User Reviews: MTNTOUGH

Top reviews

  • MtnTough Review

    Out of all of the workout plans I’ve used, this is one of the most difficult and most rewarding. It’s an easy app to navigate for what you’d like to do and how to go about it. It has beginner, intermediate, and expert levels of training, monthly challenges, and much more. I have been using this for almost 5 months now and I already feel the difference before and after I started. It’s one of the best workout programs for any fitness level, and I highly encourage anyone who likes any outdoor activity to give it a shot for 6 months. It will improve your fitness level and you’ll see the results in the outdoors, I guarantee it!!
  • Look no further!!

    I received this subscription from Stone Glacier after purchasing one of their black label products. I had been looking for a program to get me prepared physically and mentally for my 1st hunt coming up in OCT. Absolutely, blown away with the structure and support of this program. Very intuitive. I can tell you if you are searching and comparing different programs just stop and look no further. Commit, follow the daily and weekly program and stay disciplined. You will not only be ready you will surprise yourself what you can become and overcome.

    I am fully confident in the whole Mount Tough team and thank you for your help!

    Looking forward to being an Apex Predator this OCT.
  • Life Changer

    MTNTough has completely changed my life. I’m an ex college football player and fell into some terrible eating and workout routines. I spent year struggling to find a program that fit me and challenged me. I started Elk hunting 6 years ago and immediately fell in love with it. After 3 years of not getting an elk with my bow I decided to tackle my physical fitness and over the last three years I’ve added bits and pieces of the Preseason pre program, nutrition program and last year bough the whole package. I’m still unsuccessful from the standpoint of not having harvested an elk but I’m absolutely successful with renewed discipline, an always challenging program and a passion that allows me to focus on ensuring I’m the best version of myself that I can be.

    Thank you MTNTough!


    “If the hardest thing you’ve done is backcountry hunting, you aren’t prepared for backcountry hunting.” -Cam Hanes
    Well structured programming, intensely challenging workouts, activity specific exercises, unbelievable results. Three weeks into my first Preseason Prep and have already experienced gains in fitness and, most importantly, mental toughness. I thought I worked out pretty intensely on my own, but this is a whole other level. To give you perspective, I was a college track athlete, mountain biker, and triathlete: I know what pain is. That being said, they provide guidance to tailor the program to beginner, intermediate, and elite levels. Awesome library of resources, interesting blog posts, and motivational videos. The built in periodization of the programs is awesome.
    If you follow the program, you will ENJOY your hunting season rather than struggle through it.
    Looking forward to experiencing all of the programs throughout the year.
  • Best App I have ever downloaded.

    Changed my life. I didn’t think it was going to be so consistent with it. But they make it so no easy to follow. The workouts are hard and good but the information is easy to follow and understand. I never leave reviews but this company has done so much for me the last 10 weeks I feel I have to help others to better themselves.

    I started on beginner with the 6 week body weight program. Workouts took me 30-60 minutes a day. It never got easy because by design it’s changing. Stick with it eventually you memorize the movements and you're not as sore. You will wonder if it’s working (another lie) it is working. Keep going. I finished the body weight and now I’m doing the preseason prep. They have a video explaining each program and equipment needed. This simply what i did. Good luck!!!
  • MTNTOUGH Review

    This fitness program has changed the way I look at working out, as well as how I look at every day. It’s worth every penny spent. Across the board, you are getting the best advice and prescription for exercise, nutrition, and how to become the best version of yourself possible. These are some of the hardest workouts I’ve ever done, and they definitely put you in a situation where you learn more about what you’re capable of. I would recommend this program, for anyone who is looking for something that is “more than just a fitness program…”. They say this often, and it rings true to what they are able to provide.
  • Legit

    I have tried numerous apps and workout programs but nothing comes close to what MTNTOUGH has to offer. I have started with the 30-30 No Gear workouts and have seen a vast increase in my physical performance. I think it also has a lot to do with their attention to detail. I often struggle and get frustrated when I have to stop in the middle of my workout to research a certain movement or exercise but MTNTOUGH has succeeded in making sure you do every movement right by showing you “what good looks like.” For whatever they offer the subscription I would say it’s well worth it as they have put a lot of time and effort in ensuring us end users are given quality content. You don’t have to be a back country athlete to reap the rewards of these programs. Being fit should be the goal at the end of the day no matter what capacity you serve.

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