User Reviews: PAK IDENTITY

National Database and Registration Authority

Top reviews

  • Does not work

    The app does not work. I keep getting “Error: Service Request timeout” - Regardless of whether I try logging in with an existing account or try creating a new account. If I can’t even get past the first page, then what hope is there of getting my application processed. I am very disappointed in this app. The website was easier to use, but unfortunately that is no longer an option given.
  • App does not work.

    My family is trying to renew our NICOP and POC for weeks. Each time we log on it start the process as new. Fingers and thumbs do not scan. Tried several times. After two hours of trying the finger prints app gave an option of taking picture. Tried over 30 time to take the picture and each time it was rejected. Logged on again and mysteriously option was given to upload the picture from computer. Tried another 30 or 40 times and each time picture was rejected. The picture we were to upload was taken professionally at the Walgreens and was accepted to get the US passport.
    Nothing works, no help. No option given to upload whatever NADRA wanted from us. We are traveling to Pakistan in few weeks. What a low quality product. Hard to use and crashes often. Even the embassy can’t help. They referred to the NADRA complaint website.
    Pathetic!! I would’ve given zero stars if it wa available.
  • Horrible

    I use this app in the past to create my and my kids nicop. Now I need to renew another kids nicop and it says my account not verified. Great, so I provide my CNIC information. Now it wants finger prints??? ( I already provided those ever since I have been applying and renewing my CNIC - 20+ years).
    Ok so I start the finger print scanning process. It fails every single time, no matter what I do! Supposedly, It should fallback and give me paper form. However, the failures goes from 1/10, 2/10 to 9/10 and then every subsequent failure remains at 9/10. No manual form!
    So what I do??

    Also, why do you need my location information in the app? You have my address in the database anyway, why track my location?
  • Doesn’t submit/continue a form application

    When on my
    Last step and checked every box downloaded the form. It won’t let me
    Continue and submit. Now I restarted app and it won’t load in my form where I left off. Please fix these issues. If you want people to use this application.
  • Poor broken functionality

    Doesn’t allow (or even find) option to scan fingerprints, can’t locate existing in-progress applications, is slow and clunky. Massively disappointing.
  • All I get is a large white screen after login

    This app is impossible to use on any iOs device. I have tried several old iPhones as old as a 7+ and even my newer 15pro. They all have the same issue of a large white screen that fills the entire screen and prevents you from doing anything.

    I have no idea how to get my finger prints done because who has ink pads any more to do fingerprints 🤷🏽‍♂️

    Please fix your iOs App and actually TEST your fix on an actual apple device to verify your fixes.

    Why is it that no Pakistani Embassy will ever pick up the phone to answer any questions AND the only response if you email them is to redirect you back to the website 🤦🏽‍♂️

    I understand you personally don't care, but it is a grave sin to intentionally waste so many peoples time in pakistan and for everywhere on the planet with all these forced road blocks and no way to get around it.
  • Coded by a monkey

    Dear coder, I hope you evolve beyond your primitive ape brain into a rational thinking human. This app is full of inconsistencies that PREVENT the user from proceeding forward and the user essentially gets stuck at the step. Buttons don’t work. The UI view is not formatted well and prevents the user from seeing options when selecting from a drop down menu. Just a few things out of many. Terrible experience. Agonizing experience.
  • Not working with POC

    This app doesn’t work at all with the Pakistan Origin Card. You can’t even log into their website without updating your biometrics in the app and you can’t do that because it doesn’t work with the Pakistan Origin Card! Very frustrating!
  • Not a smooth experience, disconnect with the main database

    Without question this is the worst app I’ve ever used, and it doesn’t even have ads.

    1. I can’t modify an existing application I started on my computer because apparently I need a CNIC, which I’ve never been issued.

    2. I tried to do a new application, which went through, but then was told after I paid $100 that my application was deferred because I already had a NICOP. It would make sense to automatically detect that I need to do a modify/renew before filling out all that info.

    3. The requirement to write names and addresses in Urdu is onerous and stupid. Fortunately I learned how to write in Urdu recently, unfortunately the text entry interface blocks the entry so I don’t see what I’m typing. UI design on mobile is horrendous.

    4. They just released an update requiring biometric verification, and after enabling it, I can’t start a new application or modify an existing one.

    Whoever programmed this system should sit down and do some QA, they don’t test anything useful for end users. Typical desi “haan ji kaam ho gaya, ghar chalein” after doing half an hour’s worth of work to make the app worse on a Friday afternoon.
  • It there was 0 stars

    The app seems to have been designed and quality checked by kindergarteners, this is how bad this app is.
    If you want to get upset or get frustrated, just download this app.
    Not sure if anyone ever checks how back this app is

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