ASICS Runkeeper User Reviews

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  • Overall very satisfied

    This app can be a bit glitchy at times (every once in a while it will just act like I haven’t been running at all for the past five minutes since my last audio stat, saying I’m still at the same distance I was before - maybe this is an issue with gps though…?) but overall I like it a lot. I find I can customize it more than other running apps, which I appreciate.

    There are a few improvements that, if made, would definitely make this a 5 star+ app, most of which fall under the Custom Run function:

    When setting up repeats of slow/steady/fast intervals by *time* (not distance intervals) I still would like to be able to repeat my intervals until I hit a specific *distance.* Example: 2 minutes fast, 1 minute slow, repeat: until I reach 3 miles. A similar ability under the Pace function would be great.

    I have used the app in both its free version and paid, and you really do get a lot out of the free version, so that’s awesome. When I do pay for the app, I’m generally training for something specific, and want to use the Customized Training Plan function. My one complaint there, is I’d like to be able to tweak my plan once I’m in it, without having to cancel and start over. Twice now I have started a plan, only to realize I set either a too ambitious or too modest goal, and the pace of the plan isn’t working for me. You should be able to adjust the end goal without canceling the plan.

    Change those things, and this app would be darn near perfect.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for sharing your suggestions and feedback with us. We can forward these to our developers. If you encounter any problems in the app, especially regarding GPS, please reach our customer support team at for further assistance. Thank you!
  • Used to love - now not so sure

    I loved Runkeeper for back when I was doing outdoor runs. Now I am on the treadmill (easier on the joints and now don’t have to worry about daylight or weather). The “stopwatch” mode is supposed to be used for indoor running. I have two major issues with it. First, every time I close the app it switches back from stopwatch mode to GPS mode, so I have to switch it back at the start of every run. Second, for my training plan a lot of the runs are broken into intervals based on distance (not time), and/or the warm up is based on distance; well the app can’t tell your distance when on a treadmill, so you are just stuck in that interval and it doesn’t proceed on. There’s no way to change the interval to a time instead, and/or no button to go to the next interval. I have to write down the intervals and do them manually on the treadmill, and then manually enter the run into the app. I really enjoyed the app before but now because of this I am just not using it. It is not robust enough for indoor running sadly.
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  • Love the app, needs some tweaks tho

    While I wouldn’t call myself a runner, I’m definitely a person that runs consistently and this app helps me track my runs and stay consistent. I bought the paid version last fall because I wanted to explore the paid features, particularly the training programs as I was looking for something to keep me accountable while still being feasible considering my fitness level and lifestyle. I’ve done the 5k guided training, which I love. After a winter break I started a gentle training regimen with the app. I picked three workouts a week that are about 20 minutes in length. These are adjusted as you progress through your regimen. The frustrating thing is that there’s no option to “pause” your training program if you need to (maybe due to small injuries, weather, lack of access to safe running locations, etc.). So the program will either progress whether you completed that week’s training or you have to end the program entirely and restart from square one. If there is a pause button, I haven’t been able to find it easily. Please add a pause button to the training programs!!!
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  • Needs to have achievement for elevation gain from where you start

    I have used this app since 2013. I have never given it a thought with the “highest elevation” achievement badge until last week. I ran up Stone Mountain near Atlanta GA and was sure that height would have gained me my achievement badge. Long and behold, I checked it afterward and it wasn’t even close! App said I achieved “580 ft” which was way short of my current achievement of “1020 ft.” However the 1020 ft was from one of my runs in my hometown of Washington DC. I know I didn’t run 1020 ft uphill. Little did I know that elevation is measured from sea level!!!!! Useless stat!! Would I have broken every record running around mile-high city of Denver?! The developer needs to reprogram the app to track the height more accurately... differential elevation height of a runner’s progress is more useful.
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  • Great and Simple to Use!

    This app is really helpful for people of all categories of running. It’s lighthearted, cheerful, enthusiastic, and very encouraging. After a few times of usage, it is one of the easiest running apps I’ve encountered. There are a LOT of features you can access that help with different areas of expertise and determination levels. It’s even pretty good for those who aren’t looking for a community aspect to their exercising (although it does offer a community aspect). Overall, it helps you keep track of a lot of different measurements, and the voices for announcing your stats are adorable! Honestly, that’s my favorite part about this app. I only wish there were more! I think it’s really fun to alternate between the voices depending on your music and what kind of exercise you’re feeling that day.
    I haven’t yet tried setting goals, but there are some pretty good options for them! There’s also a planned marathon-type option for those who are looking to really get serious!
    Overall, this app is really helpful, unique, and fun. Hope everyone enjoys it!
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  • New issue: manual entries and Apple Watch

    I have use Runkeeper for about 10 years and loved it. Then I got an Apple Watch. I was excited that I could use them together and even tried to overlook the glitches. But in the past 2 weeks or so I noticed adding exercise equipment (e.g. a treadmill) wasn’t an option for manual entries and also noticed when I entered a manual [treadmill] entry so it would record in Runkeeper, it is giving me double Exercise points on the watch and Fitness app (the green ring). I noticed it a couple times so did a test this morning. It was true. Did a quick 5 minutes on the treadmill. Fitness ring went up 5 minutes appropriately based on heart rate, etc...from wearing the watch. I went into Runkeeper to manually enter the distance and time from the treadmill, and in the 1 minute it took me to manually enter the info, the Watch’s green exercise minutes went up by another 5 minute. Please help! I would like to still wear my watch when I’m on the treadmill...but also want the distance/times tracked on Runkeeper. I just started using the treadmill instead of outside GPS activity only, so maybe it’s something I’ve clicked in terms of how it’s reading/writing with the watch? Thank you!!!
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    Developer Response

    Hi, we'd love to chat more with you about how we can improve the indoor tracking experience! If you'd like to speak with a member of our product team, please reach out to and mention this review.
  • Runkeeper Go Training Plan doesn’t Sync Correctly

    I purchased Runkeeper Go for the training plans and now regret it. I was excited to see that each training workout showed up on my watch. However, half the time it doesn’t sync correctly. The first two runs done this way showed up in the training log section, and in the regular Runkeeper log correctly. Then, one run didn’t show up in the training log section, but was in the regular log. That meant the training section kept reminding me to do the run and didn’t count it as completed. I had to delete the run and add it back in manually. I tried to contact support on that but never heard back. Then, yesterday, I did another run and it logged in the training section fine, but it was duplicated in the regular log - with one entry showing the red triangle as not synced. When I removed that one, it also deleted it out of the training log. So, I once again had to delete the whole thing and add it in manually. This defeats the whole purpose of having this app. I wish I would have never wasted my money on the upgrade.
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  • Calorie Calculator Quirks

    The app works great except for the calorie calculator.
    My health insurance provider has a fitness tracking program where you can earn points that can be redeemed for prizes including gift cards which basically gives you cash. You earn points based on every 100 calories burned during a workout.
    When I ride my bike Runkeeper will show the current amount of calories burned. After I save the workout and review the calories burned in the feed tab Runkeeper will have added calories to the amount it was showing when I saved the workout.
    When I walk Runkeeper will deduct calories when I save the workout.
    There is nothing worse than ending up with an amount of calories burned that is just under the next 100 calorie total. I have ended up with an amount ending with 99 calories multiple times. If I would get an accurate count before I save a workout I could easily go a little longer (sometimes literally walking or riding for a few seconds) to get to the next 100 calorie total.
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  • Good but not great

    main issues :

    It’s not a perfect timer or distance tracker. Which would be fine it becomes increasingly inaccurate if you forget to stop the app after the run or pick up a phone call during. It skews your whole log because the app doesn’t allow you to adjust run time or distance. So say I forget to stop the app after my morning run of 2.5 miles at an average pace of 10 minutes a mile. It will track me as having 3.1 miles at an average pace of 25 minutes— having spent the last 30 minutes in the shower and getting ready for my day. My only option is to save the inaccurate record or delete it. Another example is having picked up a phone call half way through my run to tell them I would call them back. I kept running but the app stopped tracking. There was no way of adjusting it to reflect the additional mile I had actually run. The overall record on my app is now very in accurate.

    Secondly, the app is constantly prompting you to set a goal and listen to a running coach. Goals don’t help me and I prefer to listen to podcasts, music, or nothing while I run.

    Its easy to accidentally quick start your run in the goal section. Which means the coach audio starts playing over top of what I actually want to listen to which won’t turn off unless I cancel the run and start a new run.

    It’s great for sharing my run with friends though. Love it for that aspect.
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  • Inundated by sex advertisements

    Well, I thought I would love this. The subscription service has good traits and I like the training programs that are customizable to specific goals and current activity level. The app lets you know how fast you’re going and calls out whether you’re at target or below at intervals you select. Great!
    Two problems I face that make me wish I had never installed it.
    1) the maps interface consistently under-measures my distance. I have gotten so obsessed with this I went on a run with THREE additional devices, all of which showed that I had gone farther than RunKeeper gave me credit for. I suppose this is great if you want your race time to be faster than practice?
    2) I consistently get messaged by users on the app who are advertising hookups or hot singles near me. I had to re-check my privacy settings to see that my activity was only visible to friends, but it turns out MAPS are hidden but activity is default visible to everyone. Getting pinged by users with half-naked profile pics is just a super duper turnoff. Runkeeper needs to do a better job moderating the community so that this is a safe space to work out, not a skeezy spam source.
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