User Reviews: THX tune

Top reviews

  • Problem solved: fix your app, get 5 stars.

    Was pretty annoyed with this product and left a fairly scathing review about a month ago having to do with the app crashing when trying to select HDMI in the equipment tab. Received an email today in response my original complaint notifying me that the very issue I had complained about was fixed. Re-Downloaded the app and viola, it works! Thank you for fixing the app! It's actually extremely useful and I have to say that my 5.1 is sounding much better than it did yesterday and some of the picture adjustments to my 73" definitely improved the picture quality. Thanks guys/gals, I do appreciate it. 🤘🏻
  • Works really nicely!

    There are some requirements to getting the app to work right:

    * You have to be able to put the app on the TV, either by HDMI or by AirPlay to an Apple TV or a Mac. I had a last-gen Apple TV and it worked fine
    * You have to output audio via HDMI. The reason the app crashes when you pick HDMI is that you’re outputting over AirPlay. It did the same thing to me, but Ir realized my phone was not connected via HDMI. I was unable to do sound adjustments, but I understand that they want the native audio going to the device, so it’s OK.

    The result was nicely. I’d never really messed with my TV’s manual adjustments (an RCA 50” LED), but it seemed like dark things were extra dark. After adjusting contrast and brightness using the app, movies look much better. That alone was worth it. I don’t think I need to do sound adjustments since I just have a sound bar with subwoofer. If I choose to, I’ll have to buy an HDMI adapter for my iPhone, but that’s not really the app’s fault.
  • Can't select HDMI

    I recently downloaded this app and enjoyed how simple it was to use however I could not make any audio adjustments due to the app crashing every time I try to select HDMI. I was able to calibrate my TV but not my receiver as of yet. I also have a few other recommendations. I wish there was an ability to store data for more than one tv. I have three TVs in my home and would like to be able to store data for each in my app. Also I wish the app showed other possible names for the adjustments. For example the app uses "Tint" however my TV uses "Hue". This change is not that big, but it would have saved me a search on Google.
  • THX Tuneup works great!

    I recently purchased a Panasonic 50 inch plasma tv. The THX program was a simple and effective way to fine tune the many settings found on most televisions today. Through the Apple TV interface the operator was able to see improvements in the picture quality as you went through the settings. The picture on my tv is stunning and I am extremely happy with this program. The program also has a means to tune up the audio surround settings but I have not gone through that section yet. I expect similar results as the company THX is known worldwide for its audio excellence.
  • Not as good as it seems

    I adjusted my projector perfectly based on this app. The color was way off. Then used a calibration Blu-Ray found on the "rainforest website", I think you can guess what that website is called and fixed the terrible color recommended settings from this app. You need tinted glasses or a tinted color card to properly adjust the blue, red and green. Once I calibrated to the blu-Ray and changed my settings from what color settings were recommended by this app the difference was amazing. This just doesn't cut it for color adjustment. Brightness and contrast are good. A note to THX. Come on guys, you need to adjust colors for blue first, then verify it for red and green. This app needs to be fixed so people can calibrate their color property.
  • Almost perfect

    This is the best method to calibrating a tv without the help of professional tools and services. This is the best $1.99 spent. I was able to improve the display of my television considerably, and it only took around 15 minutes. However, I have one complaint and a couple suggestions.

    My only complaint is the color calibration. I found that the recommended setting this was lower then what it really needed to be. I believe this has to do with the camera portion. After matching the color, I was at 40%. However, most colors appeared very grayed-out and "milky". I was only able to truly correct the color by using the hot air balloon and waiting until just before the cables disappeared.

    My suggestions would be to correct the color problem or improve it, and to provide a slightly better picture for the contrast portion. It's very good, but I find that the color of the plate to the right of the cherry is too close to the background that most tv's below a million-to-one contrast ratio will not pick it up.

    I wish I could rate this app 9/10, but for now, I'll do 4 stars and wait for an update. Still an outstanding app though.
  • Pretty good if only basic...

    This app works pretty well for what it is and given that its free (for now). It could be made a little better if they added one or two more in depth picture adjustments such as 'sharpness' and maybe correct 'color temp' which is usually warm 1 or 2 on most TVs. For now and unless they update this app to add more A/V adjustments such as the two mentioned above and then some, this isn't nearly as good/complete or in depth as some calibration discs out there or a good professional calibration but for a free app, it's much better than nothing and does a good job at improving picture quality on a very basic level. Oh, as others have already stated, this app works just fine, be sure 'MIRRORING' is switch to 'on' on your iPhone/iPad. Enjoy.
  • Tune up help from the standard bearer!

    If I were to want anyone to tweak my system, it would be THX; since they started the whole idea of maximizing performance in the theater and then at home.
    But, not expecting too much from a phone app, I downloaded and tried it out. I expected good advice and guidance from THX, but was surprised and pleased that actual interactive tools are part of the package. Color, detail, etc. are not adjustments you can make by just reading instructions. Watching dynamic changes make it a snap and accurate. Plus, hearing the phase signals confirm positively your hookup, instead of trying to do it using music or some other source. I appreciate it was free as an intro, but I would gladly have paid for it!
    Thx, THX!
  • Deep note

    Awesome app, I love it! Works as described, easy instructions to follow and truly FUN extras.

    I’ve seen comments on people having issues with the adjustment patterns/photos not appearing – just make sure you turn on your Apple TV mirroring, that should solve the problem. Also make sure AirPlay is turned on if you’re using Apple TV with your device. For those not able to do 5.1 audio tests, the app states that you can only do this via an HDMI connection (not through Apple TV).

    For a free app (or even when it does go up to $1.99), this is an extremely valuable gem from THX. Thank you!
  • What I've been waiting for!

    Made my relatively cheap Westinghouse 42" LED HDTV produce a fantastic picture. I always thought HD games and TV looked great, but this took it to another level. Give it a try. If doesn't make your picture and better just default back to your old settings. You've got nothing to lose.

    A big tip: Turn your sharpness to 0! Apparently sharpness digitally enhances the pictures edges and doesn't produce accurate realism. Just keep it off or at zero for best quality. The app doesn't tell you this, but researching online you'll get the same answer.

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