Grindr User Reviews

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  • Catering to the hot ones

    I can’t blame the app for this but I can blame the developers for allowing every white male to break the conditions and rules of Grindr. How many times do you see a white male in his underwear with the lining of his penis? (All the time) or any other “attractive” male. If any other race or person does that their picture is immediately removed. The culture that Grindr calls “inclusive” is the exact opposite. Grindr has been the worst experience when it comes to advertising of sexiness in races and culture. The LGBT community and the rest of the world as a whole is also to blame for this lack of consideration. Downloading this app was one of the worst decisions I have ever made in my life. Grindr and its developers are out to take our money and that’s it. The subscription prices are out of hand, and the amount of ads you see are insane. Scruff doesn’t force you to watch an ad to satisfy their ad experience. There are also more features and more people to see on Scruff. Grindr has been around longer yet fails to evolve into a more developed platform. The amount of times the app crashes or slows a device down is immeasurable. Fix it!
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    Developer Response

    Hi clownfest, We are sorry that this is your view point. Our photo moderation guidelines are applied evenly to all of our users. Our moderators are specifically trained and what looks like the same photo to an untrained eye can look very different to a trained moderator. We continue to review and update all of our guidelines so that they are as clear as possible on what can and can't be posted.
  • Warning about Grindr

    What I want to say about this app that I really love Al lathe great people love have met and spoken to in it, the problem is that way too many people flake on the app or do not respond to you quickly so there’s a tendency to be somewhat upset and stressed out when you are on the app due to people playing games and making what you want to happen whether it’s a date, an interesting chat talk, hookup, and so on not happen and it leads to unhappiness and just stress. So if you download Grindr, know that you will have to have tough skin dealing with people like that cause it will have an effect on you 9 times out of 10. The stress and anxiety might come indirectly, but somehow, flakers have a way of affecting people by not meeting the need you are looking for on the app. Some people want to be in a relationship, want to hookup, go on a date. It’s hard to do all those things if I people are flaking and are leaving you with no response to the chat that is started. It’s so upsetting and stressful man!!!!
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    Developer Response

    We hear you on this! It can be tricky to navigate the landscape of dating/sex/friendship no matter what. We recommend checking out our My Tags feature to find your best matches to make things a little bit easier 😊

    They are FORCING you to update. With every update there are less and less guys on your feed and access to les and less features. They constantly limit your feed and create blocks with the explore feature. Its bad enough you have to watch the ADS after every message, they do everything to inconvenience you, waste your TIME, just to corral you into buying premium when you are simply trying to connect with a few people on the grid. If I cant see all the guys in my small town within a 5 mile radius, theres something WRONG with that! Its ALSO discrimination against low income individuals, people of color, and minority communities. especially when they REMOVED the feature that let me find my own people, you cant search by “race” anymore, so if you want to connect with your own people, GOOD LUCK! I shouldn't have to use the EXPLORE feature just to find my own people, and even with that they limit you to 3 “free” searches per day. They basically gentrifying the digital space, so if you poor and cant afford premium, guess what, you miss out!!!!! 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
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  • Suggested app improvements

    Some feedback for the design and product teams:

    There are some back to basics improvements to the app UX which would make a big difference to how easy it is to use Grindr. Especially around navigation actions that people do constantly.

    Can you please (re) introduce edge swipe to exit-back-to-grid from the profile page? It’s such an important navigation gesture, and having to always tap the “<“ icon in the top left is super cumbersome.

    Also… it would be great if you could have swipe left and right to navigate through photos in an album. Trying to force the Instagram stories tap-to-next image affordance just doesn’t really work in this context. Even better would be to allow zooming in and out of photos without having to tap and wait (that’s something you can do from anywhere in IG which is an excellent capability).

    Lastly, performance: the whole app is going slowly, but there are 2 key areas that drive me crazy: tapping into a profile, tapping to exit a profile, and tapping the little flame “tap” feature. Everything has slowed to a crawl. Pause work on new features, and devote a sprint or two to improving app performance.

    As the saying goes: performance is a feature.

    Thanks so much!
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  • This version is giving a more neg experience

    Grindr updated but left out all those who don’t have iOS 13! Switched to A4A and realized how much better that app is!!! This app seems more and more cumbersome to use. With the company’s goal to get clients to upgrade to a higher paying tier, it becomes more tedious to process through searches as the program sends you into the profiles you could view but need to upgrade to view them. This continues to create negative experiences and unending frustration. Also it’s obvious that when you do upgrade that the profile aren’t the same ones you will view after upgrading which is disappointing. And finally it looks like the profiles you are interested in and of people who are frequenting the app less and less?! Disappointing is not descriptive enough! I am actually logging on less and less!
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  • May as well rebrand your name to “Greedy”

    With each update, you get less and less options for free users, and soon it will be unusable, unless you pay. While I don’t mind paying, these prices are far too steep for what you get. Not to mention you might drop $80-$100 only to find you’ve been banned shortly after with no explanation as to why. (Yes developers, I’ve seen your responses to other reviews on this matter, but I know too many men in my own circles that are evidence to the contrary. Bottom line is your moderation system is terrible.) Speaking of my own circles, no one ever has anything good to say about this app. They just treat it like a necessary evil they have to put up with. I’m beginning to seek alternatives, and encourage others to do so as well. I would rather pay for a platform that provides me with some kind of benefit to do so, not because I feel like I’m being squeezed in a vice and have no other choice. Just keep in mind, it’s a slippery slope. The more unusable you make it, the less users you’ll have in your base, the less likely users will see value in paying for anything no matter what the price is at that point.
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  • Really going downhill since I was last using it.

    Honestly this app used to be really good at one time. But honestly it’s on a decline for me. Between the spam accounts, nothing being done about reporting abusive accounts, and the biggest is everything is becoming xtra on the app.

    I can understand needing to make money from an app and rightfully so but honestly with the newest update and now the fresh section only lets you view 6 people and anymore is now xtra when before you could view 20 people. And before that it was 5$ to use xtra for 24 hrs now it’s 10$. Everything in the app is pretty much going xtra now.

    I laugh thinking one day I’m going to open the app and it’s gonna say “xtra to open the app”. Like I said I can understand making money off the app but there’s a limit between making money and annoying consumers who use it by starting to limit it especially when there’s ads running almost every time you click on something in the app.
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  • I’ll never be back

    Not entirely by choice I’ll admit. But it’s time. I’ve hated Grindr and it’s toxic environment for long enough. After having my account banned countless times for no reason, no communication for explanation etc. I know there are others who have experience this. After just subscribing to extra 3 or 4 days ago then getting my account banned, because someone was rude to me, called me stupid in the app, and was upset when I then politely declined them.
    This sort of thing is all too common with this app. There is no other behavior or engagements I have prior to being banned each and every time this has happened. After paying money this time though for a more optimal experience, I am officially cutting my losses as I don’t expect trying for a refund is worth my time, imagining the lack of customer support. This app has always felt monitored by bots, from profile picture approval, to actual bots being in chat, and then the banning of accounts for … maybe I’m crazy… something I shouldn’t have been banned for.
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  • If you’re college-age, prepare to get banned!!

    If you’re college-age and/or young-looking, do not get this app!!! I had this app for two weeks, more or less. Everything was going great. Then suddenly, 3 days ago, my account was banned. No warning. No given reason either. Although my theory is some jerk thought I was under 18 (I’m 19, mind you!) and reported me, and the moderator who reviewed my account also just assumed I was a minor too without asking for any kind of verification. I’ve filled out 3 ban appeal requests; the ONLY way I can reach out to them about this, by the way. No response to any of them. Not even a “sorry for the delay, we’re busy right now.” I know they‘ve had a glaring underage-user problem for a while now, but if this is how they go about it – banning people they ASSUME are under 18 – they’re doomed. I don’t even know if that’s why they banned me, but I assure you I was literally doing NOTHING against their terms of service, so this is all I can think of. If you’re young or young-looking, STAY AWAY!
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  • Scary ToS and PP

    Sure they’re transparent but if any of the users actually read their privacy policy it might make even the most purest of users cringe. They are transparent with their legal jargon though. Update: I appreciate the swift response and the clarification of the intended means of data collection. As well as Grindr LLC’s commitment to privacy and security of personal information collected. It’s nice to see a responsible developer just trying to provide people with a service they love. However the generic auto-repost served in rebuttal to my review left me feeling less than of an importance. I furthermore appreciate the effort to direct me to the Privacy Policy. Again, however it was made in vain since the review was authored in response to my reading of the privacy policy and also with SDK tracking vendors such as Vangle if I’m not mistaken. So I am fully read up on the data collection process and selling of. I’m also a college graduate. Thank you again for expressing Grindr LLC’s devotion to security of the personal information which is collected passively and safety. Looking forward to seeing what’s next with the pioneer in digital dating . 👍
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