WorkFlowy User Reviews

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  • Essential functionality/tool, crappy app

    I use WorkFlowy as my only tool to organize my entire life. After years of trying a lot of things, I was using a simple synced note pad, and WorkFlowy is an obvious improvement over that and very flexible for personal organizational preferences and styles.

    That said, why is the app so bad? Why is it so un-thoughtfully translated from keyboard to multi-touch? How about adding some context menus and checkboxes or something? Why is it just flat out buggy, with things not showing up, things getting stuck, etc.? I emailed about a bug, got a reply, and a fix didn’t show up for months - and it’s still only partially fixed. I would gladly pay more for this per month if the app was designed better and worked as expected. Very frustrating.
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  • Perfect For Non-Linear Thinkers

    Full disclosure: I use this for personal task management but I realize others use it for far more.

    One of the great myths in time/task/project management land is that one task is a function of exactly one hierarchy... the world simply isn’t that way.

    A given task might live among a dozen hierarchies. Including (but far from limited to):
    •Who For/Constituency
    •Due When
    •What Project/Context
    •Is it merely an idea you need to write down before forgetting.
    •Best time or place to do it
    •Delegated to whom? When do I need to check on them?

    The tag system is dirt simple and it just works.

    I’ve done bullet journals, I’ve done spreadsheets, I’ve done Franklin Planner. I’ve counted on my brain alone. I’ve done scraps of paper strewn across my desk. I am back to Workflowy.

    The incessant re-writing of tasks required by Franklin or Bullet doesn’t work for me. It’s tedious and that time is not value added. My penmanship is atrocious. The spreadsheet thing gets complicated with work and home life.

    Instead of adapting my brain to an external system, I’m using a system to adapt to my brain.

    Welcome back to my life, Workflowy. It’s been a couple of years. I missed you.
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  • Amazing Organizer

    Workflowy has literally changed my life. It helps me keep my extremely busy life organized. I was easily able to quickly create everything from a checklist of my daily activities, multiple other to do lists, shopping lists from the many different stores I shop and our daily menu. I use it interchangeably between my iMac, my iPad, and my iPhone which all stay synced in real time. My wife even accesses my Workflowy to use for our shopping, menu, and other important to do lists.
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  • Useful, Simple, and Easy

    WorkFlowy is fun to use because it works and flexible. It has significantly increased my productivity by becoming my go to app for easily breaking down an project into next actions small enough for me to keep going instead of doing a paralysis analysis in my head. Because WorkFlowy lets me keep my lists and action maps, looking back on how I accomplished continuous progress I find ideas and good memories that boost energy and success. Using the app many times daily has made it a thinking partner in ways no other planner, list maker, or journal has worked for me.
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  • Only app I pay subscription for

    Summary: this app serves as my all-purpose notepad for temporary as well as long-term text storage.

    What I love:
    - replaces iPhone Notepad app (there is no benefit to using notepad anymore)

    - flawless, almost real-time syncing across phone and laptop (and wife’s phone)

    - super flexible sharing (I can just send anyone a link to view/edit any part of my notes)

    - non-tree structure (wiki style) allows the same note to appear in multiple places (so I don’t have to pick the one exact perfect place to store things)

    - automatic backups to Dropbox so I have no fear of losing work (I’ve never once needed this feature, but it’s comforting)

    What I don’t use it for:

    - tasks that I want to “disappear” and never see again (I use Todoist)

    - anything that has a date on which I need to be alerted (iPhone calendar + Todoist)

    - anything that needs a bunch of formatting (Word)

    - anything that needs automatic totaling / formulas (Excel)


    (Developers please read this part!)

    I don’t need Workflowy to do everything. The greatest thing about this app is that it knows its own niche. Please don’t add too many features that lead it away from what it’s so great at doing:

    Plain text editing with super fast interface.

    I need it to take the place of PAPER, not all those other apps. And it’s doing a great job. Thanks very much to the Workflowy team for a great app!
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  • My Most Used App

    I have been using Worflowy on an almost daily basis for years. It is a clean, easy to use product that uses a simple outline format that I find useful for all of my note-taking needs. I am a prodigious e-book reader and I capture ideas and quotes from everything I read by just cutting and pasting text directly into Worflowy. The tab button indents automatically so organizing information is quick, and once entered, the "touch and move"feature, along with the editing, highlighting and search options allow you to format and easily locate your text depending on your own specific search criteria.

    I also use this for my todo lists, for brainstorming and capturing ideas, storing my favorite internet sites and links, long term planning, keeping track of my accomplishments and bucket list items... everything! After several years, I have pages and pages of well organized information in one place that I can retrieve with just a few search terms. I would call this a grown-up app for people who want to keep track of any kind of data in any form. This is my most used app and I would be lost without it.
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  • Excellent app. One minor bug.

    I’d recommend this app to everyone. I’ve been using this for years and it’s a very reliable app and even better on desktop. Literally ever single person should use this app to organize their minds, lives and work. The beauty is in the simplicity!
    Workflowy, if you’re reading: lately I’ve been having a hard time opening the app: I just get a white screen or sometimes I get the floating bullets but it doesn’t load all the way. Can you fix that? I’m using an iPhone 7s IOS 13.5.1, and just updated workflowy today.
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  • A cloud of paper notes is gone

    After years of keeping granulated to-do lists they are all now in one place! I’m a self-employed single dad building a house and taking care of my health, and Workflowy helps me stay focused and on top of the myriad details of dozens of steps in a handful of core projects, goals and dreams. Priceless!

    One feature I’d love to see: the ability to have current daily chosen tasks or priorities be highlighted or pop into their own separate list. If its there I haven’t noticed it, other than collapsing unused task lists.
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  • WorkFlowy has my hearts

    I’ve only used WorkFlowy for about a year, but I use it now for just about everything and I’ve gotten many of my coworkers to switch to it. I love it’s simplicity and I would hate to see that go away. This iOS version is not perfect, but they have made some big improvements on it recently, including the drop down arrow on the right side—a really nice touch. The syncing seems slow though, moving this around is awkward, and I hate the slide to the right and left feature to complete. It looks awful.
    All in all, it’s ok and I don’t need much more. I like using workflowy on browser and rarely want anything on my phone.
    I wish there was an easy way to add to my Inbox in the app though.
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  • A simplified life

    At the risk of sounding hyperbolic I’m going to say that this app has changed my life. I’ve been using it to build an integrated work system for my work and life. I’ve struggled in the past with keeping notebooks or journals updated, but this app’s usability and simplicity make what used to feel like a chore, manageable. It being synced across desktop and mobile also make it perfect for capturing meeting notes and building action items from it anywhere. I now walk around with a clear head and a much lower baseline level of stress throughout the day.
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