of movement within the bushes and trees, so of course I take off scared. Here I am lost, my phone loses all connection and believe me or not but somehow I swear I drove the opposite direction but ended up back at the destination it took me to. All I asked for and thought of was a glitch in the matrix, I wasn’t expecting to actually experience something like this. Interesting app but download with caution if using late at nite.
  • Interesting Finds

    First: I HIGHLY stress to stay safe and be careful going where this app may suggest sending you. Use your personal discretion be well as you explore!
    I’ve had a good time using this app. Overall, it’s a simple style, has clear actions to follow, and brings a new, creative change to exploration experiences. Once downloaded, the main recommended perspective to have is open mind. Any hesitation about what to do, what this app will bring you into, what is really going on, all that is fine. However, just like how we all can suspend our disbelief in any fun activity, that shift is what counts. I’ve found that even if I feel what I’m doing is strange or confusing, I still have impactful results, even finding more than expected when I explore the area around the first ping. The experiences I’ve had are very remarkable, and I will say that all who give this app a chance are making a fair choice.
  • Good time, I’ll bring the nephews next time

    Had no plans this Friday and gave this app a try. Nothing crazy, but if you take the time to explore the point it takes you to you can usually make a fun adventure out of it. It seems to usually bring you close to a body of water. So bring a magnet and a fishing pole along with some binoculars and have yourself a good time. So far we managed to find a pretty nice fishing spot, managed to reel in a bicycle with the magnet, and also a random safe left out in a middle of a swamp.
  • So lame

    My hubby and I the kind of persons who go exploring on a regular basis and have never needed an app to point us to a location. I have a map, I can close my eyes and put my finger on the map! Low tech but works! I don’t know what I was expecting- maybe something cool or unexpected to be at the location I’m sent to, but 100% of time, it was someone’s house! Again: Lame! Waste of time and gas just to look at some dude’s house! At least when I look on a map, I can have some control over the destination, and I usually go to places where there’s not private properties or homes! At first I thought: ok, maybe there’s something interesting on the street near the house, but… no such luck! I can’t believe this is so popular! Just goes to show - people need a prompt in this day and age and can’t just rely on their own imagination, without being tied to a tech gadget! Ugh I should’ve known better! I’m gonna stick to exploring without having my face buried in a phone: old school style! The way our parents used to when they were kids!
  • Question

    Before I start I only downloaded this app to write the review I might try it out later on but this is just my first question I apologize for bad grammar

    also is this even the right app that has been used in those videos

    Anyways I’ve seen many stories and videos on people finding creepy disturbing stuff and crime scenes

    as scary as it is I’m wondering are those videos and stories real and how does it know to find those spots

    Cause what I think is why would the app detect those creepy spots I know it’s an option and it’s supposed to do that but I

    If it is real I’m not saying to remove it I’m saying it might help people solve mysteries of crimes from the past like if this is real this could help police solve unsolved mysteries solve crimes like dude I could be a vigilante

    Anyways are these stories real can you actually find creepy stuff?

    Summary: I ask if these stories are real, and then I ask how does the app do all this, and then I go on saying this app could help people solve mysteries and unsolved cases
  • Great for Adventurers with Brains

    Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of one star reviews from really low IQ people. Takes you to private property? Yeah, there’s no way it can know that. Use the app, but keep your brain plugged in. It’s a great app!!! Shows me how deep the world is and that there are plenty of undiscovered places all around us and that you don’t need to go far to have an adventure. Just use your brain and don’t trespass on someone’s property or go to dangerous places. The app has no way of knowing where you can and cannot go, and no app can do that perfectly. This is why we have a brain, after all... or at least some of us use it. Again, great app!
  • Strange.....

    So I got it and I liked until I realized EVERTIME I thought of some type of category like depression, happiness and even disturbing it would bring me to that type of location one time I thought of disturbing and it brought me to my cats grave when she passed away..... so I don’t know how this was possible but then I thought of happiness then it Showed me to a river I visit every single Saturday to relax then a few weeks later I thought of sadness and depression because I was stressed and sick when I woke up So I used it and the things got creepy and gross it had gave me a location like normal but it was different I went there the next morning but I screenshot it so I would know then I went there...... then I found a ROTTING dead DEER I was horrified I went back home and NEVER will use this app agian...
  • Changes since popularity boom

    I truly adore the concept of the app & have visited some interesting new places close to home. I started using this app about a year ago right when it started to gain popularity on Tik Tok promoted as a way to have road trip adventures with friends & explore the power of intention. You could generate unlimited points of any kind & set the distance to your liking. However not long after the social media boom the app went down for a bit & came back as a business & more game-like based on tokens which you can purchase if your free daily allowance (which doesn’t always refresh daily) gets used up on points you can’t access safely, water points, etc. Also the maximum distance from your current location you can set is now only 6.21 miles, making the adventures more walkable than road trip material. I know the creators have probably struggled to design the app in a way that honors the original vision + benefits off popularity, however it seems to have leaned more towards a business opportunity than a learning opportunity.

    Good luck & safe travels Randonauts!

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