IBKR Mobile User Reviews

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  • Customer support is 50/50. App could be more user-friendly

    Customer support replies to my ticket sometimes, and other times, it’s left ignored for months. I even offered to pay for premium support for quicker response, and that wasn’t responded to. I guess that’s a sign their management no longer interested in improving. With that said, I had to be fair and add 2 stars because they currently have the lowest margin interest rate I can find (but not by much. M1 and Robinhood rates are close, so it’s not the difference maker). My hope is IBKR focuses on the future, which is mobile OS, ease of use for beginners, and customer support.
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  • More Complicated than it Needs to be (IMHO)

    The two-factor login process is a bit involved and doesn’t always work correctly. Why not just use the process that other brokerages/banks use and install a cookie on the device the first time it is validated so it remembers it for repeat sign-ons. That seems much more straight-forward. Also, I’ve been trying to migrate to a new phone I just bought and can’t seem to get it to work, so now the authorization message is being sent to the old phone. I tried clicking on an embedded link to read the instructions, but got a “page not found” error message. I dread calling customer service because they are not usually very accessible.
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  • Excellent app for all trading

    I moved from E*something to IBKR several years ago, just to save on margin interest. Little did I know, not only would I save money on interest, but on trade commissions as well.
    And in getting the IB app, I have an excellent platform for all my option trades. Every trade I am amazed with the speed and pricing I receive.
    I only have my old broker and IB to draw experiences from. But, I think it would be hard to beat the ease of use I find with the IB app.
    I’ve had a couple technical issues with the app. I was put in contact with someone on their development team and was provided a workaround for my first issue, it was then resolved in their next update. So, EXCELLENT customer service IMHO.
    Low margin rates
    Fast trade executions
    Great customer service
    Good commission rates
    Stable application

    You’ll wish you switched sooner!
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  • Good Execution of Trades But Lack of Mobile Features

    I exclusively trade on mobile platforms and have found myself trading more and more on thinkorswim as I can roll over my options with a click of a button. TOS pre fills the fields and I make adjustments and execute my trades. Why can’t it be that simple instead of me entering the buy and sell portion all by hand. I would like to see Roll Position next to Close Positon when you go into the detail of the trade. It makes it easy for mobile platforms and reduces fat fingering. Please add and button to roll options. Please people I am getting so tired of this.
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    Developer Response

    We are sorry to learn that your experience was unsatisfactory. The Rollover Options tool quickly shows you all the options in your portfolio that are close to expiration, including sub-accounts. You can choose which options you want to roll, to the same expiration date and strike price, or change the strike price to a percentage away from the market price. We would appreciate the opportunity to turn around your experience.
  • The app is trash

    Having used several different brokerage apps, this one is at the bottom. Logging into the app is hit or miss, as it may take 30 seconds to receive the OTP & once I input it, it’s incorrect. The interface is ok but not intuitive & quite cumbersome. And what’s with the inaccurate P&L & way off bid/asks for stock options? I actually use Robinhood to get an idea for where the bid/ask spread actually is, so I can place the correct order. If I were to depend solely on IB’s bid/ask, I would be entering useless orders. And sometimes my order gets rejected for being too far above/below the market when actually that’s where the market is but they’re the one that’s way off. For what’s supposed to be such a prestigious brokerage, their app is second rate, at best. I’m too mobile to not depend upon a solid mobile trading platform & this doesn’t cut it. I’ll be moving my money elsewhere.
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    Developer Response

    Hel­­­­lo, We re­­­­gret to hear that you are fac­ing in­­­­­­­con­ve­nience. Could you please email our de­vel­op­ers di­rec­t­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ly with de­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­tails at itws@ibkr.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­com, so that we can bet­ter un­der­­s­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­tand what's go­ing on and re­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­solve your is­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­sues as ear­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ly as pos­si­ble?
  • No Bueno

    Where do I start. Every night at 11:30pm the mobile app can’t get updated quotes. Just sits there till after midnight. Every day ur PnL is never accurate , certainly not real time . How do u manage a position with false information? The mobile app is always rearranging ur quote lists .. one second Your Z silver quote is at the top of the list the next it’s nowhere to be found, then it magically pops up in a random spot. Smells like a predatory app selling ur order flow under the guise of confusing u. Oh and can never login.. enter all the stuff.. correctly, says it’s wrong and try again.. have to swipe out the app , enter again and cross my fingers.. iOS . Update: when you can’t login it says “login failed- invalid authorization parameters”then u swipe out and enter the same stuff it may let ur in.. pathetic
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    Developer Response

    Hel­­­­­­­­lo, We re­­­­­­­­gret to hear that you are fac­ing in­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­con­ve­nience. Could you please email our de­vel­op­ers di­rec­t­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ly with de­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­tails at itws@ibkr.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­com, so that we can bet­ter un­der­­s­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­tand what's go­ing on and re­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­solve your is­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­sues as ear­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ly as pos­si­ble?
  • So many wrong calculations

    Almost every calculated value is routinely wrong. Daily P&L seems to randomly change every time I open the app (while markets are closed over the weekend). Options P&L graphs always show the result of the previous date selected, so if I want to see the potential P&L at expiation, I have to scroll all the way to the end, wait for it to load, *then* selected another date, such as the second-to-last date. The “Home” tab has very limited functionality, and the top graph includes deposits in the total growth, with no option to switch to the time/money weighted return % graphs easily accessible on the browser version. Finally, the performance outside of market hours is very poor; Options P&L graphs take several additional seconds to load, and the complete lack of access to the system on Friday evenings (Pacific time) is very inconvenient. These factors make it almost impossible for me to do research and prepare for the upcoming week when it is convenient for me to do so (over the weekend)
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    Developer Response

    We are sorry to learn that your experience was unsatisfactory. Since your review, we have worked to update and improve the app. If you are having any issues, please send details to social@interactivebrokers.com so we can help. We would appreciate the opportunity to turn around your experience.
  • Good platform but service is only for the very wealthy

    The platform provides great information accessibility but the overall service is geared towards an extremely wealthy customer. All ACH deposits are subject to 4 day hold which makes the platform useless for people that cannot afford wire fees. The customer service reps should not be allowed to see your balances because the low level of service and the “I’m better than you attitude” you get from the customer service reps when they find out you have a low account balance in their eyes is pretty amazing. If you have less than a 100k balance don’t bother with this broker unless you want their second tier customer service. Go to Fidelity or TD where they actually care about every customer.
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    Developer Response

    We are sorry to learn that your experience was unsatisfactory. ACH deposits are processed regularly throughout the day and ACH deposits are subject to a 4-business day credit hold before funds are available for trading. We are actively making investments in Customer Service. At IBKR, we treat all clients with respect and act in a professional manner. We would appreciate the opportunity to turn around your experience.
  • Frustrating and buggy

    The servers are not adequate with the numbers of users . From time to time you are not able to log into your accounts and delays are a normal occurrence. Is especially frustrating to see that you input an option order and the price will change past your order point but no execution will happen. This is true mostly when price changes happen quickly on the day of expiration.
    The support is usually useless, their app is never at fault.
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  • Very unintuitive!

    I’m agree with BjB1000. This App is full of extensive info, but is still “half-baked”. What a struggle to navigate around just to find one’s trading history!! It takes multiple steps!! Reminds me of a SAP Database program, lack of oversight of the big picture. Have you really researched what things are the most important to online traders? For example, why isn’t there a History button, like Schwab or TD Ameritrade?? This is a great example of very intelligent people who cannot grasp the concept of Minimalization, and a Intuitive User Interface. To the Developers, simply check out Schwab’s or T D Ameritrade’s Apps for a much better idea what the people need and what you need to do to deliver the product. Sometimes less is more. Some people can get “info overload” quickly. The bottom line is this: If your App is not widely intuitive, you have failed if you wish to expand your business.

    If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough.

    Albert Einstein

    Amen 🙏
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