User Reviews: Chopra

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Works well. Options somewhat limited

    I’ve been joining the Chopra group for meditations for several years now. I’ve purchased a number of packages and signed up for this new app and service when it came out. Seems a useful way to access purchased meditations and I appreciated the greater flexibility when a new free one came out. The daily meditations and topical offerings are somewhat limited, however. Sometimes they really don’t apply and are of no interest. At best they’re short and easy to fit in to my day. But I don’t feel they’re really deepening my meditation practice. Yet if I’ve done a brief meditation, it’s difficult to motivate myself to find time for more. So, I find it useful but it’s not meeting all of my needs.
  • No offline use. Disappointing.

    I am a life long fan of Dr. Chopra’s work and am most grateful for his shared wisdom and the practical benefits of his many books, classes, and programs.
    I agree the new Chopra App is a valuable step forward in technology, but am disappointed that it was not fully developed before it’s launch and the shutting down of the previous meditation app. I had purchased many 21 Day Meditation programs because I (was) able to download them for offline use, taking them with me into nature - away from WiFi and cell towers. As the new app provides streaming only, the value of my previous 21 Day Meditation purchases has been diminished. The fine folks at Chopra Support have told me they intend to remedy this but it has been near three months since the previous app. was closed.
    My library of Deepak’s audio cassette tape programs are still more portable!

    Developer Response

    We thank you for your feedback and are excited to release the download offline feature soon.
  • Horrible "upgraded" app

    UPDATE: and now NONE of the 21 day meditations are available through the app. They've completely disappeared. I've reached out several times. No response from Chopra. I've sent a complaint to the BBB.

    If you want spiritual and mindfulness teachings from theives, Chopra should work well for you.

    Update 2 on 2/1/21: BBB says Chopra did not respond. Ask yourself this: Is this the place you want to get your training with mindfulness and spirituality? I would not base my practice on teachings from dishonest people who run and hide from questions concerning basic, decent behavior.


    Forget downloading anything you purchased from Chopra. That feature was removed in the new app. The journals are gone too.

    Taking features away that were paid for is bad enough. Taking them away during a pandemic speaks volumes about this company.

    The 21 meditations - 20 minute meditations each for $50 wasn't a bargain to begin with. They've made their last sale with me unless they decide to cross back over to ethical business practices. I purchased several meditations. I expected to own what I purchased AS it was when I purchased it and not a rental (journals) that could disappear and/or change to remove access at any time! Frankly, it's worthy of a class action lawsuit.
  • Love Depok

    I personally like the older version because we had an actual visual of the mantra to repeat and the centering thought. I thought that was great incase we needed to go back throughout the day to use as an reminder. I also liked the reflective journaling questions after each session. That’s what made this different from other meditation apps. I think that needs to be added back in, so the we have the ability to not only study the mantras and ponder on the centering thoughts, but to really reflective on each mediation session through journaling.
  • Wow. Refreshing.

    In one day, I am certain this is a wonderful place to find myself. This week I followed the live on Instagram, sent by my beautiful Neice, Heather. Maybe the sweetest gift to give someone, ability to access internal peace. I am aware of Chopra, have seen a few physical places he and his family have built. All lovely. But now centered in curiosity and strong need to heal, this place is full of love, value and ways to achieve a working self harmony. I am grateful for this. Thank you - if the time is right, maybe it’s for you too. Be well. x x jen
  • Disappointed with the new platform

    I have purchased several of the 21 day meditations throughout the years. And I haven't had any issues accessing them after the change to the iPhone App. However, now I have to wade through an app that is telling me what all I REALLY need, if I’ll only pay the subscription, to get to them. In addition, the meditations used to be able to be played and then I could flip back to the page with the thought for the day and the mantra written out. Now, I must stay in the page with the meditation counting down and I cannot flip back and forth. I am really frustrated with this!! I spent a significant amount of money for these mediation series and now I can’t enjoy them the way I want to. Often times, I have to stop the session and flip to the written page to see how a mantra is spelled or to read some of the daily thought. That stinks! And the lovely photos that accompanied the meditations are gone and replaced by a fuzzy pic of Oprah and Deepak.....really? As others have said, if you are a new subscriber, I you may think it’s great. But as someone who has already invested quite a bit and enjoyed accessing the meditations with the lovely scenes and ability to flip out and read while listening, I’m disappointed. And frustrated with the hard sell to purchase the app. I just want my meditations with the prior options!!

    Developer Response

    To access your daily meditations and enjoy the image and written material in one glance go to our meditation website at , log in then go to your library. In today’s digital age we understand how frustrating it can be as product features do change over time. Your feedback is important to us and will be shared with the appropriate team.
  • So sad about the new app

    The new app is missing its most important feature - the ability to listen to conservative meditations. In the other app, I could listen to several or all meditations in a series as I fell asleep. Or, when sick, I would just go through several of them. Most importantly, as someone who suffers from boughs of anxiety, I would close my eyes and listen to as many as needed while say flying or driving through tunnels. This new app only plays one at a time. I can’t even set it to repeat. I’m going to have to find a new app which is terrible because I’ve loved Deepak and Oprah. This new design is terrible. At least I should have been given the option to keep the original. I’m not asking for a playlist but i shouldn’t have to open my eyes and reset to listen to consecutive meditations in the same playlist. Whoever redesigned this doesn’t have insomnia or anxiety or talk to anyone who does.

    Please fix ASAP!!

    Developer Response

    We appreciate you trying the new app and will certainly share your feedback with our team. Sending love!
  • Feeling better now

    Thank you for creating this tool to help us better understand ourselves and heal damaged relationships. This program is very timely and can help us all build necessary bridges with those we’ve become estranged from on different levels. I’m only halfway through and already found some peace of mind and heart with family members I was feeling resentful and angry towards because of you know what. We need to come together to overcome the immense challenges we’re facing but my anger was preventing that. This program is helping me recognize my own baggage and set it aside.
  • Less Value for Money Paid

    Besides the fact that 75% of the content on this app is behind a paywall-of which you are reminded everywhere-the real disappointment is that the meditation programs that I have paid for are now inaccessible offline. Why should I have to be connected to the internet to listen to a meditation that I “own”? I used to be able to download it and listen anywhere. Not any longer. In addition, the Journal feature is not available on the phone app when it was before. I have to go to the website version to access content that I have created, instead of having it where I need it-in the meditation program on the app, where I use it. I’m sure Dr Chopra has made enough money to create a platform that allows me to use the content I’ve already paid for in the way I want to. Can hardly use the programs anymore because I’m so disappointed.
  • Cannot believe I am just finding out about this

    During my meditation last week, Deepak Chopra entered my mind and I wondered if he had a meditation series on Apple Podcast or something online... well, I found this app and in two days, I have felt a shift. I am currently in a hyperactive growth chapter in my life, and this app is beyond what I could have asked for especially during this time in my life. Each meditation has been ‘better’ than the next. Thank you, Deepak. Sending you love, blessings, grace, gratitude and good health—and to everyone who sees this. Namaste

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