Filmic Pro-Video Camera User Reviews

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  • Seriously?!?

    I loved this app. Beautiful videos, cinematic quality. I bought the previous version not too long before the recent overhaul. Originally, the developers allowed the previous app buyers to use their version of the app as usual since we paid for it. But I just opened it and the app tells me I can rewatch my videos I record within the app, but now have to pay to be able to export them to my device. Are you kidding me?!? I get starting this model with new buyers (subscribers now) but doing that to the people who had previously purchased your app? Nah. I’ll find a different app whose developers give a crap about the people who have already paid and supported them. As a business owner myself, I know better than to buck the people who have already been paid me as buyers are your highest converting audience for new products with the least investment. We got leads, not cold ones. Bye, Felicia.
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  • EDITED: USED to be amazing, but now…

    EDITED: Okay, I have edited this to 3 stars now after the response from the team. I can still download Legacy Filmic Pro since I bought it. I’m glad that is still an option, and I was incorrect in part of my review. However, I still cannot stand subscription model apps like this. It’s completely unnecessary. Therefore, I’m sticking with 3 stars. Here is the original review:

    Switching to a subscription model and then not allowing people who already bought the app to export the videos they filmed? Not cool at all. I used to love this app. I used it all the time. It was amazing. But that’s not cool at all. I’ve never done a 1 star rating. But I have to for this app. Please remove the subscription requirement for people who already paid full price for your app. Horrible.
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  • This was a fantastic piece of video software

    Filmic Pro was well worth the money spent. Intuitive, easy to use, and fairly priced. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end. The latest update was poorly implemented, and for many of us, it cost users the ability to use the software we initially paid for. I’m sorry Filmic team, but you lost customers on this one. Money is money, I get it! I would like to still be able to use your product, but a paid subscription is just out of the cards for many people, myself included. I would like to be able to use the older software (ver. 6) however, the option to download the older version through the newer software does not seem to work on my device. I hate to abandon this app, but I’ve been given no reasonable choice. I hope you guys make the money you require to keeping doing what you enjoy. I just refuse for it to come from my pockets.
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  • Don’t even think about it!!

    I purchased this app when I started college (about four years ago) since I didn’t have a proper dedicated camera and felt this was totally worth it BACK THEN. Now they decided to throw all of us under the bus and implemented an absolute ripoff of a subscription service while maintaining a subpar app for us peasants who were dumb enough to buy the app in the first place. The minimum they should’ve done would be to grandfather all of their old buyers and keep the subscription for the new ones. But backstabbing paying customers and holding us hostage for money is just not a good look. I hope Apple stops collaborating with this company and promoting their nasty anti-consumer practices. I regret so much recommending this app to friends and peers. If I ever use the legacy version I’ll never say with what I shot it. This app would be nothing without us users who made it popular and used it for our projects in the first place, and you don’t deserve it.
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  • Echo sentiments of upset customers

    I’m a RISD film, filmmaker and animation artist. I have pro equip that I love and use this for capturing frames I want to go back to. The stabilizing feature is nice. However, developers, you developed a piece of software that works. It doesn’t need to be updated. It works well. If you want to release bug fox updates great. Apple does it regularly and does t charge their loyal customers a few for being loyal. If you want to develop a new app with new features to draw a more professional audience then build a new app and charge new customers a rate for building your software. Babbages, computer center, and dozens of other software distributors did this for decades from the early 80’s and charged customers once. You bought it, took it home, installed it, and every now and then you could download firmware updates. You’re revenue comes from reaching new customers. Not pillaging customers who’ve already paid for your product. This is absolutely disgusting. And a terrible business model. People cannot afford dozens of subscriptions every month. I’m done. Not paying for your new software and neither should anyone else.
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  • Incompetent rollout for the new version

    The rollout of version 7 was a complete blunder. Most people are completely confused and think they don’t have access to using Filmic Pro 6, the version they bought outright and are unaware that they can download the “legacy version “ thru a link in version 7, but the developers have shot themselves in the foot and will have to respond to user reviews over and over to make people aware of the legacy version. Personally, I definitely won’t be subscribing, if anything version 7 could have came out as a completely new app, not one that had to be updated to thru version 6 and people may have been ok with buying version 7 as a single purchase like version 6, not thru a subscription. Look, I get it….developers want a continuous, steady stream of income, especially when it comes to maintaining apps and adding new features, but there’s just so many apps a consumer can afford to subscribe to per month. I literally have hundreds of apps I’ve bought outright on my IPad and I just couldn’t afford to pay a month fee for all over them. Good luck with this app but sorry, I’m not paying a subscription for it.
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  • Real scammy move

    I’m a film major and I bought this app at the recommendation of my professor as it’s a cheaper alternative to buying a camera. At the time mine was old and somewhat broken and I couldn’t afford a new one so I thought it would be a good move. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

    This app was wonderful for a period of time, it gave me quality footage that was actually better than both my old camera and the cameras provided to us by the school. However, in a disgustingly scammy move they decided to implement a monthly subscription fee. I’m currently unemployed and I’m living on a budget, $8 a month for an app that I already payed $15 for?? That’s just unsustainable to me. At this point I might as well delete the app and save up for a camera because I’ll be spending the same amount of money on it in the long run. Next thing you know they’re gonna be charging you to delete the app like they’re Adobe.

    Hopefully they reverse this decision as it seems I’m not alone in finding this absolutely absurd.
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  • New, unwanted subscription model bait and switch

    This is positively nauseating. One of the best video apps in the history of the App Store has pivoted into a subscription scam model to squeeze recurring revenue from people no matter how much they actually use the thing.

    How wonderful, one of my favorite tools has been turned into a SERVICE that people can REPEATEDLY pay for if they want version updates. Oh, and very cute, users who purchased this tool back when it was a tool and not a SERVICE get to download a sneaky always-unlocked version of the app. Hooray for me and past owners. Downright gross for future users.

    I can’t believe an app and development team I had the utmost respect for and who I felt had the utmost respect for their users would make such a greedy, frustrating, backwards and upsetting decision. This app was once truly wonderful. However, I will never recommend it to another living soul as long as the team continues in this anti-consumer, anti-creativity new direction. Shameful, unexpected, and so very sad.
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  • I feel ripped off.

    I DO NOT think it’s ok to have someone buy something from you, just for you to then take it back and charge them a subscription for its use. How is this even legal let alone ok? Technically, they didn’t take it away but you can’t even save your videos that you take with it so pretty much you can’t even use it or what’s the point and using it if you can’t access the footage you recorded unless you have a subscription. It’s like going to Walmart buying some thing and then Walmart coming to your house and taking it unless you pay a subscription monthly for it. Oh, but let’s not forget we took off a dollar for “loyalty” since I bought it already. Please. A lot of people are not only very angry but all feel cheated and ripped off my the filmicPro app development team..,but I can’t speak for others. I can only speak for myself and how I feel on it. Which is also cheated, ripped off, and it’s all together bad business. I went from your biggest supporter and praised you on my channel. Now I’m done with filmic pro. Greed gets the best of everyone
    Eventually. And with the way that technology is moving faster each day. There will be the next “filmmakers favorite app” before you know it…,and the only thing that people will remember about filmic pro is getting ripped off.
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    Developer Response

    Dear customer, you will always have access to Filmic Pro through the Legacy App that you can download and unlock from the Information menu on the app. To access the menu, please dismiss the paywall through the X on the top left corner and download the Legacy App. We hope this helps and that you're going to keep using our apps and reconsider your review!
  • Previous user formerly irate now very happy

    I love this app, I’ve been using it for a while now and it is perfect for what I do. Now with the new update I’m being forced to sign up for a payment plan? I get you need to make your money, but the reason I use my phone is that I am on a tight budget. Charging me $40 one time is fine, but every year? I wish you chose to let those of us who have been loyal customers keep our current plan but I’m sure you have plenty of people who will be willing to pay for this and losing business to one broke guy won’t keep you up at night. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a tiny violin to play while I tell my sad story to Buttons, my imaginary friend. Because unlike you, Buttons cares about my feelings.

    (Additional notes after the developer kindly responded and I had a snack and a nap)

    Okay, so Buttons and I may have overreacted a tiny bit. Turns out we can still use the previous version that we paid for if we don’t want the new one. It was really easy. So I get to use my “Vintage” version that I am very happy with. Thank you creators of Filmic Pro for keeping us in mind, it is greatly appreciated. Sorry for the drama.
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    Developer Response

    Dear customer, you will always have access to Filmic Pro through the Legacy App that you can download and unlock from the Information menu on the app. To access the menu, please dismiss the paywall through the X on the top left corner and download the Legacy App. Moreover, if you'd like to download the content you shot before upgrading, you can find it on your iPhone in the folder Files -> Filmic Pro. We hope this helps and that you're going to keep using our apps!

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