AnyList User Reviews

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  • This app is a keeper

    This app. has it all while visually keeping it simple. If you’re a list builder and you want to stay organized you’re going to want to download this app. Start making list for your groceries, shopping, home, work or leisure and then customize it. Your list possibilities are endless. I have used this Anylist for over a year and it has never crashed or hesitated. Grocery shopping couldn’t be organized while taking advantage of the full features and voice assistant. I suggest you visit their URL for a detailed list of features. Because this developer continuously adds new features. Subscription service is very transparent. No need to worry about getting charge automatically every year. They will send you a few reminders before expiration date which you would need to confirm renewal. I appreciate the developer being confident enough to allow their loyal customers to renew solely on it being a good product. This is not a paid review, only informational based on my own personal usage.
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  • AnyList APP Review

    AnyList APP I want to review the AnyList APP, which I and my roommate use on our iPods, iPads, and Laptops. After having used AnyList for over a year now, I've found that it fits all of the things my roommate and I were looking. It allows sharing of lists, while it keeps data localized when networking is unavailable. It makes list making for shopping an easy thing to do. It can be used to keep recipes in, and to prepare shopping list for cooking or baking in a snap. Most of all, I've found that the writers of this APP respond to enhancement suggestions with the type of caring attitude that more than pays for the small annual cost for using it. Photos, favorites groupings, recipe management, even "to do" lists are all very intuitively accomplished. It even keeps track of notes and individual comments about list items, so you never have to type more information than is absolutely necessary. And, you can copy or move items from one list to another, too. I and my roommate had tried quite a few list making APPs and all of them seemed to have limitations or shortcomings that made them too difficult to use, or were made for such specific uses that it was almost impossible to wedge our needs into their designs. I would give this APP and its authors a five star rating.
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  • Renew subscription yearly!

    Out of 15 pages worth of apps on my phone, this one is my favorite! I occasionally use the desktop version, I frequently use it on my iPad to view recipes while cooking, and I am constantly adding things to my lists from my phone, whenever the thought pops in my head, so I don’t forget to get things when I’m at the store. I will gladly pay for the family plan every year because I love that it syncs across all devices, including my partner’s in case she is the one stopping by the store. I have tried to be more organized and use the meal planning features and they work great… I just don’t keep up with them. I love that I can create my own recipe once and forever return and tap the add-all-that-stuff-to-my-grocery-list button. Before I go grocery shopping, I glance at my list and cross off items I already have at home. Once upon a time, I had to copy & paste recipes into the app but (game changer!!) now there is a send-this-recipe-to-my-AnyList feature. This year I hosted Thanksgiving so I created a folder just for those recipes to keep me on track with buying and preparing stuff. This app is like having a personal assistant. We are kinda besties.
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  • Within my top #10 apps - just brilliant!

    Folks, I used multiple shopping AND recipe app before AnyList and this one takes the top ranking (in both categories); it’s not even a close contest! In fact, this is one of my most used of any apps on my iPhone (and I have 100+ in multiple categories). The native recipe clipping built into the OS works across apps like Food Network as well as so many recipe blogger sites. In a recent update, AnyList also added the ability to copy and paste a recipe in, greatly enhancing this part of the app, to provide even more flexibility for websites that aren’t constructed for this type of clipping otherwise. The scaling feature helps you adjust recipes to just the right size to feed only you or your crowd of any size! Then, to top it off, the handy meal planning and automatic shopping list creation is just what you need to make your grocery trips efficient for the days ahead.

    I have even used this app to catalog and inventory my father’s wood works… for craft shows we do. My only wish is that there was an export feature that was better. I can get the list out in text form, but the pictures don’t transfer. This would be very handy for added flexibility but I understand it is not at the core of what AnyList is about.

    All in all, I strongly recommended you get this app, subscribe to the premium edition, and tell all your friends. I DO and will KEEP DOING THIS. Well done, AnyList team!!! (and, I get it as an entrepreneur founder/CEO)
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  • Fantastic App!

    It’s so flexible, and I love that there is, somewhat incongruously, an excellent recipe list and meal planner function built right in that fully integrates with my main grocery list. There are many recipe apps that have built-in grocery lists, but only for ingredients from those recipes, and none with anywhere remotely near the fantastic customizability and flexibility of AnyList. That lack causes confusion when shopping because of the need to refer to more than one list, or to have to manually transfer ingredients to my main list, which risks leaving something out. With AnyList, though, it’s all right there in one place, and even shows in the list what recipe the item is for and links back to it. That has the additional advantage of being able to easily look and see if a missing ingredient can be substituted with something else if the store is out of something.

    The only problem is those items *stay* in the list after being checked off, which can really clutter it up quickly if used frequently, so I would recommend to the developer to at least offer an option to have them automatically deleted once checked off.
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  • The most functional grocery list app!

    Update: this is still an essential app for me. The updates have been stellar—particularly the newer features for prepping multiple recipes at once.

    Original review: I do all of the meal planning and grocery shopping in my family. This app stores all of the recipes I’ve found worth keeping, and then it makes meal planning a cinch by building a calendar full of meals. Adding ingredients to the shopping list is also easy peasy! The paid version is absolutely worthwhile. But what really drew me in was the ability to customize all of my list categories. The first thing I did was go to the grocery store and build one category per aisle, in the order that I walk through the store. With AnyList’s ability to remember where you categorize items, there are very few edits to make to the list after a few weeks of training it. I have never found another app with this level of customization, and it is the only way that I can get through a week’s worth of shopping in a crushingly busy grocery store in under an hour. Phenomenal! My husband and I both use the app, and I love the rare weeks when we both do the shopping and use the app to live-update as we work from opposite ends of the list.
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  • First Rate Organizational Tool

    My wife and I have had a subscription version of the app for a number of years. It has become absolutely indispensable in our household. The shared shopping list function works splendidly; we frequently team up from opposite ends of the grocery store and meet up at the check-stand with a completed list. Over time, the list has adapted to us. The ability to include photos has significantly reduced errors in bringing back incorrect items when one of us is out solo. The ability to add to the list when one of us is home, and one on the shopping trip is wonderful.
    We have also created packing lists for trips that have significantly reduced the “what did we forget?“ anxiety that used to accompany us as we got further from home. Our “Movies We Want To See” list has helped us out on free nights.
    Updates to the program have almost always been welcome improvements. We have no qualms about recommending the app, and happily pay our subscription fee; we get more than our money’s worth.
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  • Best. App. Ever

    Must have for meal planners and list makers. Download recipes EASY (bypassing all the blogs), drop the recipe right into a calendar and add needed ingredients to your shopping list in seconds. Always have your recipes to reference at the store. Share lists so hubs can pick up whatever is needed when he runs to the store…or better, he enter what he needs from the store next time I go! We have a list for our pantry that is in the garage…I ask echo if what I need is out there before I add it to the grocery list. Create your shopping list with echo as you go thru the fridge. Have separate lists for your grocery store, Walmart/target, Costco and easily see what can be picked up if you don’t want to go to the other store. Make a to do list, or a packing list, or a honey-do list. My new favorite use…add a list for meds and categories for prescription, otc, and supplements. Enter all the details and share with spouse so you and they always have access to your info in case of an emergency. Not kidding…life changing!
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  • The most Brilliant app!!!

    The ability to import recipes, then easily add the ingredients to your shopping list with a tap is a BRILLIANT LIFESAVER. Because the old way takes time and who wants to waste precious time? Also once you “favorite” frequently used items, it’s super easy to add them back on your list and this also helps you remember things that you may have forgotten to add to the list. I’ve started using this for my travel packing list & created a separate list of things to do before leaving (take trash out, leave food, water and clean litter for cats, etc). And I’ve “favorited” the items and tasks so I can easily recreate the list with every trip. ALSO, the app AUTOMATICALLY categorizes shopping list items so you can easily see everything that you need in the produce section WHILE you are in the produce section. This is another timesaver. You can customize categories, too, so for my packing list I’ve split things between the two categories “UPSTAIRS” and “DOWNSTAIRS” so that I can focus on all the upstairs packing while I’m up here and then go downstairs and focus on that stuff (the old way I did it sucked because I was always having to think “no that’s downstairs, I’ll get that later” with certain items strewn about my list Willy-nilly. The ability to access this on my laptop so I can type stuff in is amazing too. I’d give this app 10 stars if I could.
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  • Best app ever

    I really wanted to find an app that would help me figure out a meal plan for my family. I knew there had to be one out there. Something like what the schools had, a menu that you could plan out either a whole week or even a month. This was it. You can plan out how long you want you would like a week , 2 weeks a year??? Your call, and the bonus part you can take what you plan and put it on a grocery list for when you go grocery shopping. The best part is you’ll have everything you need right at the house when you go to make what you want that day. As long as you plan ahead of course.
    You also put in recipes so that you have everything in one place. You go through a recipe, see what you need , push the button and it goes right on your list. It’s a no brainer. You can put in your own recipes or if you are on a website that has a recipe you would like to put in your app, you can do that and it does it for you. Sometimes, very seldom, you might have to paste a recipe but that’s not hard to figure out how to do. If you are computer illiterate like me , just keep working with the app and you’ll figure out these guys did an awesome job for us😜(computer illiterate s) I love the app. My daughter has it to and I can share recipes with her. I’ve told lots of friends about it too and they have loved it also. Good luck and I hope this helps.
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