Marvel Collect! by Topps User Reviews

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  • Typical trading card app

    This is a cool app for those who like Marvel Comics and know current and past story lines. They have a variety of different types of cards you can get and there’s a lot.
    The draw back as with every other single app out there is that they highly encourage you to drop real money for digital cards. 🤔 That’s never made sense to me but there are those addicts that will, unfortunately. Just remember it’s just a fun trading card app.

    Coins. Card packs can be many thousands of coins to purchase yet you don’t really get a chance to receive many coins. There are “missions” you can complete but most of them hardly get you any coins. Card packs shouldn’t be as much as they are.

    And then we have the typical card ratio problem. You’ll see a ratio as to how many card packs it takes to open to receive one of the cards for the set you’re looking for (i. e. 1:5, 1:10, 1:30, etc.) You’ll notice more often than not you’ll go through more packs than what the ratio states almost always. This is a typical ploy because Topps plays on you knowing you’ll open more than what the ratio is because they know you want that card causing you to spend more coins. I’ve complained directly to Topps about this, twice, just to see if they would respond back. I get the confirmation that they’d got my complaint but I never hear anything after that 😂. T Y P I C A L.

    Does anyone from Topps even see these reviews? Didn’t think so....
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  • A lot of fun

    Game developers push out a lot of new content every day! If you try to collect everything you will either be frustrated or spend a lot of money. If you choose enjoyable sets that appeal to you. You will not be disappointed

    The trading aspect of the game is a difficulty. By their nature, trades should benefit both parties (each get something they need). Too many traders expect “ value”, in that they benefit more than you. If everyone does this, trading freezes
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  • Unfair play

    The odds in this app are horrible, they have taken every bit of fun out of this app, the odds claim to be 1:25 packs but in reality you purchase 75 packs, 1:5 odds you have to buy 15, 3 times what it’s supposed to be, it takes all week to save up gold coins to make purchases then you have to spend everything to try an collect one card. You have players with multiply accounts getting all the good cards then selling them back for real money, through eBay or PayPal. While the people that are playing, that actually like marvel and there cards have to spend real money outside the app just to get the cards they want. So the free players of the app are making money off a free app that the developers have no control over. There is no trading in this app most people expect you to give 3:1, 4:1, when it supposed to be 1:1. Again horrible app, good concept but very poorly executed. Will be deleting soon, don’t bother downloading, you will be wasting your time. Free players with multiply accounts are making money from the developers, and the developers make nothing but continue to let this happen. You are not too smart Topps.
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  • You will never get super rare cards ink and tilt because of hoarders

    There are different type or rare cards ink, tilt, don’t expect get one ink card you will never ever get one don’t expect people trade them to you they will not trade ink card to you even if they double of ink card, tilt there are people who 8 of same ink card they are posting trading messages they will not trade with you no trade of common, super rare, rare, uncommon , nothing these people just posting messages to trade but not trading with anyone but they have a lot of followers following and many of same ink cards that are of same character,.

    If you new this card don’t expect get any ink card there are hoarders out there who will not trade them same with tilt and any other super rare, rare, common cards out there you want or to have to complete collection I have contact tops about people hoarding same ink card not giving new people a chance get one they have not contact me back
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  • Poor card draw chances

    Love the app and have put tons of time in on it. Easy to collect even without spending any cash but for some of the rarer cards and sets you’ll have to fork some over. The big issue is that the insert odds are way off. For example if an insert has 1:3 chance of being pulled that means in a pack of 5 cards I’d pull one every pack. Or at least every other pack, no? Often you will blow through thousands upon thousands of coins and never pull one. Additionally, when buying diamond to get premium packs you will often end up with multiples of the same cards in your packs, forcing you to spend additionally to get those premium inserts. However is those odds were to ring true more often this would be a near perfect experience.
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  • Really fun, but...

    So if you grew up in the late 80’s/90’s and loved comic books and superhero’s, this is a great time waster and fun too see the older style art pop up, and remember the different storylines you read or saw over the years. The only issue I have is that unless your willing to pay for new cards, after the first couple days, opportunities for free coins are pretty scarce and when they do give them it’s about enough to get you 3 cards, of which 2 you’ll already have. I love comics and marvel in particular, but I’m not going to put real money down for a digital card on an app that could go away at any time. If you want to pay and can afford too more power too you and I’m sure it goes atleast in some way towards new content on the app. But for the player who want the nostalgia but not the bill, particularly in this trying time with so many people put of work. Why not have some mini games you could play to earn additional coins and more frequent bonuses for times logged in and time spent playing. Anything helps. Still love the artwork!
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  • Addicting little game if given a chance

    First off, I like that this Marvel game includes the X-Men and related properties. So props there! Second, I used to collect actual cards back in grade school and was skeptical about virtual cards being worth my time. That said, the game is very F2P friendly and so if you like Marvel and want something to pass a few minutes with some nice artwork every few hours this is a great way to do that and you’ve nothing to lose. Paid currency isn’t required but if you want a higher chance at rare cards it’s very cheap unlike most other games that cost an arm and a leg.

    To Topps: Thanks for the friendly customer service recently with an issue and efforts to bring card collecting to us phone zombies but please consider getting physical Marvel cards back on the shelves. This app is only feeding that desire to own and trade the cards long after this app is sunset.
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  • All for the Money

    Hi everyone. I can honestly say is pretty cool to be able to collect all these different types of cards. Well in all reality that’s not even close to the truth. I do enjoy seeing all the different types of cards but that’s the problem. The amount of coins you guys give for us to collect is not enough for us to even try to collect cards,so we just look. You can make what a day 40,000 coins give or take a few . then you put out cards worth 2500 to 4000 each card pack. With 2 new types of collection. Come on now. To top it off the odd of getting a good card or a card period is way worse then what it says. There’s times the odd are 1:3 or 1:10, when it takes about 20 cards before you can get a good card, and I’m only talking about common. Smh, “ if you lucky”. So yes this is where it comes with “well buy diamonds”. We are here to have fun and you guys are getting greedy for money. People will buy them because they want to, but don’t force them. That’s another way of doing a scam. I gave it a 3 because I’m a marvel fan, and I do enjoy these collection. Can’t even get good cards to even trade. So help out your fans to enjoy what they like not lose them for greed. Trust it, they will come and you will have more traffic.
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  • App is great!

    I am on all the Topps apps and pretty much like them all and always hope that they don’t lose there license for the rights like they did with Huddle and UFC because then we will run out of Topps apps. The only thing I don’t like now is the traders don’t trade like they use to. They want to hoard everything and it makes it harder to collect collections when you need one and someone else has 50 and they don’t want to trade one or they try and rip you off for a low count card. Topps should try to limit cards to what people can get like no more then 10 of same card.
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  • Super fan when I still had a base set to collect

    The 2020 base set has 1008 cards
    200 of those are diamond/orange rarity that is unattainable. I took me a month to collect the other 800. At this point is when the game is getting so frustrating. You receive coins as a reward for completing certain tasks/missions but the rate you get the coins is not possible to get the better card sets. Ex you get 500 coins reward but it takes 3000 coins to open a 3 card pack with odds of 10:1
    Of course you end up with only duplicates of the base set you already have
    Real money is the only way to get the new sets. I understand plenty of people is willing to burn real money but in my case I do t feel like it
    I mean tomorrow I’ll remove the app and all that money goes up in flames. I mean I love the sets but i will only pay money for a hard copy of an actual card... like the ones back in the 90s
    I missed those so much cause you can keep them forever
    I wish Topps would give the little guy’s a chance to get the nicer packs without having to use Diamonds (real money)
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