User Reviews: Tsurukame

Top reviews

  • Great App supplement for Wanikani

    I use this fairly regularly and really like the simplification and the ease of usage. Especially the modifiable lenience if you're prone to typos like me. I don't tend to use Wanikani on my pc anymore, this app is just that convenient and better to use.

    It seems like recently the context sentence translations stopped being blurred by default and just show up as is? Is it possible to regain the blur or have this option be something toggle-ble? Would really appreciate it since I've been trying to casually read them and translate and I'm getting spoiled before I can try.

    Thanks so much for the amazing app!
  • Love this app!

    This app has made using WaniKani a joy for me. As someone who didn’t like using the website especially when I was on my phone and this app made it possible for me to use anytime.
    I only wish it gave me the option to review randomly. Like an option that just loaded ten random kanji you already learned and practice and refresh. The way it is now is fine but it’s much harder to review the previous ones I learned to see whether I still know them. Please add a feature like this that’s separate from the level up reviews. Like Random Review.
    Thank you for all your hard work on the app!
  • Really good!

    Great app! Easy to use. I would love it if there was an option to unburn/resurrect specific kanji from the app. Maybe a small button on the kanji/vocab page? Overtime, I end up forgetting some of the kanji that I once learned from previous levels so it would be a great feature to have.

    Thank you for adding the extra practice! I needed that for so long :) I would really like it if there was an option that allowed you to practice specific burned items, like vocab, kanji, or radicals instead of all of them at once and possibly have the option to select specific burned levels. So for example, an option to study burned vocab for level 25. I think that ties in well with the unburn option idea that if I get something wrong from the extra practice, I can resurrect the item straight from the app instead of having to go onto Wanikani’s website.
  • Saved my life

    I’ve been using it for a month and I’ve been caught up on reviews for pretty much every waking hour since I got the app. The main thing that helps is the unread badge on the app icon. I used to be scared to open WaniKani from fear of the amount of reviews that would build up every day. I tried to catch up once a day but lately I’d started procrastinating for days, building up about 300 reviews between each time I opened the website. Now, it’s all changed. All I have to do is put the app on the home screen to see how much I need to do. The red badge on the app icon is a soft reminder to do my reviews that I can always see. I’m constantly motivated to catch up, because I know right away when new reviews come in, without having to perform the small task of opening WaniKani (which becomes an excuse to avoid the whole thing). It ends up being only about 10 reviews per hour on average for me, so sometimes I even end up staring at the app waiting for new reviews at the turn of the hour.
  • Perfect companion app to WaniKani

    I started my long journey to learn kanji back in November and was surprised to see that they didn’t have an official app and wondered why. Well it’s because this one is absolutely perfect! There are no distracting ads, lag in syncing with the site and properly working pushed notifications that are both helpful and painful reminders to stay on track.

    This app and WaniKani have really helped me overcome my hate of kanji and have actually made it into something I look forward to progressing with over time.
  • Truly an amazing app, but the latest update contains a slightly confusing feature

    Maybe I’m the only person who has this problem, but I keep getting confused while looking at the stats for the previous level, since they’re now marked “current level,” and my *true* current level is marked “next level.” Can this be changed to “previous level” and “current level”? I hate to complain about anything here, though, as this app is an incredible gift to Wanikani users. I can say 100% that if I didn’t have this app, I would not be using Wanikani every single day (which I have been, sometimes for hours).
  • Amazing app

    This app makes doing WaniKani reviews on mobile sooooo much easier. I consider it essential for anyone who uses WaniKani.

    I love how there’s an Apple Watch app, and today’s update adding the second graph, so I can see which previous-level vocab is left to complete before moving on to content from the the next level, is AMAZING. That was by far my biggest pain point with the app, before. Thank you!!
  • Great polished app

    The app is well polished and feature-full. It really helps me with keeping up with my reviews and lessons. One feature I think would be really helpful and appreciated would be the inclusion of being able to review 1. Recent mistakes 2. Recent Lessons just like the normal desktop web version.
  • Best Companion App for Wanikani

    Very convenient and easy to use, with no excessive flairs. My only suggestion for improvement is regarding the layout for Anki mode. Current design requires three presses to process a review. First press, easy enough, can work anywhere on the screen and proceeds to bring up the answer for you to check against. However, the second press requires pressing the TOP of the screen to bring up the option menu to indicate whether your provided the right answer or not at the BOTTOM of the screen. This requires a great deal of finger traversal across the screen, which makes one handed handing rather cumbersome on large phones (at least from personal experience). An alternative view option requiring less screen traversal would be greatly appreciated, further complementing the convenient nature of Anki mode. Despite this, still an easy 5-star experience :)
  • Great app, needs to fix kanji and vocabulary

    In my opinion this app is better than the WaniKani website because it offers more easily accessible information on the Home Screen. But one major issue is that some vocabulary and kanji are marked as a higher level than they really are, so you’re not able to review them until you reach that level. For example, I’ve unlocked 外れ, but in Tsurukame, upon searching, it’s displayed at level 15 even though I already unlocked it at a much lower level.

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