OneBusAway User Reviews

Open Transit Software Foundation

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  • Reliable app

    I've been using this for daily bus commuting for about a month, and it's been super useful. I find it most effective to bookmark specific stops and routes, then check/refresh these to see my best options. Never had an issue with inaccurate times. Using the GPS to locate nearby stops/routes is also handy when I'm trying to seek different options.
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  • Unreliable

    Missed more buses with this app than without. It frequently will say a bus is 10 minutes late that is on time or early. I felt obligated to write this review because I am currently on a bus that I had to run to catch, and the app still says it’s 8 minutes away from my stop. You’ll be better off looking at the scheduled time your bus will come than missing the bus because of this app’s egregious errors.
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  • Miss this app

    I used this app daily while I moving in Seattle. While not always exactly right, they were rare enough occurrences to easily overlook. I live in LA now and sorely miss this app. Nothing here that I’ve found yet comes close to this app. Please partner with LA soon!!!!!
  • My Dog Red

    After my dog Red died in a house fire, I went into a dark spiral and started to spend most of my time at the casino. I played the only game I knew well, roulette. In honor of Red, I bet on red 7 - the age he lived to. Day in and day out, $100 on red 7. I did this for over a year, and as if God curses me, it never hit and I went through my entire life savings. So now I sit here in a tent, thinking about the loss of my best friend, Red. Why is this relevant? Because I hit red 7 just as many times as this app has correctly predicted the arrival of my bus.
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  • It was good and then it wasn’t

    I used to love this app to death and it saved me a lot of time and stress when I first started tracking my buses with it. However, with this latest update, I’ve found that all the buses I’ve taken tend to be running multiple minutes earlier or later than what the app says. The algorithm has gotten altogether inaccurate over the last year or so. This wouldn’t be as frustrating to me, except that with the latest update the dev team removed the in-app reporting system for issues with bus arrival. I don’t know about you, but I neither want to write an email every time I ride a bus because it was ten or more minutes off OBA’s schedule, nor do I want to continue using an app that’s inaccurate where there’s nothing being done to fix it. Sad to say I’ll be moving to a different transit app.
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  • Get your times on time

    This app will let me know if a bus is coming late or early, but it will let me know at the last minute. I have a life. I have to go to school. I stay in my house in the mornings until 4 minutes before the bus comes because it’s cold. But then it will switch at the last minute and all of a sudden says it’s coming “NOW”. I don’t have that much time to get to the bus at that point, and in turn will miss it and have to wait another 30 minutes for the next bus, by which point my class will be over. Get your app together. These are people’s lives you're dealing with. I have an education to attend to. GET. YOUR. APP. TOGETHER.
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  • Best bus app I've seen

    This app does sensible, useful things, and has a vastly better interface the other transit apps I've seen. It has a developer that apparently cares about making it better, which is practically unheard of. It even has good iPad functionality, and takes advantage of the larger format! I'm from San Diego; when I visited LA recently, I sorely missed this app. Trust me, the alternatives are all much worse. Sure, it's sometimes a little off on the timing estimates between stops. It doesn't handle layovers well, assuming the bus will leave early because it's present before the time it's scheduled to leave. And when a bus stops at the same stop when going in two different directions, I wish it would separate them out into different listings. But if you want to find, with reasonable accuracy, when a bus will be somewhere, and even filter by routes or bookmark frequently used stops, this is a solid and functional app, and if your local transit company makes use of it, believe me, it's way better than anything they would've come out with themselves. I use it often and am frequently pleased at how not-impossible it is to use, which is high praise for an app of this nature. I rarely encounter bugs, and updates actually bring useful improvements. It's a rare thing: a free app I'd actually be willing to pay for.
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  • Needs improvement on real-time tracking

    Often my bus line is not tracked accurately.
    In my living room it stated the bus was on time 10 minutes away
    When I got to the stop it said on time and 23 minutes away but showed up 3 minutes later.
    If a bus is truly 23 minutes away I would choose to walk the 15 minutes it takes me to wait for the second bus I need to take. When decisions are made based on inaccurate information it can be frustrating to watch a bus drive by you didn’t expect to be coming on time. However it’s the only app available and still better than nothing.
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  • A few too many minutes off

    One bus away used to be almost 100% accurate. It’s over the last six months to a year that it has faltered.

    It will show a bus being a couple of minutes away and then a few minutes later, show that it has passed by 2 min ago. Ghosts!!!

    As well, it seems to be 2-4 min min off, no thanks.
  • Puts peace of mind into public transit commuting

    Its not often I go out of my way to leave a review but this app warrants it. As a relatively new public transit commuter, its easy to get confused about which bus and when and all that. “Am i late? Did i miss my bus or is it just running late?” Etc. this app takes away the guesswork and allows you to feel confident while commuting on the public transit. Thank you to the developers for making this intuitive, incredibly helpful app for us commuters.
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