WorkFlowy User Reviews

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  • Being able to move, collapse groups of bullet points is KEY

    I've been using this app for a few years at least. I'm a person who needs a to do list and learned a lot from David Allen's Getting Things Done. But I also get overwhelmed or de-motivated, or just annoyed by the size and messiness of my to do list most of the time. Being able to group, collapse, quickly rearrange the lists has been incredible. Trying to make lists in any other app including Word, Google Docs, spreadsheets and any standard to do or task apps is now completely annoying b/c of the inability to drag and drop bullet points or collapse them.

    Strong recommend.
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  • I love outlines. I love Workflowy!

    Super Fast Entry

    If you have an idea, just write it wherever you are in the outline and drag it where you want.

    Unlimited Levels.

    I keep a running outline where each day has an outline. In it, I enter the tasks for the day and arrange them in order. Each meeting that day gets an outline, and under that go any action items.

    Completed action items get crossed off and hidden, but I can see all completed items with a single click. When shown, they are searchable. When hidden, they don't clutter your search results.

    Above today's entry are a few future dates with meetings or tasks for those days. Above that is an outline of this quarter's projects, and another with tasks for home.

    Easy Collaboration

    Share any part of the outline with anyone else simply by clicking and sending them a link. You can both edit it.

    So Much More

    Keyboard shortcuts. Mirror parts of the outline to another part. Date entry shortcuts. Search on dates. Styled text. Add images. View as kan ban. Presentation mode to turn outlines into quick slides.

    Use Anywhere.

    Works on Mac, iOS, or any browser.
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  • Perfect note taking app

    I have been in nursing school for 3 semesters and now that I am almost done I have finally found the perfect app for taking notes.
    In nursing school I have used 10 different apps/study styles and I am glad I came across this app. Writing is too slow, typing on a document is too disorganized. Other apps started to lag with the amount of information I typed. This one does not. It perfect for keeping notes organized by class/book/Exam/chapter/disease/etc so i know where to find what I need in only a couple of seconds.

    Also, the cloud saving to seamlessly go between windows/iPad/iPhone is unmatched! Thank you for giving me the drive I need to finish nursing school strong!
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  • An amazing outline organized

    When I was looking for something to organize my thoughts in a capable but no nonsense format I couldn’t believe I found this app which was EXACTLY what I wanted. No menu with a million buttons, colors, and icons. The functions are there when you need them but not cluttering the workspace. Using this program has made it super easy to write down what I need to do any time I think of something no matter what device I have a hand and then not have to hold it in my mind until I sit down and organize my notes, easily and intuitively sliding things around, tagging them, searching. I love that I can mark things Done with a swipe, and that I can get a detailed daily log of all the changes made that i I can search. It’s rare to find a program that does everything you want it to do it a light, streamlined way.
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  • Love Workflowy, but iOS app currently has a bug

    I’m not sure if it has to do with the recent share sheet functionality added to the iOS app – which I love, in concept, and have been using- but now I can’t really use the app itself on the phone - this is the second time it’s happened since that update. I uninstalled and reinstalled completely and now it’s happened again. it basically looks like it’s stuck in a syncing loop or something every time I open it - every time I click to use it, it hangs and reloads,( which it used to do once when opened anyway but now it doesn’t stop doing that and is currently 100% unusable on my phone). My windows desktop and web Workflowy still work fine.
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  • Surprisingly versatile and lovely app

    I did a lot of research and comparisons before choosing Workflowy, and I’ve been thrilled with the results. I’m using it for daily notes that are cross-listed with organized lists of things like companies, vendors, people, ideas, etc. and it’s incredibly agile and responsive. I’ve had some issues working with images in it, which the tech team is talking to me about trying to resolve, but the text features are so good I’m willing to overlook those glitches. This app let me built the the most competent extension of my memory I’ve managed to curate in years of trying.
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  • Build a Life OS

    WorkFlowy is one of the most surprisingly powerful “Tools for Thought” I’ve ever encountered. If you believe, like me, that the universe is a fractal, and that the organization of human ideas is best conceived of similarly, you MUST spend some quality time with this software.

    It is incredibly low-friction, logically designed, highly iterable, encourages creativity, and is a joy to use. There are plenty of resources available to discover hidden gems and clever, emergent functionality.

    Additionally, as of this writing, the product is being actively developed with a great deal of thoughtfulness; just check out their blog. I’m so looking forward to growing with WorkFlowy!
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  • Keeps getting better!

    I am really impressed with how far Workflowy has come. I moved to Dynalist a couple years ago in favor of inline LaTeX support, but I am being drawn back to Workflowy as they have slowly become on-par with Dynalist with a better UX. The major drawback I'm encountering recently is the slow control response whenever I press any button on the app. It feels like I wait half a second before anything happens. Once this gets ironed out I can see myself using the app far more often.
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  • The ADHD Brain’s Secret Weapon

    I have horrible ADHD and about 500 empty notebooks and planners under my belt. Each time I buy one I get super excited to use it and then my thoughts get too jumbled and I can’t figure out how to organize all of my bursts of thought. Eventually, I give up…until the next shiny planner, notebook, or app comes around again and the cycle repeats.

    This app has changed the game. The ease of organizing and elaborating deeper on thoughts at the press of a button has been LIFE CHANGING. Now when I have a random idea I can fully map it out in seconds I highly recommend.
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  • I used to love this app (updated)

    While I haven’t used the paid version of this app, I used to use it ALL THE TIME for maintaining my grocery list and other organization lists, etc. However, the most recent update is likely to make me stop using it as I can’t easily cross things off my list! Bring back that feature and I’ll change my rating!

    EDIT: I guess the developers listened and made it easier to use! I am happy to use the app again! It’s a great one and I use it all the time again!
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