eIVF Patient User Reviews

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  • App could be better

    I like this app and the notifications are quick. I don’t like this app because I have to create a New message every time it being able to reply to that particular message is silly. I don’t like that I have to log in every time, it is weird to not be able to use Face ID. It also seems a little out dated and generic. For the most part it does what is needs to do.
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  • Absolutely hate this app I miss the old system

    Ever since the update this has been the most frustrating experience. Anytime you’re ready to send a message you have to start a new one every single time. You can never just reply to some thing that someone at the office sent you. I also have the same frustration that I have two notifications that I need to clear about referral source and partners information. I clear it but it’s still there. Even the website is frustrating I’m not able to upload documents nor at the moment even figure out how to pay my bills lol. I really hope there are updates soon to make this app easier to navigate. Until then I firmly standby my one star if not zero.
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  • Why is this app so bad??? Please please update and fix!

    The app is horrific. The most un-user friendly app I’ve ever used in my life. It’s so difficult to use and navigate. The alerts never go away! It gives me such anxiety because I always keep checking it thinking the specialist has actually given me something new to do. Nope just the same tasks that I’ve already completed. The same appointments I’ve already confirmed a million times. Just constant glitches. You would think that with all of us already dealing with the immensely devastating hardship of infertility that they would want to make it as easy as possible for us. This app does not do that.
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  • Good potential

    The app has good potential, but needs a couple updates. I like the access it provides and that there are separate areas for flowcharts, patient instructions, messages, and appointments. However, it needs facial ID or a pin password because entering a complicated password every time I access the app is driving me crazy. Also, it would be great if the icons had labels. For example, you hit the home page and see an envelope, a random triangle, and a beaker. But there’s no description of which is which. As a new user, it would be really helpful. Also, not being able to respond to messages is so aggravating!
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  • Missing some obvious features

    Really like having easy access to my medical team, but it’s so frustrating that I cannot reply to messages. My doctors will ask me questions and I have to remember who messages me and go out and start a whole new thread with the team rather than replying.
    I saw on another review and also find it frustrating that an alert number remains for no apparent reason. I think it’s because I have an upcoming appointment, but even after confirming that I have the red dot which creates a lot of extra opening of the app when I go in to make sure I haven’t missed anything.
    I also really wish there was a way to save the password or use face recognition because even my iPhone password keeper won’t work to auto fill.
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  • Just Ok

    This app is fine for what I need it for but there is so much that could be better. The notifications for appointments don’t go away until after the appointment has passed, none of the categories are labeled and you have to guess what the pictures mean for everything, it constantly tells you to update your referral but there’s no way to do it, I could go on. Too many bugs and non-user friendly things going on for me to recommend this to anyone else.
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  • UX Poor & Cumbersome

    With so many apps on the market, I can’t help but think “did any of the developers actually test this as if they were a patient before putting it out here?” Drives me nuts that you can’t reply to a message so you can have one “conversation” in the same trail. This is Email 101 - the basics. I also see that the specifics of lab results that I can see when I log in on my laptop do not appear in the app… it’s as if some fields haven’t been created to transfer all the data to the app view. I’m shocked so many people have given it 5 stars. That said, I guess it does provide some level of detail so perhaps that’s why?
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  • Pretty awful app

    Unfortunately, I am forced to use this app in order to receive some documents and communication with my reproductive clinic. This app is really frustrating, messy, and not intuitive. It constantly shows I have notifications but I cannot figure out what it’s notifying me about. It will show that I have 5 notifications, but I go in and only see 2 new items. It will say I have an “unconfirmed” appointment, but every appointment shows as being confirmed. It asks me to update my referral source….I have tried multiple ways to do this, but it never clears it as “completed.” I’m not sure if it’s the app or my clinic, but nurses can send me messages, but I cannot reply. I have asked the nurses about this and they kind of throw their hands up and say, “yeah, patients can’t reply back to us.” I have used other apps like this with other doctors’ offices and have never found them to be difficult to use. I really hate this app, but am forced to use it.
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  • In concept its great

    This app is so clunky. I believe it needs an update for new phones. I have an iPhone mini as of Oct 2021 and things are off the screen. I’m trying to print a financia document and I a cannot for the life of me do this on the app and web portal. The option just doesn’t appear for me to print a pdf.

    I’m also seeing this phantom overdue tasks reminder for things I’ve done multiple times which makes it hard to figure out what I really need to do. It is just not an intuitive UI and needs a lot of development and troubleshooting. But since this is what my clinic uses I am stuck.
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  • Terrible app

    This app is unreliable, very poorly designed and executed. It has many problems…I’ll only mention the ones that bothered me the most:
    - you can’t answer to a msg, you need to create a new msg/conversation.
    - I receive a txt msg on my phone stating that I have a new msg on my portal, but no msg show up for a while in the app. Sometime the portal as well shows that I have a new msg, but when I try to open it nothing appears.
    - keep showing notifications as new, even after opening and reading them multiple times.
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