User Reviews: My Olive

Top reviews


    Ever since the latest update, the app WILL NOT PAIR THE HEARING TEST TO THE DEVICES!!! I have REPEATEDLY deleted and redownloaded everything. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes only one earbud works. And that one changes. I can see the possibilities here, BUT IT MYST BE RELIABLE, and is NOT!!! I will not spend this much money again. This app does NOT live up to its advertisement!
  • Good device, lousy app

    Over the past few weeks I’ve loaded, deleted, reloaded, tried to update, deleted and reloaded this app so many times it’s ridiculous. The hearing devices work well, when they work. They depend on the app to work properly though and the app is awful. It demands to be updated but stops working afterwards. Even you manage to get it functional celebrate, but eventually it will disconnect for some random reason and then you are stuck and can’t do anything. It’s so frustrating. It was a lot of money to buy the two sets and now I can’t get them to work. No way will I invest in the upgraded model. They need to get the app functional and respect the users out there.
  • Developer response

    Do you EVER actually help anyone? Everyone who complains you tell them to email you. You have millions Of people reading these. I was about to buy them but after your lack of solution recommendations, I would NEVER order these. The Jabra enhance plus are amazing compared to what these reviews seem to indicate.
  • Works great for me

    I’ve had the Olive “Aid’s” for about a year now. I don’t use them as often as I should. But they’ve worked really well for me. If there’s an issue with the App, reinstall it. It does work and is pretty cool. Run through the hearing test and learn the one-touch settings. Great for listening to music as well.
  • Stays connected…for a while…

    It’s always a crapshoot whether these will connect or not. When they don’t, it sends a message to check your settings in Bluetooth. I try to be on next there, it fails to connect and I get the message to make sure I’m within range…apparently, 4 inches away isn’t good enough! I’ve tried deleting the app and reinstalling.
  • App stuck on permission screen

    The app works buy the app is stuck on a screen that tells me to give bluetooth permissions but even though the ear buds seems to be working i cannot get off of that screen even though i have relaunched the app numerous times.
  • Send them back QUICK!!

    I cannot get them to connect. You get the same “delete the app” message over and over until you pull your hair out and realize you got robbed hard core.
  • Ok if you can read it or if it works...

    This app only seems to work some of the time. I usually have to restat the app and/or completely reconect my ear buds several time before the app allows me to change any setting on the ear buds. Another major shortcomming of this app is the tiny little grey text on the dark grey/black background. Think this one through... What's your target demographic? Presumably alot of folks who are having difficulty hearing are over 40 years of age. Loss of vision is more prevalent with age than loss of hearing. Please can you make this app easy for folks over 40 to read! At least turn up the contrast. I feel like I paid alot of money for a product that has great potential but is being held back by unreliable software that's nearly impossible to see at times.
  • Olive pro app

    I read in the reviews and people had problems with this app. I too had to delete and reinstall this app four times before it started working correctly. MyFirst set of all if Pro buds would never connect correctly to this app. I could hear people on the other side just fine like they said it I was not very clear on theirSide. Finally I had them replace and it still took four times to download and delete before I got the app work right. This app still needs a lot of work

    Developer Response

    Hello. This is a developer from Olive Union. First of all, we apologize for the inconvenience caused from using our app. For a fast solution, please send us a detailed explanation of the issue to the e-mail below. Thank you.
  • User Experience Review

    This review is about the My Olive app, AND the Olive Pro hearing aids; you can’t have one without the other.

    I’ve been using my Olive Pros daily for a month now. They are the first hearing aids I’ve ever used, so I don’t have any direct experience to compare them to. My INdirect experience consists of listening to my mother lament for years about how much $ she was spending on traditional, audiologist-programmed units, and how They Still Didn’t Work. So, it’s in that light which I evaluate the Olive Pro.

    Short version: they seem satisfactory. They definitely help me hear things, and I’m told I no longer shout at people when I’m wearing them.

    The great thing about the Olive Pro app is that you - the user - can change the settings of the hearing aid at any time, for optimal hearing in whatever environment you may be in.

    I fiddle with the configuration a lot; all the different controls. Sometimes I’ll even go to Settings -> Hearing History, and hit “Reset” to max out the volume.

    But, I find that I’m mostly sticking with the profile generated by the Hearing Test, and then tweak the EQ and other widgets from there.

    I suspect I’m running them a bit loud - I almost always have the volume cranked up to 10. I suspect part of me is saying, “I want to HEAR, dammit!” - like Super Hearing - perhaps a sort of overreaction to having Not heard well for years. So, I’m trying to dial them back down to where they let me hear ‘normally’ - insofar as I can figure what that is.

    Also, I am not an ‘audiofile’, but I like to listen to music, and the Olive Pros serve quite well as wireless ‘earbuds.’ The Olive app provides a separate EQ widget for tweaking the sound profile of music, should you want to.

    It also works well with my phone, allowing me to answer calls, talk, and end calls.

    Everyone’s experience is going to be different. For me, for right now, I’m satisfied that they were worth what I paid, and are reasonably effective at helping me hear.

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