User Reviews: Randonautica

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    So when I first downloaded the app and opened it all I got was a white screen it was late in the afternoon, I tried the next day same thing. I even did what other said and tried moving it around? No dice. However this time I went on the app earlier in the day, like 10 am est. IT WORKED. My hypothesis is it loaded because at that time there was less traffic on the server. Give it a go.

    I also attempted to select attractor, but it errored out, so I picked void instead and got a few locations near me.

    Please try this instead of giving it a bad review!
  • Didn’t function

    Downloaded it the first time and it kept saying it was “taking longer than expected” to connect, or something to that degree. It never gave me a prompt to adjust my settings and it wouldn’t react to any of the buttons or messages. I assumed I had done something wrong so (after trying it multiple times across two days and under both wifi and cellular) deleted it from my phone. I then redownloaded the app but only got a white screen when I opened it. I pinned it on there being too many people active at the time, or something to that effect, but trying again the next day made no difference. I was excited for this app and I am sad to see it nonfunctioning. Clearly some bugs to be worked out, but until then, I will not be downloading a third time.
  • Have patience.

    People need to stop downvoting this app simply because they didn’t read about it before they downloaded it. They have a small team of “volunteers” that work on this app when they can, it might not be their main priority & that’s okay! There’s been a surplus of downloads & I’m sure it’s probably just too much all at once currently.

    Learn to have patience, this sounds like a very beautiful up & coming movement & I’m sure this app will come around, I’m excited to learn about this & see what it’s all about, but at the end of the day, these things take time.
  • Amazing Concept but some bugs!

    I went on my first trip last week and was hooked! I was in the middle of woods and came upon a gold coin, one pine tree decorated for every holiday, and a bunch of other things. Though, for the past two days my iphone opens the app to the white screen, I wait and it loads thankfully! However it then says “taking longer than usual to connect” and never connects. I’ve tried everything from deleting it to redownload it, to restarting my phone. And if I do get it to connect, the location, type, or point never loads and consistently says retry. I’d love to continue my adventures so I’m hoping this can be fixed soon!! Otherwise, I absolutely love this!
  • Stop complaining about the coordinates you get

    It’s a random generator. You’re gonna get random points. This is clearly stated literally everywhere and I just read a review where they took away a star because the app did what it’s supposed to! If you don’t like the coordinates you get you can just hit a few buttons and get new ones! The app’s purpose is to give you random places, you would have to ignore EVERY DESCRIPTION the app, AppStore, and instruction video give you to not know that. This app is made by a small group of developers, stop giving them bad reviews because their app works as intended. If you’re contemplating downloading the app, do it. It’s super cool (and kinda creepy), it’s worth a look. Watch the instruction video and read the description in the AppStore and you’ll be fine!
  • do your research :)

    so i just figured out what randonauting is today, but i was completely fascinated and immediately dove into twitter, reddit, and google to figure out what it is that i was adventuring into. like others, the app does not work for me and because of this i have not been able to go randonauting yet. HOWEVER, what i HAVE been able to do is research the world of randonautica and discover the little community that the developers behind the servers have built. i’m rating 5 stars because i can tell how passionate you all are about the experiences randonauting gives you and im very excited for the servers to get back up and running so i can experience them for myself :)
  • Excited To Experience It.

    Hey I just downloaded the app and I’m excited to use it. I’ve heard so many great things about it. It’s sad so many people are giving it awful ratings just because the app is down from high traffic. Just reading the reviews I figured out this is not a company but volunteers who are creating this app so please be patient with them. I will keep the app downloaded and check it daily to see if there are updates but I wanted to give five stars to boost the rating since it’s very low right now because of impatient people.
  • Has it’s peaks and valleys (pls read)

    It’s really good especially with the idea of setting an intention but it’s not clear to me what the anomaly, void, and attractor really do it explains in the video about the dots but I don’t really understand what they represent and wether I would want more or less. Another thing is the constant white screen and the eggar wait to see if it’ll connect me to a bot. It worked a few times before but kept giving me an address which I don’t personally appeal to I kinda was hoping for something off the common trail like a way to pave my own path instead of following a road. Honestly it’s a good app it just needs more work to be more fluent. Thanks for reading all the way:)
  • Great concept, needs work!

    I saw videos and posts about this app and decided to give it a try. Unfortunately when I downloaded I had the same issue as a lot of others, it was a white screen. I closed the app, restarted my phone, and tried again. It worked! However it then wouldn’t let me agree to terms and services. It would say, “Send failed,” so I would repeatedly retry and it wouldn’t work. I decided to delete the app and redownload it and try again. Now it’s either a white screen again or I have sending issues with my location, which closing and restarting my phone no longer works for it.

    I really love the concept of this app, and hope to be able to use it when bugs are tweaked!
  • SO Much Fun! Have patience w the app!

    The concept of this app is absolutely amazing. It’s great to explore your hometown or use on road trips or during vacations, etc. We’ve been using it for a few days now and have found some cool locations and if nothing else, it’s a good excuse to get outside and get active.

    This is a relatively NEW APP that just recently went VIRAL on Tik Tok so PLEASE HAVE PATIENCE WITH THE DEVELOPERS! Some people have been leaving negative reviews because the app was down briefly as the VOLUNTEER developers worked to get the app back online with all the extra traffic.

    HAVE PATIENCE with the development of this app and you will be happy you did!

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