Backgammon User Reviews

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  • Pretty sure it cheats...

    the game is fun, it’s paced right, the graphics are good, but...

    i’m fairly certain it cheats. at first, i wasn’t sure. maybe it really WAS that lucky. so i started keeping stats, and i found that when i’m exposed, its able to roll what it needs to send me to the bar AND cover up, all in the same turn, 80% of the time. i’m not kidding. and there have been more than a few times when i’ve cornered two of its pups in my home and i’ve started peeling mine off the board, then out of nowhere, one doubles after another and it beats me.

    so needless to say, i’m uninstalling this and going with a different, hopefully more honest, backgammon app.
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  • It’s Backgammon...

    ...and it works. I love the environment, sound effects, manner of computer showing move available when touching a pip option, and the fast-pace. BUT... the computer wins 98% of the first rolls, and most all computer rolls are advantageous always to the computer. You can rest assured that if you ever leave a pip open, the computer WILL knock it off! PERIOD! The computer rolls doubles ad nauseum while I rarely receive any, and when I do.... it is when I’m trying to get a knocked off pip back into game play and the doubles I roll are for spots blocked in the computer’s home field. The computer makes “bad moves” and always gets away with it! In a live game with actual people and dice, the game would never be won making such strategically bad moves, but alas... the computer always WINS! I wish the game was more random in dice rolls and favored the computer LESS! I would give the app a 5+ stars rating otherwise. I’m giving it a 4 only for those things first mentioned. As far as satisfaction in game play, it is more of a 2!
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  • OK... but freezes frequently after ads

    Includes 1. Forfeit/concede option and 2. Historical Statistics which is nice. The AI logic is pretty good/competitive at hard setting (perhaps plays too aggressively)... over all fun.

    Ads are too long and frequent and freezes after end of game ad and must close the app to continue.

    I’ve been playing for almost 54 years (grandfather taught me as a child)... backgammon is a game of skill (knowing probabilities) AND luck. I’ve noticed many complaints about the computer “cheating”... a complaint ever computer dice game seems to get... its your imagination folks... just luck/probability... over many games the best player wins more then 50% of lime.... BUT it is really irritating when the computer gets the perfect roll at the perfect time!

    BTW - My results so far for this particular app at hard setting, 7 matches won out of 7 (100% win rate), 45 games won out of 64 (about 70% win rate). And I still think the computer gets amazingly lucky rolls! Perception isn’t reality.
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  • Game is unfair

    I have found your game to be a bit unfair although still enjoyable. Every time I leave a token uncovered the computer always, and I mean ALWAYS rolls what it needs to bounce my token. Then, even if it only has two spaces blocked, it takes me 3 to 4 rolls to get my token back in play. When it is the computer bounced, even if there is only one space unblocked, it always rolls the number which is unblocked on the first roll. The computer rolls doubles on an at least 4 to 1 ratio to me. Something is fishy in San Francisco.....

    I just played a game where there was no way I could lose it...that was until the computer rolled 5 double 6 in a row! Smells fishy in Denmark too....
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  • 30 Second ads before every game AFTER YOU PAY.

    First, The 30 second advertisements before every game are pure torture. Do not buy this app unless, like me, you can’t find a decent Acey Ducey app. By the way, this isn’t a decent Acey Ducey app even excluding the torturous advertising. That brings me to the second issue. If you play anything below “Hard”, you’ll get board fast. If you play the Hard level, the computer doesn’t make more intelligent moves, it simply gets 5-6 Acey Duceys each game to your 2ish. It also gets a ton of doubles and lastly, if you leave a single piece exposed, there’s a 90%+ that the computer will roll the number it needs to bump that piece. If you enjoy Acey Ducey, then like me, you have to deal with games like this and just hope that a company will produce a decent game soon. I hope this helps.
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  • Frustrating, even as it's fun

    I'd give this more starts because it is fun, but the game cheats extensively. It is so clearly weighted toward "the house" that it becomes annoying quickly, even though I love playing backgammon. the computer gets an unbelievable amount of doubles in a row, a highly statistically unlikely amount of doubles. And the computer gets just exactly what it needs so often that there's no way it's an accident. And the computer will almost always win the opening roll.

    I'm going to look for another option and see if the"random" algorithm is any better. Am quite frustrated with this and I'm a long time player.
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  • Frustrated

    Many times I place my piece and the computer moves it, or I put it somewhere and it doesn't understand where it should be. I don't like it when I make a move into a slot and it's moved to the next row. At least be consistent, if unsure. I can't redo my move if you do it.
    I get frustrated when I'm doing well and as soon as my opponent gets close, they start getting a lot of doubles, what's with that! Sometimes their dice tend to roll a little longer. I get hit, then it would take a while sometimes to get in. I hit them they always get in fast and hit me again! Sometimes, I feel this game leans a lot toward my opponent. Thank you.
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  • Suggestions to improve

    Overall I think this app gives me what I want but would like being able to change the way the board looks sometimes. I get bored easily. Also I think all ads are annoying but I was willing to pay the fee to get rid of those and I understand that’s how the developers make money. It’s also kind of annoying how “lucky” the computer is at rolling doubles whenever they are most needed or always being able to get off the center the first time it rolls after being taken. I think that’s how you have structured the different levels. I don’t believe the rolls are completely random like they would be in a real game. Otherwise, a good app.
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  • Greedy and buggy

    For the most part the game seems to work properly and I’ve used it for quite some time now. But there are times where the pieces turn into slivers, and the only way to fix it is to restart the game. The second thing is that this company is tremendously greedy and at the end of every game you have a commercial that takes 5 to 7 seconds versus those that you can just click on to get passed. It would be fine if it was held at the end of every match but to have it at the end of every game is ridiculous. And if you’re going to have it at the end of every game then at least make it so you’re not sitting there for multiple seconds for a game that’s childish at best
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  • Bugs, too many ads and dice rigged.

    This game is programmed badly. The dice rolls are not fair/ realistic similar to live play. If you play the hard level the computer opponent is consistently given better rolls. You lose not because you are a less skilled player but rather the computer opponent rolled several more doubles and always seemed to get that exact roll it needed to capture your single pips. Opposite is true if you play the easy level. The difference on the easy play is the computer won’t capture your pips. Makes for pretty boring game play.

    Sigh the bugs... Like other reviewers, often the pips will become tiny and you have to close out and restart the app. My app is now also stuck on the hard mode which I refuse to play because rigged rolls as described above.

    The ads are too much and too long. Add that with everything else the game is unplayable. Deleting from my iPad for good.
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