Pinterest User Reviews

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  • Just a couple things need fixing :)

    I absolutely love Pinterest, I’ve used it for years. The only reason I’m giving it a 4 instead of 5 stars is that recently (meaning a few weeks ago) I realized I can no longer “try pins”. At first I just thought it was a little glitch but seeing as other people have updated the app and said the option is gone is kind of a bummer. I mean, Pinterest is an idea app and a diy place where you share your ideas and how they turned out with other people. How are you supposed to show how it turned out without the try pin? I’d love it if this feature came back. Another thing that disappointed me was that I saw another review saying the sections inside of boards were taken away? Of course, this review was left a year ago but still, I’ve been hesitant to even update my Pinterest in case this is still happening. I use sections inside all of my boards because sometimes I’ll have a board for my house but I section them off from bedroom, bathroom, etc. and it’d be really difficult to find what I’m looking for if that’s taken away. Anyways, I know I just went on and on about all the things I wish could be fixed but honestly it’s not that much and I really do love Pinterest, it’s my favorite app. :)
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  • Love the app, but not some of the updates

    I’ve had this app, and an account, for 8-10 years, and it’s one of my favorite apps! What I love is: -There are tons of pins, covering vast topics, ideas, images, etc. -The boards are pretty easy to search -I can go into my profile, type in some general words, and find what I’m looking for nearly every time. What I don’t like is: -The app refreshes if you leave it to look at something (unless you have one pin up on your screen, then it mostly won’t refresh, except when it’s been too long), which causes you to lose the pin(s) you were looking at (I recall looking at a pin for a door that was flat, round (think a Hobbit-type door, but glass, not wood), and had panels of stained glass that rotated around the circle/away from the lock on the door when you cranked the door handle in order to open said door, and I can’t find it anywhere. I have tried to look and am out of ideas for how to search for it) -When you go to save a pin, the top 3 boards that come up are the most recent ones you’ve pinned to (it used to be that the app anticipated the top 1-3 boards most relevant to the pin you’re trying to pin in that moment) -I have a Screenshot board (that was something added by the app, as an automatic way to save pins when you screenshot them), and now the app doesn’t do it anymore, so I now have to go through all those pins and sort them into their relevant boards
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  • amazing! just a few errors

    this app is absolutely AMAZING! i have gotten so much inspo from it and have even lost a few kilograms in a few months because of some of the content regarding weight loss and workouts. despite this, i think there are a few things that need a little tweaking: so first off, sometimes all i want to do is post a meme in the comment section or something but i cant! please, PLEASE add the photo feature back in the comment section! second is just a minor inconvenience that i dont know if anyone else has. sometimes when i get a message or update, the pop up notification thing starts glitching and flashing and stuff. third and last, i think we should have a full list of who we follow. i needed to find this one makeup artist and i couldn’t find her because she hadnt posted recently. anyways, i hope someone from the pinterest rean read this and if so, thank you so much for doing so! great app, keep goin’ regards- ✨thekidgotinagain✨💖💜💙
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  • Terrible customer service and app performance. Misrepresentation of maximum allowable store pins.

    For the las several months I’ve consistently tried to understand how the Pinterest can misrepresent the maximum number of stored pins as being 200,000 The embarrassing Pinterest app algorithm doesn’t send error message prior any such 200,000 pin limit. It allowed 55,000 additional pins to saved before an error message was sent to user that they reached their number of stored pins. Meanwhile, the number of boards allowed has increased four fold? That’s absurd. The capricious response to question about why someone is forced to tear six years of work because the app developers didn’t include a basic feature that prevents any pin count over the alleged 200,000 pin limit. Just so I’m clear the solution to this problem issue is do nothing but adopt intransigence as customer service tool. The poor performance behavior of Pinterest app isn’t the burden of the user. The ethical response to the problem is to add a solution to the problem in Pinterest app feature, not insult the intelligence of career customer service reps like myself. What I described was clear example of maxim, you get what you pay for. My phone could never get away with redundancy and deflection as response to horrible lack foresight by Pinterest app developers.
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  • I love the app but I can’t stand the updates

    Ive been using Pinterest for about 6 years (off and on). Back when I first started using it me and my mom would find birthday party ideas and things like that but as Ive grown I continued to use it to feed into my current interests. I have been using it to find references for my fan art drawings and used to be able to comment under the pin with photos and videos and share what I created using the pin. It was one of my favorite features of the app and as a teenager that doesn’t use any other social media, I’m disappointed in the numerous updates that have taken away the actual fun out of the app. This is an issue because the app is about inspiration and using other people’s ideas to better your own. But if you can’t show how the idea actually turned out then your less likely to try it. Therefore leading to boredom of the app. I’m not sure the reason this feature was taken away but I do know that it was a big mistake. I hope they put it back in the next update and maybe the A-Z sorter for pins would be nice too? Like how many things are they going to take away- well anyways Pinterest is a great app for sharing your ideas and your creations and if you enjoy that kind of stuff try it that’s why I gave 4 stars. But to Pinterest please stop taking features away so you can add others it gets frustrating when you like something and it’s snatched away from you for no reason.
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  • You guys should add this

    So I love Pinterest and all, I even spend most of my time on Pinterest, but I wish you could save pins to your camera roll / download them,
    so that I don’t have to send people a link every time I want to share something. And half the time people don’t even watch it because they can’t be bothered clicking a link. Also I want to be able to watch certain video pins in my camera roll so that when I don’t have wifi I don’t have to use all my giga bites. Hopefully you will consider this idea for future updates?
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  • Why did y’all get rid of photo comments?

    I actually love this app. I use it for so many different things, like a sense of community, memes, tumblr posts, and also inspiration for various mediums of creativity. I just drew a photo posted of someone and, when I went to post the picture of my drawing I realised that the photo option was gone. I went to google this, as I figured it was a little bug that could be fixed by a quick workaround but no, pinterest has just taken away this feature. I kinda thought the point of this app was for inspiration, as so much of the app is diys, recipes and crafts. one of its best features was posting pictures of people’s takes on these ideas and pictures, and, to be frank, I’m quite annoyed that its gone. im sort of reconsidering having this app at all, even though I have an average of like 8 hours or something ridiculous on pinterest a week, as I will find it difficult to use without the option of sharing my try- this could be a dealbreaker and I would love for it to come back. I also havent seen it explained *why* it was taken away? like what is the actual reason? im genuinely interested. thank you for reading.
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  • Where is the mute button on this thing and why doesn't it work??

    Despite both my in-app and phone general settings showing that not a single sound should come out of this app while I'm using it, it still somehow manages to scare the **** out of me every time I scroll past an ad that blares out whatever nonsense it's offering. I didn't click on the video, so why is it talking to me?

    Furthermore, why does whatever audio I already have running in the background on my phone (podcast, music, etc) get cut off when I scroll past a video? Again, every in-app sound is supposedly muted, so why is any of my pre-existing audio interfered with without me deliberately clicking on the video to view it? It cuts off and doesn't come on again after I've moved past the perpetrating video, so if I happen to have a bunch of videos lined up in my feed, I'm constantly getting cut off, manually restarting, getting cut off again, and manually restarting over and over again until I close the app and move on with my life. I've already written about this problem online and received a frustratingly empty reply message.
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    I promise you no one cares about Pinterest watch. Why can’t apps just do what they do best instead of forcing us all to use the same apps all day long it’s ridiculous! You should move or get rid of Pinterest Watch and bring back individual sections and get rid of the loud video ads! What was wrong with photo ads??? Why are you doing this to your app?? What is wrong?
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  • Lost its individuality.

    I always loved Pinterest since 2014 when I was 14 and I’m 21 now. Since then I’ve considered it a ‘safe place’ free from ads and the traps of marketing where I could gather ideas and get creative without the pressure of social media.

    I have never made a review, but this app is just too close to my heart and it hurts to see it fall down. Recently, it’s just the same as other platforms. I can now rarely find a good recipe or a creative outfit. Every other pic is an advertisement for a waist trainer or TikTok influencers. I wouldn’t mind too much if it was less frequent like it was before but now it’s every other pin. It’s distracting to the point where I can’t find any good pins. Instead of it being a curative list of pins in your style, it’s tiktoks of influencers showing you the most recent trends. I can now barely find any pins that appeal to my style. It’s all those short videos or tiktoks that are just ads.

    The videos distract from the picture pins so I end up not seeing what I came to Pinterest for. It’s an ad fest just like Instagram and TikTok where the strategy is to get you hooked on watching those short useless videos for hours. I deleted TikTok and Instagram for a reason, and now all apps are turning into it. Pinterest has almost completely lost its individuality and I’m sure it’s just downhill from here. It’s a shame, but if it continues this way I’ll be forced to get off of it.
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