User Reviews: BirdNET

Top reviews

  • Lost all Recordings. Great Otherwise

    App worked amazingly for quite a while, until it didn’t. It would crash every time I tried to open my observations! No updates were available, so I thought maybe I would delete and redownload the app hoping that would help. I naively assumed all my observations would still be there. Wrong. I can surely open my observations list now but it is empty now and everything I ever recorded is gone. Wish there was a way to make an account or something. Really just a way to ensure your recordings are automatically linked to you and retrievable somehow would be nice. I had no way to even save them manually before doing it since it would crash every time! Very upsetting and frustrating :( Loved it otherwise.
  • Works great

    Turn this on instead of reading social media or news and enjoy being present in nature. Reminds me of real life Pokémon where you can even get a cool education reading Wikipedia about each species you find.

    The geolocation and noise feature on history is great.

    I mainly capture Florida birds
  • Needs ability to filter common non bird sounds

    We live in a rural suburban neighborhood
    and between the lawnmowers, leaf blowers, weed eaters, jet aircraft overhead, and constant crickets, the App will give us results for birds when there actually zero songs anywhere nearby.

    There should also be a much better way to isolate the selections that you can see. It’s pretty easy to tell what’s an artificial sound, a dog barking, or a trash truck driving passed.But there’s no way to select and select just a bird sound.
  • What? No owl identification?

    Works pretty good, but has no owls listed for birds in our area and cannot I’d the hoots.
  • Awesome App!

    This is an awesome app! It is easy to use and extremely accurate. So glad to have it. Thanks for inventing it.
  • Overall great despite some issues

    First of all, this is a fantastic tool! You need to learn how to use it, but once you do it’s quite useful. Keep in mind, it’s far from perfect as a bird ID tool, as it often misidentifies with high certainty. You need to use it with other information if using it to ID. I wish it would use location and date information as Merlin Bird ID does to filter possibilities. For example, it was highly certain this morning’s yellow-green vireo was a red-eyed vireo; there’s no way it could be the red-eyed at my location this time of year. Duh!

    There is one annoyingly missing feature: the ability to bulk delete observations. Or at least to swipe-delete observations. Right now it’s a 3-click process. Multiply that times tens or hundreds…
  • Disappointed

    I found this app on my android phone last summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. This year I I bought an iPhone and couldn’t be more disappointed! It never detects a bird! I’ve been 3 feet from a singing robin and detects nothing!
  • WOW

    This app is mind blowing. It can pick up bird that I can hardly hear and it nails it every single time. Definitely worth the time and I 100% recommended. Great app 👍
  • This is great

    Found the name of the bird that I’ve been looking for over a month. I appreciate this.
  • Great app, but....

    I’ve been using the app for a week and it is very accurate for western Maine birds. Great for the high pitched warblers that are on the edges of my hearing range.

    My biggest issue is that it freezes up and stops analyzing about every twenty analyses. At the times it’s frozen up (with the infinite spinning orb) there has been plenty of cell signal on my phone. Any suggestions of what to do in the field to correct this? Turning the phone off and on does not work. The only thing that works is to delete and reload the app. Big pain while in the field!

    I agree with another reviewer that it would be useful to submit feedback when multiple birds have resulted in the analysis. Often it’s right on one but not on all. Seems this would be good to know.

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