Filmic Pro-Video Camera User Reviews

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  • One size doesn’t fit all

    I just opened Filmic for the first time in several months to discover I needed to either download the legacy version or pay a very steep subscription cost. Very disappointing.

    While I very much appreciate the legacy option, I think you missed the boat here. Yes, there are people shooting on iPhones making commercial quality video. Yes, you deserve income for future development. But there’s a lot of casual users (I use it maybe twice a year) for whom a subscription is untenable.

    Perhaps you could find a payment mechanism that is more equitable, say $X lets you download Y gigabytes of video, or $X gives your Y hours of shooting time. That would give you a revenue stream and allow casual users to get the latest features. I’m sure other mechanisms could be found as well.
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  • Fascinating

    I just downloaded this app to check it out. Hadn’t activated the trial and was just playing with 240fps in settings, when suddenly my iPhone 14 Pro Max powered off. The app didn’t crash, my phone completely powered off. I’m not a real (regular) user so initially I thought the screen was just dark or I tapped the wrong setting. It took a solid minute for me to figure out it had powered off. But my iPhone didn’t even power back on by itself. I had to manually hold the button down. I’ve never had that happen before in the history of apps (for me). I might use this app in the future for a specific project, but it feels like we’re being nitpicked to death by subscriptions so I’ll use something else until I can’t. So I don’t plan to use this app. But I’m glad it exists.
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  • Need to get back to V6 with all purchased options INCLUDING DOUBLETAKE

    RESOLVED: After the automatic upgrade to V7 I can’t send recently filmed footage for my client. Not to mention using the app without paying for it again. This wasn’t suppose to be an “upgrade” but rather sold as a separate product. I have already paid for the app and my clients paid handsomely for the project they can’t even see.
    UPDATE: Ok. This has been resolved after time spent (would filmic be so kind to pay for my time?): downloaded the legacy, moved files from “pro” to “legacy” and finally was able to send them to my frustrated client.
    ADDITIONAL PROBLEM: Something else thou - DoubleTake now automatically connects to the “upgraded” Pro V7, not the restored-downgraded-renamed “legacy” V6. Well, I have paid for the DoubleTake and want to be able to use it with restored v6. ⭐️ rating still remains. FINAL THOUGHTS: don't get me wrong - I’m not surprised by the price. Would buy it for this price if it was sold this way originally. What’s wrong - is how the upgrade from v6 to v7 handled. Customers were hit with new payments without any advanced warning plus time and efforts needed for recovering existing footage. V7 is a new app - not an upgrade. Information well in advance would help us make educated choices. Instead we got an offer we can’t resist - mob style
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  • Classic Bait&Switch to Subscription

    I bought & used FilmicPro for years and loved the control it gave (especially over white balance). However, I noticed something was up the last few months as the app requires internet access to work. Why would it need to talk to their servers before I film? Because they switched to a subscription model.

    At first glance the new interface is ugly and clunky. But the bottom line is that $2.99 per week (!!!) is way too expensive for an app I use occasionally as a hobbyist. So I’m bailing and will just use the v6 (“legacy”) app until they stop supporting it and it stops working on newer iOS versions (I give it two years max).

    Honestly, I’d have given a 3-star review but they way they are forcing you to download the new version, skip the subscription, go into the settings, and THEN download the old version for it to work is janky. Only then can you delete the new version. Not cool. 1 Star.
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  • The end of this app

    Doesn’t matter what new features you guys add. The fact that there’s at least 5 apps that are almost up to par to this one and cost less than what this app cost before this scam subscription model , shows the lack of consumer interest. It’s all greed from every angle, I get the recurrent revenue by making this a Netflix but that’s just the filmic pro name at this point , take adobe as an example , is a reason why there’s massive shifts away to davinci, canva and fcp Ect. And are becoming the go to softwares to do things. This app is made for certain geographic and not everyone films religiously on their phones so they don’t care to just move on to an alternative app. This app didn’t update frequently to justify the sub prices. The only honest reason you guys are still around is because Apple doesn’t decide to give their costumers manual control of their camera and The alternative apps right now are only somewhat lack is 3rd party support like gimbal and accessories capabilities, once they partner with companies like dji , zhiyun and others and offer support is pretty much over for you guys . I give it a year or two at most because some people probably subscribed for a year, by then the alternatives will be caught up and the year subs will see it isn’t worth to keep subscribing once the other catch up by then. Good riddance and good luck. Doom of a champ because of greed
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  • An unfortunate change

    FilmicPro was an absolutely brilliant app; one that prioritized functionality & capability over everything else. Despite a few minor UI/UX shortcomings it has long represented the best the App Store had to offer in terms of film making on iPhone.

    Unfortunately FilmicPro - one of the last holdouts - has now gone off and made it a subscription service. While I understand the economics of app development can be challenging… I won’t be subscribing. I would much rather pay for a new version every 2/3 years that perhaps supports the newer phones going forward. The new update does provide some new and nice function - yet still with many of the same UI shortcomings ( in my subjective opinion )

    Overall very sad. Understandable but sad. Unless „professional filmmaking“ on iPhone becomes a priority for me ( which I doubt it is for the majority of current filmic owners ) I don’t see many people paying for the service. Anyways. Thanks for keeping filmic 6 around and I sincerely wish you guys the best of luck 👏. Let me know if you go back to one-time payments 👍
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  • I Want My Money Back, Honestly

    Reviews complaining about apps moving to subscription-based models are a dime-a-dozen, and I understand why they can be necessary in our current financial climate. However, I’ve spent almost $40 on this app (between the original purchase, cinematographer’s kit, and filters), and now that’s gone with this new update. While I get a theoretical discount on the subscription, if I choose not to pay it, you flat out can’t save your videos outside the app itself.

    Other apps, most relevantly Halide, have handled this correctly: when they moved to a subscription model, existing customers kept access to every current feature and simply wouldn’t get new features until they subscribed. No one loses. Here, what was once a very reliable and trusty filming companion has been rendered unusable, and I can’t bring myself to get the subscription because of this bad taste. Incredibly disappointing.
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  • Join the chorus of the disappointed

    I used to use this app for my volunteer work at a non-profit. But switching it out to a subscription model? That’s pretty low. It could have at least been handled better with a prior release flashing this was coming forth and rename the app to something else so people would not accidentally hit update all.

    Or better yet, launch the subscription model as a new product. Instead, how many users just got screwed updating and locked out? And btw, the legacy app DOES NOT cut it! That build is damaged, because all of a sudden my external comica wireless mic hardware no longer works. The app freezes when it detects the comica mics, yet the mics work with any other app. Additionally, the older versions i have running on my other phone (not updated to 7.0) or ipads all work without flaw nor lock up.

    Good luck with the new model. Given how poorly the transition and launch was, you definitely lost a client. I will support another development platform.
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  • Subscription just doesn’t make sense for most users

    Like many others, I mostly just use the built in camera app for quick videos during the week. I bust out Filmic when things need to be more professional or I need more control for one reason or another. I will frequently go weeks or even months without using it but then will use it intensely for a short period. The move to a subscription model means that I would constantly be subscribing for a week here and there and then unsubscribing, which is just not worth the trouble for me. I understand that the legacy features are still functional, but I am being pestered every time I open the app to subscribe. I understand the need for a revenue stream and why they can’t give free updates forever, but personally, I’d pay up to 40 to own this new version outright, or 15 dollars or so on a yearly basis but not the 40 or 50 they are asking, and certainly not 2-3 dollars a WEEK. I’m sure for some it makes sense, but not this user.
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  • Underhanded nonsense

    I’ve always been a fan of this app. I purchased it and the cinematographer’s pack and felt it was a good value. But this update just got pushed into my device and now I find myself in a position of having a hobbled app (cannot export captured video to camera roll or anywhere else) or having to fork up a *weekly* or annual fee. There was some language on startup about always having access to a legacy version but I didn’t digest it because I couldn’t imagine what I was getting into on what I assumed was a routine update of my app. I hope I’ll be able to find it on their website. Anyway, foisting a subscription model this way (instead of forking a new app) is really poor form and I expect better from them. And I’m sorry but not every app is appropriate for a subscription. As a community of users we need to push back against this nonsense. Yes, please, charge for your app. Charge a premium if that’s what you need to do to keep updating and supporting the app. But this is dumb.
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