Kardia User Reviews

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  • First impressions good…

    ..although setup was a bit mystifying. - I got the basic KardiaMobile device.

    I’m not sure why it required microphone access as it already requested Bluetooth access. I don’t like apps having access to my microphone…

    I’d have liked there to be one of those plastic insulating pull tabs on the battery so that I could be confident that the battery was fresh - especially because my first attempts at pairing failed consistently - leading me to suspect a flat battery. It eventually paired after I kept tapping the device, moving it around and had removed and re-inserted the battery - however, the signal has never been stronger than “weak”.

    Also, the battery cover was VERY difficult to get back on and required excessive force. I had to use a screwdriver to nudge it into place and I thought I was going to break it…

    The app is easy enough to use, but as I am using an iPad I would REALLY appreciate a “Landscape” mode…

    While it’s good to see your ECG results and the test for 3 conditions, I think there should be a less expensive way / one off payment to get the results for the other 3 conditions it says it can detect but won’t give results for unless you upgrade to what appears to be a $10/mth rolling subscription… There needs to be a “mid-ground”…
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  • My Review

    I am very pleased at how easy and accurate the Kardia works. When I showed it to the Doctors, they couldn’t believe how close it matched there equipment. My problem started several years ago when, for no apparent reason, my heart started beating fast to the point I had to lay down in order to slow it down. This became a random event that could come on at any time without any warning. So I bought this device to see what was going on. When I went to the Cardiologist, I new I had Tachycardia. He confirmed it in more detail saying I had paroxysmal supraventricular Tachycardia and Premature ventricular complex. In order to fix the problem for ever, I had a Cardiac Ablation procedure performed and to this day, it never came back. I still use the Kardia Mobile to check my EKG and Blood Pressure every day when possible. It saved my life.
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  • Suddenly Electical Interface is everywhere!

    When I originally got this device and used it with the app it was great. But the problem I keep having is suddenly every time I go to use it it’s always getting electrical interference. I bought this device 6 plus months ago. I used it sent information to my doctor and then my heart palpitations basically went away for a few months so I stopped using it. Then recently they started happening me again so I’ve been trying to use the device. Now every time I go to use it either get a message saying there’s electrical interference or it takes too long to calibrate or communicate with my phone or halfway into the reading it just loses my heart rate and stops the reading. I don’t know if it’s a software issue but this thing went from being great to hardly been able to get a reading. I’m very careful about where I place it when I do the six lead readingBut I’m even having issues with the single lead reading. I will place my fingers on at the same way I’ve always done and it doesn’t even register my finger pressing against the device. The battery say they’re full so unless that thing is reading incorrectly maybe I need a new battery. IDK, it’s just very frustrating.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Stir79, This might be an indication the battery needs to be replaced, you may want to reach out to support (info below) and see if they can resolve your issue or replace it if needed. Thank you, AliveCor Support Phone: (855) 338 8800 Email: support@alivecor.com For articles on commonly asked questions, you can visit our support site at [https://alivecor.zendesk.com/hc/en-us]
  • Requires a subscription!!!

    So I purchased the hardware heart rate monitor and the app allows you to check for atrial fib (irregular heartbeat)And this functionality works just fine. Cardia recently sent an email saying they have added three different heart disorder conditions that this device is now capable of detecting but they expect you to pay $100 a year to unlock this new feature. Well it makes sense to me to have subscriptions for things like new content that they have to continually develop, it makes absolutely zero cents to have to pay a subscription to unlock a new hardware feature that does not require any ongoing cost to the company. This particular feature should be unlocked with a one time in app purchase if anything. When I spend money on a hardware device I expect the company to stand behind their device and continually update refined the software without forcing additional cost onto me as the consumer. It’s not like this is a completely free app and I haven’t given them a good chunk of my money already. This is nothing but a money grab. No one should pay a monthly subscription to unlock a hardware feature.
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  • Great device, but-

    I loveee the Kardia device!! It takes beautiful recordings and if you do it right, there is minimal artifact. It’s a great tool for patients to catch episodes and abnormal rhythms for their doctor to see.
    However, the “clinician review” Kardia offers is NOT worth it!! I work with a Cardiac Electrophysiologist (cardiologist who specifically specializes it heart rhythms) and we tested a theory; I sent in some of my own abnormal rhythm strips (obviously my doctor and I already knew what they showed) and both times the “Clinical Analysis by a Board-Certified Cardiologist” was incorrect! And very far off from the correct diagnosis too. A cardiologist may be able to differentiate between basic/common rhythms, but they are not well versed in the arrhythmia world.
    If you are paying to have your EKG reviewed, it should be by an Electrophysiologist! Otherwise, it’s a waste of money IMO and you may get a wrong diagnosis back.
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  • An amazing device

    I actually bought this device from my sister-in-law about two years ago she has microvalve prolapses Proximately 3 1/2 months ago I wound up in the emergency room with a fib, she wasn’t using a device so I took it back and then I check my heart to her three times a day I’ve had two more events that require hospitalization, and one event that I treated at home I could feel the a fib, but have you confirmed that it started and more importantly that it stopped was most important the last time I was in the hospital I was in a fib for about 30 hours and they give me some new medication and I was eating a small light meal when all of a sudden I look at my wife and said I just converted so before calling the nurse I got my little device out put it on the table top bingo sinus rhythm.
    I don’t know where absolutely nowhere without that on my person, there’s also a very convenient flap that you can put a couple of what I call in the pocket pills that I can take when I go into a fib to help stop it best $89 I have ever spent in my life I’ve spent twice that thank you
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  • Diary Awkward, Data transfer better

    First of all, this device correctly diagnosed AFib following a heart valve replacement. It happened on Sunday. I sent the EKG to my surgeon. He concurred with the diagnosis arranged an appointment the next day with my cardiologist. I got on blood thinners and beta blocker and had a Cardioversion two days later. I’ve had one other episode since then and we adjusted my medication.
    This is the latest version of the app that just came out. The data transfer with my OMRON BP monitor works much better. Transfers first time, every time. I have both the 1-Lead Kardia Mobile and I just got the 6-Lead version. Easy to switch between the two or to choose 1L or 6L on my 6L device.
    The diary has gotten awkward. The Meds, BP, weight, are all in a big list. You must scroll through the list to find the item you are trying to mark. I’d recommend having the diary items items back in groups, EKG, weight, BP, Meds, etc. Also, there should be a way to mark Meds taken by groups- Morning, Noon, Dinner, Bedtime.
    Finally, with COVID-19 going around, it would be nice to have diary entry for body temperature. Also, for diabetics, an entry for Blood Glucose level, with averaging/graphing functions. That would make this app a one-stop shop.
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  • My cardiologist’s response “EXCELLENT”

    I purchased the Kardia because I have a history of tachycardia. I am on a beta-blocker to control my heart rate. Recently, in spite of the beta-blocker, my heart started racing. I ran an EKG on my Kardia and was shocked to see I was having tachycardia. I took three recordings before going to the E.R. My tachycardia was resolved by the time I reached the E.R., so they sent me home. I uploaded my Kardia EKGs to my cardiologist. He was simply amazed at the quality of the strip and called the report EXCELLENT. He was happy to be able to see “clearly” what had happened during my tachycardia episode. Based on my Kardia EKGs, he was able to diagnose Paroxysmal Afib. He adjusted my treatment based on that new diagnosis. I highly recommend Kardia. If I hadn’t captured my EKG recordings prior to going to the E.R., all I would have had was wasted time that night. You can easily upload a Kardia recording to your doctor using the MY CHART app.
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  • Great Tool - ICU RN gives thumbs up

    30+ years in Critical Care nursing, and w/ a few health issues of my own now, I can only say “Wow!” This is a great tool for those wishing to know if they are having Atrial Fibrillation episodes so they can get prompt treatment. Treatment of A-fib is vital in preventing strokes, death, and disability.
    I was able to determine my skipped beats were not PVC’s from coffee consumption but PJC’s and probable culprit taking more levothyroxine than my thyroid levels warrant (plus my old pal, caffeine). Got my thyroid levels checked and Bingo! The intrinsic interpretation function will not give you that kind of diagnosis (only gives normal or not, a-fib or not options) unless you pay for an expert interpretation ($19) or get Premium package. If you can read ECG’s already, then this can help identify PSVT vs rapid A-fib, and many other dysrhythmias. No substitute for going to your provider, but the ability to share your rhythm strip is REALLY INVALUABLE. Option to carry it on your phone is brilliant because folks always have phones on their person to capture evrnts. I have added it to my first aid kit. Home health agencies should be using these and anyone doing wellness checks on older adults.
    I wonder how many lives this tool has saved, and how many strokes it has prevented? Amazing! Thank you!
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  • Time Out

    I have had atrial fibrillation for a number of years. During that time if I felt anything “off” I went to the ER. After relaxing and working with meditation all the symptoms went away every time. The doctors seemed to be as surprised as I was. There were many false alarms. At the hospital I was routinely checked-out. With 20 minutes of meditation all the systems were normal. My cardiologist was pleased with how I was being proactive. He showed me the Kardia app and I purchased it that day. The app gave me such peace of mind. I could use it to determine if I was having a heart event and needed to relax and check again to determine if I needed to go to the ER. Now, which is two years later, I have done routine daily readings and I’ve had no sign of a-fib except two times. I sent the results for an immediate reading and feedback. 20 minutes later—but using meditation and quietly coping whatever was going wrong had already resolved any concerns before my results even had been reported back to me. I keep my yearly check-ups and I’m doing great. Given my experience I recommend the Kardia app. It’s a great tool in your fight with heart disease. It’s peace of mind and no false alarm trips to the ER. It’s a huge piece of what I do to stay well and deal with my heart irregularities in a very wise way. Best of luck to anyone reading this post.
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