epark Ann Arbor User Reviews

epark Ann Arbor
epark Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority

Top reviews

Forced to create account

Bad UX:
1. Have to download app to pay for parking - no mobile web experience
2. Have to create account to view parking hours/rates
3. If you decline location services during sign up you can’t re-enable

Needs better interface

App doesn’t tell you that parking is free. It just says it can’t find your location multiple times. There should just be a manual input then it can tel you free parking like all the other parking apps that Detroit, Royal Oak, and Ferndale use. Not sure if it’s not compatible with the new iOS update or if this is just a previous bug.
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Good app but does steal time

So I love using my app to pay for parking. Especially during the winter time when I don’t want to be fishing for change standing by the meter which may be way down the street from where I parked. Also, sometimes my dollars are too wrinkly for the machine on the side of the road, and I cannot pay with the cash that I have on hand. One other thing I like about this app is that it is a pay as you go app. In other words, unlike Starbucks, where you have to fill up your movie app with money ahead of time, constantly needing to “spend” more than you need to at that moment in order to purchase a coffee via the app, this program lets you pay only exactly what you owe... well, almost exactly what you owe. The app seems to begin counting your space time from the moment you open the app, before you have logged in and before you have given a space number. That is a real bummer. I have tried to just not open it until I am walking out of my car for this reason. Sometimes I forget. I think the app should begin at the full amount of time I paid for, not for the time I have the app open.

All of that said, I would choose it again and again over paying cash on the street.
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Convenient for short stays.

Good for short stays. I’ve heard it doesn’t notify you when your time is running out but I don’t ever use it for stays longer than a few hours so I haven’t experienced that issue.

Has worked perfectly for several years.

No complaints at all.

Delayed paying

I get to class in the morning before I’m allowed to pay for my parking. Sometimes I have to wait so long that I’m unable to connect my phone or forget to pay and I get a ticket. Need to be able to pay at 7:45 for parking that starts at 8.

The best thing that’s happened inA2

Maybe not quite perfect around UM because issues with Wi-Fi. That said when I turn the Wi-Fi off and don’t have to get out of my car and Climb over icy slush to reach the pay station, or get soaked while fumbling with the machine- and then get a little horn beep to remind me to do something I am so thankful for its existence.
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Won’t work with iPhone 11

I upgraded my phone and now it says the app can’t be installed. I’m reluctant to delete it because I still have funds on it. I haven’t figured out how to contact tech support. Frustrating.


Couldn’t change a thing, makes parking super convenient!

Works for me

I downloaded this app for convenience and it has been very good for me. I don’t know where the meters are very often but when I do, I use this app and it has always worked fine. The only gripe I have is that it starts the calculation of the time shorter than what I would expect.

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