Locals.com User Reviews

Locals Technology Inc

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  • Great content locked behind a Clunky interface

    A true band width hog app that would be a leading edge app for the 1980s. Comments function seems to have achieved the lowest level of functionality possible, substituting every word typed for random gibberish, making commenting an exercise in embarrassment. If you try to switch between devices you are likely to just get locked out of the app, the watch here function occasionally works. Problems with the app become more pronounced when watching a popular live stream. Recorded streams do record comments, but the comments are not linked to the recorded stream so you must scroll through the comments to keep up with the recorded stream. Recent patches have finally fixed problem of being blocked from live streams for the entire cast because the servers could not maintain contact with app and would just keep reloading. If the content was available on other apps, I would not use this version, just not worth the frustration or huge use of bandwidth. Locals consistently leads the list of all apps for use of band width and data use.
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  • Needs a lot more work

    The Locals app is pretty bad in terms of video playback. If you're having creators use it as a paywall platform, then you really need to fix the interface and video features. The video playback behavior is all over the place. Th audio doesn't match the video. Some times full screen auto-locks; some times it doesn't. The app will rotate on its own in and out of full screen. Background audio will work and the next minute it pauses. The app shows a speaker icon in-line with the video scrubber, making it look like you're changing volume. At least there's an option for video quality and playback speed. If you switch from the phone app to your TV, one or the other will say you're watching on another device. Really? Don't be that cheap, first off. Second, your platform doesn't even notice playback pause on one device fast enough to enable it on another. Just take out that miserly "feature". It would also be great if there were more integration with Rumble. Why do I need two accounts?
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  • Needs a lot of work.

    The app is a good idea, but it is leap years behind any app that app that you pays video, the video always lags behind whoever you are watching by about 5 seconds or so. You also can’t connect it to your tv to watch it there. The locals Roku app only lets you watch 10 seconds of video(yes I’m signed in) you also can’t minimize the app or have it so you can lock your phone and just listen to audio. I can go on and on but the developers know they are years behind any other app that isnt garbage. It’s baffling with that many updates and this seems a is still as useless as a democRAT that runs an inner city, they just worry about making money and let all else go to waste, even humans.
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  • Not worth it

    Every single time I use Locals I get a severe audio delay of seven or more seconds. I also get constant drops in connection while watching live, leaving me unable to reconnect because Locals keeps telling me I’m using multiple devices which is not allowed. I am not using multiple devices, I have tried multiple reloading, and I have tried using different devices. I am paying for this so it’s quite disappointing. It’s almost going on my third week and if anything the service is getting worse. It is not on my end. Everything that I have tested is working perfect including Internet service. I am not one to normally complain, because I know everything has to start somewhere and bugs will show up along the way. However, I have brought this to attention multiple times with zero response. If there was an option for zero stars, this would be my one time using that option. I would not recommend this to friends and family while this level of unusable service continues. Sorry Locals
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    A week ago version two was released. All of the problems that have persisted for years are still here. At this point, it is fair to assume that the developers have abandoned this app. The serious app-killing bugs have gone ignored. Barely any progress in years. Content creators need to stop using this dreadful platform immediately.

    Previous review: “Down-voting another star”
    In the months since my last review, the software has gotten worse. This app drains my devices batteries very quickly, is ridiculously laggy, and impossible to use the chat interface correctly, if at all. It really feels like whoever is in charge has thrown their hands up and said I quit.
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  • App could be more intuitive with swiping.

    When I swipe left after selecting a post, in most apps, it takes me back to where I was previously. On Locals, it brings up a side menu to hop into another community. I really think the app could be better by placing the community tab somewhere else with a different gesture or something, and swiping left would return me to the previous screen.

    That and there is no swiping away a photo from a post to get out of zooming in on it, I have to pick up my fat finger and physically bring it to the corner to press the little ‘X’ button, like it’s 2006 or something.

    So yeah. They need to be more intuitive with gestures.
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  • Wish it were more

    I appreciate that Locals exists, and I use it most days. I pay for two subscriptions on the service. It does seem to crash more than the average app. My biggest complaint, though, is that when I’m listening to a live stream, I can’t navigate elsewhere on my phone. If I want to check something the host is saying in real time, I can’t. I can’t even leave to respond to a text. I’d like the livestream to play in a corner window of my phone, and allow me to access other apps simultaneously.
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  • A confusing mess

    I would think for the fact that I’m paying for this that would be more intuitive but it’s not. I join so that I cold listen to some subscription only continent by Scott Adams. Took me forever to figure out how to find it. They really need to take the effort to improve the interface.
    Considering that we are basically paying for podcast, it is beyond my understanding that I cannot download and play the podcast with my own personal flair.
    Because of the ineptness of the player that comes with this app, I would like to use my own app that would give me the features I need, and make the service much more useful.
    I literally download the free version of the contacts and listen to it and then come back to Locals and struggle through the interface to get to the point where I get the premium part of the continent.
    This is crazy.
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  • Predator Poachers

    These guys are awesome! They go from state to state and confront pervert having conversations with children online and get them arrested. Alex is excellent at what he does. I highly recommend everyone becoming a supporter and watching him take down these sick individuals and keeping our children safe !
    Thank you Alex and Team, keep up the excellent work you do to keep children safe!
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  • Unfollowing a community or person need some work on

    We’re not following a community or person does not stop you from getting their notifications their updates and you still see them in the timeline. You have to manually stop all notifications and even after you have done this are you still see the community or persons post on your timeline when you just want them gone.
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