Contraction Timer & Counter 9m User Reviews

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  • Ads?

    The fact that this has ads between contractions that you have to x out of boggles my mind - keep the ads non interrupting or down below. What the heck
  • Amazing app!

    This app was amazing and got me to the hospital at the right time! So grateful for this during labour
  • Inappropriate ad timing

    Ad popped up right when I needed to track. Stupid.
  • Ads pop up mid use

    Ads pop up while using it, really tries to push you to buy the premium version by giving you almost no options in the app.
  • Helped me tremendously

    With my first two pregnancies I was induced. So I was already hooked up to IV’s before my contractions kicked in. With my latest pregnancy I knew I wanted to bring on labor myself, but I was not aware of how to count my contractions. This app took the guess work out of it for me. On the day I went into the hospital, I was walking around target and curb walking in the plaza(to naturally induce labor) I tracked my contractions and it told me when I needed to start getting my things together (they were already in the car) and when to go to the hospital. I waited maybe another 45 minutes to be sure the alert was legit and continued counting. On the second go to the hospital alert I was On my way! Got to the hospital and delivered 9 hours later!

    Thankful for this technology.
    **SN. Since this app will mostly be downloaded on a phone, try to not go to another app or doing anything to distract you after you pressed contraction started. I forgot to press stop contraction a FEW times
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  • Don’t tell us to go to the hospital

    Count the contractions, but you were so, so wrong about going to the hospital. You shouldn’t tell people to do something that is not as clear as you think it is
  • Excellent

    Straightforward. Works well, easy interface and sensible advice. All the entitled reviewers who complain about ads are welcome to stop being entitled beggars and pay for the full version.
  • Contraction Timer

    Used when my waters broke until the hospital arrival 10/10 for this one
  • This app saved me!

    My labor started at 5am. And my contractions started out at 5mins apart. I had prodromal labor with my first daughter, and I was convinced that I was experiencing the same thing again. But I downloaded this app about 2 hours into labor, just to help me time my contractions. After about 4 contractions, the app told me to go to the hospital. (Keep in mind, it was only 7am at this point). Despite my doubt, I headed to the hospital and gave birth less than an hour after being there. If it wasn’t for this app, I would have had my baby at home or in the car! Lol. Also, It’s super easy to use - no learning curve at all. Love it!
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  • Ne pas payer pour cette application

    L’application calcule correctement les contractions mais impossible de supprimer les erreurs, ni de faire plusieurs rondes de contractions. Même lorsqu’on paie l’app.

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