User Reviews: Vitruvian


Top reviews

  • Forgot all my workouts

    Logged in and the app forgot all my workouts. Rebuilt a work out and when I tried to edit the weight selections (after saving it) it wouldn’t allow me to.

    Reopened the app again and it forgot the workout I had just built.
  • OK machine but requires $40 monthly subscription

    A $40 monthly fee on top of the device cost is a terrible customer experience. The machine is comparably expensive while not even being marginally better than competitors. I recommend keeping your gym membership or simply getting a small at home set of weights and bands. THIS MACHINE and it’s near required subscription (which includes workout tracking that should be included with a machine of this cost) is NOT WORTH IT. Do not waste your time until they offer their core app and workout tracking as part of the already ridiculously expensive machine.
  • It’s good but not great

    App can be glitchy. I lost history data after the app asked me to sign in again (I had not signed out but sometimes, I think after updates , you are asked to sign in again). Support tried to blame me, saying I must have logged in a different way (using Google or FB, but I had not, if you log in that way it’s an extra step, brings up a different screen, so I would have noticed, and I consciously don’t ever use Google or FB to log into apps). Plus at the time, only part of my data was gone, not all of it. So it can be frustrating to lose all your data, kind of makes you lose your workout momentum ( I was on the 3rd week of a 4 week program when it disappeared). Other than that kind of thing, it’s good.
  • Great workouts

    The machine really pushes me. The app needs a bit more refinement, but I see changes in it in just the 6 weeks I’ve owned the machine. So I have confidence that it’ll get there. For now though, everything works just fine. You can dial in the Mode you desire, set reps, progression, regression, rest time etc. There may be a few more steps than ideal to set up your saved workout regimen, but once it’s dialed in, you’re good to go. Set up a scaled workout and as you beat your personal best, your workout will automatically up the weight setting the next time you do the exercise.
  • Vitruvian Workouts

    I thought I was strong until I used this. Most insane workouts ever!
  • Bluetooth and Workout Tracking

    After the most recent iOS update, Bluetooth constantly disconnects and the app will fail to record some sets.

    The workout recording bug is intermittent, but the Bluetooth failure is between every set.

    Great updates to the app, otherwise.
  • In need of improvement

    I absolutely love the vitruvian trainer, but I’ve found the iOS app to be pretty disappointing. I’ve been using the equipment for almost 4 months and have reported a number of issues that have gone unfixed. Basic things like displaying the proper unit system (lbs vs kgs) or the rest timer not working have gone unnoticed for months. There are a number of safety issues that have gone unaddressed, and the app is fairly buggy. It’s further bogged down by a subscription fee that seems excessive to unlock some of the basic functionality of the app (totally understand advanced functionality or insights being behind a paywall) but there’s very little you can access without the $39.99 subscription fee, which I wasn’t aware of before buying the $3,000+ equipment. All in all, I’m hopeful for the vitruvian but I’d love to see the company put legitimate resources behind the app, because right now it feels stagnant.
  • Abusive membership structure

    Spend a fortune on the device then discover how useless it becomes without the expensive membership. With only one membership level they assume all users want access to the pre recorded classes which frankly aren’t very well synced or paced with your activity on the device itself.

    Given that the classes are built on a weak technology platform (the trainers are ok) I’m fine never using them. But I don’t want to pay for or subsidize other members use of the classes just so that I can get access to strength test, exercise log, stats, progressions, PBs.

    Give us a much more affordable membership that omits the classes to keep these devices out of the landfill - please!
  • All programmed workouts deleted

    Been using this machine since the initial launch. App has always been buggy or inconvenient. It was improved substantially but I just opened it after a 2 week absence and all of my workouts are gone. It takes forever to program them in and they’re all just gone now. Waste of hours. Don’t bother buying this machine for a while until they work the bugs out or else you’ll find yourself wasting a lot of time you don’t have.
  • Great machine, app needs work

    Vitruvian, the device is a great but the app needs improvement. All the way from remembering the device I pair with and automatically connecting to it vs requiring me to scan the QR code each time. Workouts are mediocre are best compared to Peloton and Apple Fitness (the trainers lack the energy and vibe). The app is slow and buggy at times. Works well on a new fast iPhone but older iPhones and Android devices, not so much.

    All the app issues are easily fixable, so looking forward to them getting fixed and rooting for Vitruvian, the company, to succeed.

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