Cribbage Pro User Reviews

Cribbage Pro
Cribbage Pro
Fuller Systems, Inc.

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  • Question Games Realism

    I’ve played cribbage for the better part of forty years now. First, I would question the three different levels of play, the cards are should be dealt the same way whether one is a beginner, amateur, pro unless there is something in the algorithm that adjusts the randomness. The computer’s uncanny ability to repeatedly get hands and blinds is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I’ve played since I was twelve and have seen streaks occur over a few weeks or months with humans but never anything like the computer repeatedly gets. I really question the randomness of this game, and if this is really random then I’ve lived and played and observed games in much different and less skewed world.
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  • CribCrab9999

    My family and I play cribbage quite a bit and have been playing for many years so we’re pretty good at it. The algorithms don’t play anything like “real life”. Case in point (which happens without fail… You get a flush draw. The computer somehow not only gets a flush draw but the same suit. This is a glaring issue with this brand. It does not happen like this with other cribbage programs or in our family cribbage games. Anther glaring issue is that the computer player is dealt nearly identical or complimentary hands way too often.
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  • Statistically NOT!

    I really wanted to like this game - I really did!!
    Can’t play it anymore as it is ridiculous how skewed it is. I have played real cribbage (remember the card version - in person) for 42 years, at a tournament level. There is absolutely no possible way I could lose 11 straight games - like I did playing this game. I CONSTANTLY was dealt crap while the computer was getting 10’s or higher hand after hand, game after game. I couldn’t even win 2 games in a row! Totally NOT statistically possible! The developer can talk “algorithms” & “Independent audits” all he wants - but I know real pro Cribbage & this is definitely not it! I will delete this game & go elsewhere.
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  • Predetermined outcomes

    Regardless of what the developer says, deals and cuts are not completely random. I have played enough games to be able to predict what the cut card will be. If two players of equal ability square off, the winner is predetermined an it doesn’t take long to figure out if you are the winner or loser. You can tell by the hands you get and the cuts. I consider myself a very good player, but days upon days of practically losing every game is outright impossible. I have been selected as the unchosen one, and will never enjoy a fair shake.

    If you think about it, these online games must choose winners and losers beforehand or everyone of high level ability would just trade winning and losing equally and no one would rise to the higher levels.

    Since I have been branded as a loser, I cannot enjoy this game and am deleting it.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, I'm sorry you feel someone is out to get you for some reason. I can't imagine why we would write a game that would constantly cause the same person to lose to the point that it drives them away like that. If we were manipulating games (which we definitely are NOT), wouldn't it make more sense to let you win a bit more often then? We have shown extensively how the game is fair and honest in every respect and it is absolutely using a random shuffle and never stacking the deck or anything else like that whatsoever. The cut card is always the card you select from the spread out deck shown. If you select the 12th card from the top, you will get the 12th card from top. No exceptions. Cribbage isn't just a game of luck, it involves skills as well. That is why it isn't just the computer "deciding" who wins. Most who have studied the game of cribbage understand that the skill/luck ratio is about 60/40. That means that even if you play a "perfect" game, you can expect to lose about 40% of the time. When that happens, yes, you can see it coming in the cards. That is why it is called lucky/unlucky.
  • Deck is unrealistic

    I'm a 30-year cabbage player and have to say that the deck and shuffling are almost always in the computer's favor and unrealistic. In the Go round, the computer always seems to have the right card to hit a run/15/31. In the counting round, the computer always scores much higher in their crib than the player. It seems like the programmers need to look at the software deck shuffling logic and try and make some improvements. Some of the other cribbage apps do a much better job. The different consistent theme I've noticed, after a long enough period of losing on the brutal setting, the app will deal the player huge hand after huge hand, causing you to skunk the PC. It seems like this is a ploy to keep the player engaged long enough to view more ads. I do not recommend this cribbage app and suggest trying some other options.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, as we have shown extensively in the game Help and FAQ as well as multiple blog posts on the topic, the game is fair and honest in every respect and it uses a true random shuffle at all times. No exceptions. No stacking the deck or anything else like that. There is no "ploy" to manipulate the cards or who wins or loses. The computer opponent does do some humanly impossible tasks, like perfect card counting and calculating every possible outcome of every possible card and potential response as well. That is what makes it score more points more often. It really is as simple as that. If you have any questions, please email us at
  • Ok game but deals are not random

    There is absolutely no way the deals are random. I have a MS in data science and I’ve run numbers on this game. If you play enough you will observe what other reviewers have stated. It’s not only in computer vs computer gaming. I’ve seen the same anomalies in multiplayer mode. An absolutely horrible player who was down 38 point just came back to beat me in the final four hands. I was pegging, on average, 4-5 points per hand on this opponent. My hands were average, but I went totally cold in last four deals. He went insanely hot at the same time, getting 3 low probability cuts his way. I didn’t earn more than 2 points in any hand, including crib. This happens fairly frequently. Statistically the odds of this happening once is low; repeatedly is near impossible. I play as a guest - I don’t share any of my info or link to social media, so the developer generates no useful data off me to sell to marketers. Of course the developer will refute all of this, but it’s common sense.

    It’s still a fun game if you don’t mind the fact that you’re going to get hosed periodically. Just don’t get too worked up about it.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, we don't just claim that the game is fair and honest in every respect and using a true random shuffle, we back it up with audits we have shared publicly and even the offer to view the code itself to show this unequivocally. If you have data that indicates otherwise, then please share it either directly with us or publicly so we can have a discussion on detail about the facts. Furthermore, if you are a data scientist who understands what it means to show something as random, then I will also offer you access to the raw data itself, the same data that we use to audit the card shuffle, to conduct a full analysis. We have nothing to hide here. An amazing come from behind win/loss (or multiple of them) simply isn't how science is done to prove anything as random or not. Science is a process, and I would be happy to engage in that process with you if you like. Email us any time at To clarify your implications that we sell customer data, we absolutely do not. The game has advertisements or you can choose to pay to remove the advertising, but we are not selling your personal information to do that. We strictly follow our privacy policy and respect your choices both in the game (your choice to show personalized ads or not) and set on your device. Specifically, if you choose to link your Facebook account to show your profile picture as your avatar (the only thing we do with respect to social media accounts, so I'm assuming that is what you are referring to), absolutely nothing changes with your personal privacy or information in any way. We don't even use Facebook for advertising today (and don't plan to in the future either), so logging in with Facebook doesn't share any more of your information with any advertisers.
  • Slowing phone

    I have had the app for a couple of years and in the last 6 months I have noticed that there seems to be items running in the background slowing down my phone. It also continuelly freezes up and will not work for the game. I can leave and do other things but the app stays locked up. Use to like it now will consider deleting app and find something else. Does work very good if not connected to Wi-Fi:(
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  • GreT app

    Great app Have not played Crib for years as I can not find players. This helps fill the gap. Recommended
  • Great for all skill levels!

    I was taught cribbage in a night and had to keep playing. Was recommended this app and I love it! I like that it has different skill levels but none of them are impossible to play. The scoring is a little quick so beginners (like me) might have trouble figuring out how they score. I have not tried the online feature-want to get a little better!
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  • I’m trying to figure out why it’s fixed, but it’s still fun!

    I primarily play multiplayer. The game isn’t rigged in the sense that when I lose against a better player, I’m throwing a temper tantrum. But rather, it deals excessively good hands to either me or my opponent. In fact, at this point, I’m pretty sure how the game will play out within the first few hands. Wins can feel cheap and losses totally out of your control. I’ve played a lot of real life cribbage as well, and the disparity in points is glaring. My working theory is that it’s much like the rule changes in the NFL. People got tired off watching games end 7-3 (not me-love some defense!), so they changed the rules to make scoring easier and therefore increase viewership/revenue. I guess players find it more exciting to get 24 point hands out of nowhere, rather than grinding out 4-10 point hands which is much more realistic. That being said, the proof is in the pudding, because I’m totally hooked. There are a lot of good players, the gameplay is smooth, and at least the pegging portion seems realistic.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thanks for the review. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the game. Please know that we didn't "make a rule change" or anything else like that. The game is using a true random shuffle every time and never stacking the deck or anything else like that. However, a fully randomized deck for each and every hand can produce results that are not exactly like your physical deck experiences where achieving a fully random deck is more difficult and often not accomplished. If you read through all that we have shared already on this topic and have any questions about it, please feel free to contact us at

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