Tumblr User Reviews

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  • A Weird, Wonderful World

    Tumblr is not for everyone, and it isn’t meant to be. It’s a weird place where people let their freak flag fly. It’s for people who want to immerse themselves in stories and ideas. Some of those stories are NSFW. I, personally, won’t let my kids on Tumblr until they are mature enough to navigate away from things they aren’t ready for… or when they become adults, whichever comes first. I actually appreciate that there are a lot more filters than there used to be because, unfortunately, there are people out there who will exploit others and Tumblr should not be giving them a platform. That said, I would recommend that Tumblr add a filter for creators to choose for their content only to be seen by 18+ (or age of adulthood in a region). I, personally, enjoy reading/writing fiction that would be inappropriate for younger audiences but, like many content creators, am responsible enough to indicate that it isn’t meant for children. Most writers include disclaimers on their work stating that underage users should not engage, but for many kids that just makes it seem that much more exciting and harder to resist. Let’s go ahead and give content creators the tools to help protect kids, most of us would use it.
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  • I’ve had a tumblr for essentially all of my teenagerhood and adult life

    I’ve waited 13 years to review tumblr. It was the first social media account I was allowed as a 14 year old (not really the smartest choice given how easy it was to find certain things on old tumblr lol) but I can honestly say that in my 13 years as a tumblr person, as my account has shifted from moody black and white couples, to witchy emo stuff, to entirely avatar the last airbender, and finally to a horrifying mixture of all of these things plus memes, I love tumblr. I never feel like my self esteem is at risk. I find the community fun and engaging and I love the amount of anonymity it provides me in a world of other very self focused social media outlets. People on tumblr joke about different bugs over the years, but overall I find it to be consistently great to use, allowing me to make my page look (and sound) exactly how I want it to. It’s a little time capsule of my journey through adolescence and one of my happy places. :) I like the little twists the dev team puts in like fun new graphics and icons. I don’t utilize “live” at all but that’s just preference. In summary: after 13 years of mulling it over, I’m happy to report that tumblr is great
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  • It gets worse

    I’ve been using this app for the better part of ten years. I can assure you, every single update (with the rarest exceptions) makes it even worse. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve felt a sense of dread when I notice another update ready to be downloaded. I loathed the change where the search tab was replaced with tumblr’s weird version of IG reels so you can’t search for anything easily without remembering to manually turn it back to search every week. (Yes, every week. There’s no option to permanently change it back.) With this most recent update — where they move the profile tab in lieu of the tumblr market — it makes this app nearly unusable for me. Gone are the days of being able to easily access your own blog, settings, etc. Instead, you get a whole section dedicated to a store that you have zero interest in and will never ever buy from. The profile button is now hidden on the dashboard. You click on it, you cannot save your scrolling on your dash. You cannot switch over to another tab without completely exiting out of your profile. If I ever use tumblr again, I’m only using the online site via my computer. I can’t stand the way the app works now and I know this is going to cause issues for so many other people. I doubt any of these problems get addressed either. In the past decade, staff has shown no interest in listening to what their user base is needing or asking for. Terrible updates always stick around. This time, I refuse to.
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  • staff is no longer trying to hide how little they care for their user base

    i turned off autonatic updates on my phone Specifically so i wouldnt get this layest update and it STILL went through. since tumblr became more “profit motivated” or w/e the quality of the app has taken a STEEP decline. first there was blazing posts, which, for $10, allows you to submit your post so that 1000 random users will see it. since theyve rolled this feature out, theyve allowed proselytizing, multiple forms of bigotry, SU***DE NOTES, nsfw, and pointless venting to be blazed, all while claiming they have actual people review all the posts that are submitted before theyre blazed. after that they added a feature called “post+” i have no idea what it does because no one uses it. after that it only went downhill, with the addition of the tumblr store, an addition of a “tumblr live” feature that collects MOUNTAINS of data on you in an attempt to emulate tiktok, edited the image format so you can no longer zoom in and the video format so you cant rewind or fast forward videos, and replaced the account button on your toolbar with the tumblr shop button. the userbase has been telling staff over and over that we dont want any of this, and they wont listen. meanwhile theyll ban people for even slightly insulting anyone on staff while allowing LITERAL N*ZIS AND T*RFS to run rampant and refusing to do anything about them no matter how many times theyre reported. but sure, they added polls. great job staff.
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  • Rollback the recent update on 2/7

    The most recent Tumblr update does away with the account tab completely, replacing it with the marketplace. You can only access your account from the dashboard and are unable to save where you were scrolling on your own blog because it is only accessible from the dashboard through the app. This makes the app unusable for many users and is just an altogether an odd choice to implement on an app that claims to focus on personal blogging. Why take away the tab that allows your user to view their own blog? Why? Moving the search bar to the top was already a bad choice because it made the user experience worse. This is just another example of poor choices by staff. I can only see them implementing worse changes as time goes on, turning this app into a bad copy of Tikok or Instagram. None of us want that type of user interface. The appeal of Tumblr is its since of community and it’s personal feel. Pushing an interface that makes the app more impersonal is a terrible choice.

    Tumblr Staff, your user base is not interested in a Tiktok/Instagram-like experience. We want to be able to see our own blogs easily, we want to be able to search tags without jumping through hoops, etc. We are not interested in having a tab for the marketplace at the bottom of our screens. Leaving it as a ribbon would be fine, like it was before. We don’t want to be able to livestream or post short form videos. Tumblr is a blogging platform, leave it that way.
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    Seriously WHAT make u think replacing my button to go to my profile with a SHOP ( THAT I CANT EVEN USE I DONT HAVE A CREDIT CARD ) and putting the profile button as a POP UP that i cant even go between my profile and notifications tabs because theres no tabs because its a pop up
    I can not put in words how much I hate this. Instagram changed their tabs to have a shop and reels instead of notifications and new post and I stopped using it mostly because i never got use to it so please dont say ill just get use to it cause I wont. I dont use reddit on my phone completely because my profile is up on the top right as a pop up instead of in the tabs and i hate it. and I hate this tumblr was one of the only apps that still had a good tabs navigation thing and youve ruined it
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  • I love the h3ll site but there’s an important issue

    This has always been a fun site to post about niche interests and build fun communities, but there’s one major problem. Lately my three accounts have been targeted by bots and nothing I do is stopping it. I tried clearing my cache, changing usernames, and utilizing the block and report option as always, but the three accounts keep getting artificial mass follows by porn bots. It’s annoying because I get spammed with notifications that new accounts are following me and it’s always accounts with generic stock images a women, weird emoji filled bios that say random things as well as innuendos and they have zero posts or headers. It been plaguing the platform as others have spoken on it and it’s annoying that y’all have done nothing to stop the artificial creation of accounts and mass following. It’s annoying to have to block and report several accounts everyday only for the same thing to happen because multiple artificial accounts are being created. Please do something to combat the issue and confirm that users creating accounts are genuine and not fake. otherwise I love tumblr and appreciate how it’s the only genuine social media platform that’s not trying to conform to the corporate, capitalist, tiktokification or social networking.
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  • Dear Tumblr: no one but porn bots want to livestream

    New stupid update, they replaced the search tab, AKA the button directly next to home and the only way to SEARCH for things with the new live button (yay!!!!) You have to go through three confusing settings screens to find how to turn off the feature, with the option conveniently at the very bottom, and low and behold! You can snooze it (horray!) don’t start celebrating yet though, our benevolent staff decided that this feature was too good to pass up on users who mistakenly decide to never use it by having the live button pop back up EVERY SEVEN DAYS. You have to manually navigate through the settings screens every single week If you want yo get your search function back. I wouldn’t mind if this was like one of the million features that Tumblr users never use, but the fact that it is seen as so essential that it comes back EVERY WEEK unforgivable. Also this live streaming real time location feature is probably attracting all the porn bots that I have to constantly block everyday from my mostly inactive blog.

    TLDR: The new live feature is an unbearable new feature that wishes to de-anonymize users and possesses a sus TOS and is the newest ploy to try to become profitable by trying to be instagram trying to be TikTok.
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  • What social media should be

    This is a genuinely enjoyable site / app. It’s not overwhelming or tiresome to use. It doesn’t try to make itself addictive - I don’t feel sucked into a vortex but it’s so pleasant that I still keep coming back. Users don’t get stuck in a validation loop, seeking ever-increasing metrics to feel like you’re cool or pretty or whatever. We’re people, not data, and the user experience reflects that. There is plenty of photos, but not in an overwhelming layout, and there’s plenty of text too. There is a corner for any imaginable niche or interest. The search feature works well. There isn’t a bunch of loud or annoying video or noise to clog up the feed. There are actually three feeds, which is really nice and lets me focus on what I want to see on a given day. There’s flexibility to focus on community connections or to just be a bit of a loner and browse quietly. I can personalize my profile and make it a reflection of my tastes. The app doesn’t change constantly and dizzyingly, which is so nice.
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  • Safe haven

    Honestly, for me tumblr is my safe haven. Not many friends/family know what my tumblr is and I’m ok with that. I’m free to reblog/post anything I please. I mostly use tumblr for dnd, fanfics, art , games and other funny stuff that shows up every now and then. I like to choose tumblr over the other media because the other media’s just feel way too crowded, Interface and people in general wise. Tumblr does have a decent size community which is great, it just feels more calm than instagram or facebook. That might just be my opinion.
    And the staff actually makes posts too.
    I like reading off tumblr because some stories can be long and others short and sweet. people even post their stories from AO3 to tumblr. you can kind of stay organized by the tags which hasn’t been a problem for me, though I do wish there was a better organization system. I also like the fact of being able to change the colors of your page other than simply black or white.
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