ASICS Runkeeper User Reviews

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Three Stars

    The typical running/activity tracking app. I give it three starts for it has the basic functions that this type of app has. It tracks my activities, running, walking, biking, hiking, etc. It offers Challenges for you to keep yourself feel the sense of accomplishment. However, the activities are not special, because you will find them in almost any other apps just like it. I am not a hardcore runner or anything in particular for that matter, so it suits my basic needs.

    Now the two starts it doesn’t earn. The user interface is very boring. At times, it’s rather confuse to do or wouldn’t do what it wants me to do. For example, I want to add the shoes I use to run with. It doesn’t allow you to track the dates where of you are switching shoes during the week. It will not allow me to go back to the day before and add the shoes that I am currently adding today. It will over ride any other shoes on record in between the dates. The accuracy of the distance being track. But then again, this is a hard one for any apps to master, for that matter. However, I run the same distance most of the time, but the app will track it with quite a margin in the differences.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thanks for your detailed review - we always appreciate feedback on how we can improve the Runkeeper experience for our users. In the past year, we have expanded our Guided Workouts and training plan features to offer more variety to Runkeeper users. If you have additional information or ideas on how we can continue to improve our interface, feel free to reach out to our support team at In terms of shoe tracking on Runkeeper, I have attached an article here that outlines how you can keep track of shoe metrics on Runkeeper: At this point in time, it is not possible to set a date range for shoes such as you've described, but we appreciate this thought! You can certainly mention this in your email to our support team as a feature request you'd like to see down the road. In terms of your tracking experience, I have attached an article here that outlines how you can get the best GPS results on Runkeeper: Thanks again for your review, we look forward to hearing from you! :)
  • Longtime User

    I have been using Runkeeper for over ten years and love it - and I used the basic free version. It’s as accurate as any other running app (that I’ve tried), records details of all my runs, shows the route I ran on a map, tracks my various shoes and miles on each. My favorite part is all the stats that can be voiced at each set distance or time. On short runs I set them for every quarter mile. For longer runs, I set for every mile. I have it voice my total time, distance run, pace, current pace, average heart rate and current heart rate. This lets me know if I need to pickup pace or perhaps slow my pace because HR is getting too high. I really like going back and looking at past runs and comparing them to my current runs. I know other runners like different apps and a lot of that is because of familiarity. I’ve tried the most popular ones and I’ll not change from Runkeeper unless something incredible is released.
  • This has helped me so much

    This app creates custom plans for your needs. It created a 6 week plan to run my first 5k, and to my surprise, I am now on week 5. The coaches are fantastic and very motivating. My coach helped me find the strength within myself to keep pushing and keep showing up every time. In 2 weeks, I will have ran my first 5k, and I couldn’t be more excited. If you want to make a change in your life, I recommend this app.
    This app also has features that allow controlling your music from the app. You can select a playlist to start automatically every time you start to run. The app also comes with an Apple Watch app that gives you more control as you run. There is a lot of additional features that make this app worth downloading and buying the subscription. Just give it a try.
    There is a huge library of other plans and runs you can try at any time.
    Lastly, I would strongly advise adding volume controls for the music and the coach separately in the settings. Sometimes my music is far too quiet for me to enjoy, and sometimes it is too loud to hear my coach. This feature would be great!
  • Favorite running app!

    After Endomondo abandoned me, I was at a loss for a good tracking app. I tried Strava and a few others, but this one beatthem all by a 5k! I do pay for the subscription, however, it’s worth every penny. I am now being coached, and am a better runner then before. I am running longer and faster. If someone told me a 5k would become quick cardio day, AND I would have energy left over, I would have laughed in your face. But it’s now my reality. The trainings start super slow, and build at a good pace. If it becomeS too hard, I just repeat the ones before it that I can do until the hard ones become more tolerable and the next thing I know they are the easy session. Every now and then I do one of the very first session that started me off and I can see how far I have come. This is great for those beginning and those who are experienced. It’s nice to have a coach in your corner!
  • Walking with Runkeeper

    I guess my motivation is to try to stay a little healthy. But, walking allows me to find new restaurants, shops and things I missed most of my life by driving. Since May 5, 2020 I have walked 1,155 plus miles, Runkeeper helps me walk a little faster, try a little harder. It helps me not watch TV. At 68 years old, it’s like a little companion. A couple of features I would like to see, a break button or two, one for a bathroom stop and another for a food break. Here’s how they could work, there would be a pause button, if you tap that, you then select bathroom or food stop, bathroom break, 5 minutes, food stop, 30 minutes or an hour, once the app notices your on the move again, it starts itself, but doesn’t speak until you start actually moving more than three or four inches. I sometimes walk 3-5 hours in a day, but, if I stop to eat, sometimes I forget to restart the app. It would also be great, if you had walking contest, not just running. It would probably motivate me to walk even more. Just saying!!! Enjoy!
  • Great motivator!

    This app is wonderful- I’ve only been using it just over a year (still free version) and I must say it’s so fun!
    I’m finding myself using it more all the time. I just love knowing what my stats are ie: mileage and speed, on a hike or causal quick walk around the neighborhood. The different voices you can choose from are fun too- and you can always turn that off if you don’t want to hear it. Being able to track total mileage for a day/week/month, compare to previous months, or set a distance goal and push for it has been really cool and motivating. (Word to wise: Take Baby Steps!) When I feel like I’m not doing great it’s nice to see how far I’ve come literally and figuratively in the last year. (Over 200 miles!)
    Plus- there’s a lot of settings you can fiddle around with and ways to interact more (or less) like turning off the emails. It’s a well made app, almost haven’t had any issues with it- and after I fiddle some more and see how well it’s helping me get back into the almost-daily-walking/ movement saddle, well- I just may spring for the paid version.
  • Thanks for the latest update - Edit, still a glitch

    Edit: although the horrible GPS glitch was resolved, I still have an inconsistent problem with the app starting on my Apple Watch when I start a run from my phone. The watch app opens, but does not begin on its own. It worked yesterday, but not today. And this has been an ongoing problem since before the iOS 15.2 issue. I tried closing both the apps on my phone and watch and reopening, but that didn’t resolve the problem. Frustrating.

    Original post:

    After 10 years of using Runkeeper, I was ready to move on because of the recent glitch with iOS 15.2. My app would not track my runs unless I had the app open and visible on my phone, and the connection to my Apple Watch was inconsistent. I only wish the issue had been avoided or fixed more quickly. Would have saved a couple weeks of frustrated running experiences. Glad it was resolved.
  • I am finally a runner!!

    I have HATED running my entire life. My mom and sister are the marathon running people that I thought were crazy. We run a 5K every year on Thanksgiving and I have always hated it. This year after the run I decided that I was going to try to start running. My sister suggested this app to me and after the first 3 trial workouts I fell in love with it (not the running, but the app). I trained for and ran my first 5K and was amazed when I could actually run the 5K without taking a single walking break (considering the fact that I couldn’t successfully jog a single mile before). Only 3 months after getting this app I jogged an entire 5 miles without stopping. Thank you Runkeeper!!

    Update 1: Thanks to Runkeeper, I finished my first half marathon!

    Update: I decided that I wanted to start doing more strength training went to cancel my Runkeeper just to find out I was too late and my yearly subscription had already gone through. I emailed customer service and they were so happy to help me! Not only is Runkeeper an amazing app, their customer service is exceptional!
  • Lost data

    I have used runkeeper for several years and recommended to others. I have been very satisfied but now I have a major problem. On Monday 4/8/19 after walking I reviewed my progress and found that all my accumulated data had been lost for 2018 and up to the 8th for 2019. I attempted to reboot my iPhone but no solution. Assumed after my walk today runkeeper would at least update the two weekly walks. Nothing! I have searched all avenues of the app but cannot find a means to seek help from runkeeper hopefully this review will reach their techs or someone who has faced this issue. I’m not complaining rather I am just seeking assistance in a solution to my problem. Today, 8/3/21 experienced loss of data daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Same as lost data review above. Sent three emails to support address but no response. There is no phone # to call so no response equals no solutions. This is a terrible customer service protocol for a longtime user who has recommended RK to numerous individuals.

    Developer Response

    Hi there! So sorry to hear about this. It is possible you have multiple accounts that is storing your missing Runkeeper data. If you contact with a screenshot of an activity that is missing, we can use this to help locate your account. We aim to respond to all customer service requests within 24 hours, so as long as you are emailing that address, I assure you we will respond. We're happy to help :)
  • I love Erin - Runkeeper changed my life

    I was not an exerciser. I was not fit. Mid-pandemic I decided I’d better get my lungs in shape in case I caught COVID. I was 51 (female). With Erin’s coaching in the “my first 5 K” program I became a runner! I started may 1st 2020. It is now mid January. I had a bit of a fall off in December- I’m learning to run in the cold. I have run over 370 miles since May 1st, I have lost 30 pounds, I can run 8 miles without stopping. And I had no major injuries. I’m in the middle of the “run a 10 k” training. I’ve had to re start 3 times (winter-cold-Christmas). But I feel like I have a lifelong habit now. My recommendations for new runners with a little extra weight and some knee pain (1) get new shoes and change them out every 250 miles (2) glucosamine and chondroitin supplements (3) let Erin coach you through the first 5 k. You will hear her voice in your head forever! (That’s actually a good thing-,I missed her a lot after that program was over. They should have her do more re)

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