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  • Amazing FREE RPG game!

    I can’t even begin to describe the experience. The game is solid and gives you your fantasy fix. The art style is amazing and each character feels solid and realistic to the story. It’s a side scroller but the animation is surprising for an app that’s free. The character move about making the worlds feel alive and you can chat to the townsfolk. Most buildings you can enter and talk to the residents. Buy armor and weapons for your characters and upgrade them to new heights! I’m amazed on how detailed it is, it reminds me a mix of Final Fantasy and chrono games. It’s is story driven and you get free characters to mess with as you play through the story. There are character, main, and side quests to play! All free!!!! Of course there is a gotcha for higher star characters, but they give you characters through your play through so you can hold hold off on the gatchas. Is is the most fun I have ever had while playing an app, I’m shocked that is is an app.
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  • Great game, great design but expensive

    This game has basic mechanics so it’s easy to play and also has great graphics and an amazing story line, however, I feel the currency in this game is Ridiculously expensive. 10 heroes is 1000 Chrono stones which is the currency in this game. It costs $24 to buy 1000 chrono stones. The highest purchase is $80 which only gets you about 3500 chrono stones. Most games I’ve played give you more for less and I feel it doesn’t really benefit you to put the in game currency that high since the game isn’t multiplayer based from what I’ve seen. That. Wing said, you can pretty much get through the game at your own pace and you do get chrono stones for accomplishing tasks that you get since the beginning of the game so purchasing chrono didn’t too necessary but the amount you receive doesn’t really compensate the difference in prices. That’s why I have given the game 4 stars. If the prices are reduced, I’ll give it 5 stars but for now that’s all I can give.
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  • Whoa! This is neato!

    So I just played through the first few chapters so far and i’m loving it! Grind for experience, money, items, and crystals to upgrade your characters’ skills, levels, armor, and weapons. You can really feel the influence of Chrono Trigger in this game’s story which, by the way, is lovingly localized. You can really feel the characters’ personalities in the script! And the sad parts of the story actually pack a bit of a wallop! For a free game, this is unlike anything I’ve ever played before. I own games that I purchased for $60 that I enjoy less than this game, honestly. There is so much variety in the playable characters and the artwork is just so beautiful. Rivaling the best of NIS, for sure. Also, the soundtrack isn’t repetitive and is fun and engaging. All in all, I’m amazed! Also, this game lets me play it while listening to my iphone’s music if I ever feel the want, so that’s a definite plus.
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  • Some game design problems

    The art style and game style is pretty good. But there are a few problem needs to change. First there’s no npc selling HP MP recovery items in game, so later on leveling and going through dungeons is hard without food to recover HP and MP, once you lose a battle you have to spend chrono stones , and another thing it’s hard to get weapon crafting materials, i wish there’s an cash shop in game that sells this also once you buy a weapon you can’t sell it back to the NPC.

    Chrono stones are not much use , you use them to summon different characters , but the characters you get doesn’t even match your current team lvl, for example if i have a team that’s lvl 20, the 10 characters i summon are all lvl 1 . spend $24 to get 10 lvl 1 characters , is a bit disappointing, it should automatically match to the team lvl after purchase.

    And the skills for each character are not that unique, if they use the same weapon they all have to almost the same skill set . I summon 10 characters was so disappointed because their skill was so similar and repetitive.

    It would be nice if there is a fast forward button during cutscenes and dialogues, it’s slow to get through quest conversations.

    Over all is a good game , but just a few issues that needs to get fixed, I don’t mind spending the money for it , but the problems is the game item i get doesn’t match to my expectation. I think if you want players to spend money on your game, you have to give them more options.
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  • Great game just needs a little balancing

    Great game , nice soundtrack , totally doesn’t feel like a Mobil game more like a ps2 rpg , only issue is balancing the mobs hit way to hard but if your at lvl or a little below you can still get threw which is fine but boss battles forget about it you will have to be at least 4 to 5 lvls above the boss with top gear for that lvl and at least 1 healer which will have to heal every single turn . If you try and fight a boss at the same lvl you better be rdy to spend about 150 c stones for full party rezs . Case and point the lvl 24 boss can 2 shot anyone at same lvl and half way threw fight will throw out a aoe that hits for 900 ish , and then a 2nd aoe that hits for 500 ish no crit , when you can only heal for 200 hp and your toons only have about 1000 hp at that lvl well gl and be prepared to spend those stones . Also no hp or mp pots so grinding which is very necessary is very tedious because you have to go back to town over and over again . But still worth playing and one of the best Mobil games I have played in a long time . Just a few tweaks and balance issues which are not hard fixes .
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  • Pleasantly surprised

    This is a wonderful gem for the old school rpg fans. One of my favorites was Fantasy Star and this reminds me of party’s romp thru mazes in games like the original Final Fantasy. The graphics seem simple but are far from it . I am not very far in but so far the story has sucked me in and with time/dimensional travel it seems Crono Trigger is mixed in and the same replay ability. Can not wait to see. Update: O.K. They seem to be the same characters from Cronotrigger the frog the cave girl? And its basically and updated version of Crono T. But I still liked and played the og version and loved it, still this game is worth it so far. It is just like the oldschool rpgs except better; graphics/story/immersion/music. Just do not get mad if you have to play it like one with grinding out maps to be strong enough to progress easier, or to get enough coin to buy that upgrade on armor/weapons, this is just like I said old school.
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  • Awesome Old school JRPG

    TL;DR if you’re looking for a typical mobile game, this isn’t it. If you loved the old turn based JRPGs from the PS1 days, you will love this!

    I can’t believe that a game like this exists for a mobile device! And that it is free! I absolutely love good old turn based JRPGs like the ones from back in the PS1 glory days. They don’t really make them like this anymore. Plus the graphics and music are absolutely beautiful! I have been playing for several hours and it is so hard to stop.
    I don’t mind the gatcha in this game because it’s not really necessary to get the ‘very best characters’ if there are any such thing. I saved all my chrono stones until I could do a 10 pull all at once, and up to that point I never felt like I had any problems with the combat in the game. In fact, I still use the 4 I started out with as my main party. Since it’s not multiplayer you can do your party any way you want without having to worry about competing with other players. I have not at any time felt pressured to pay real money. Although I might just to support this game because I love it so much. I would easily have paid to buy this game in the store if I had known how awesome it is.
    I also don’t mind that I can’t sell my old inventory because when I pull new characters I have something to equip them with.
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  • Amazing game and one of my new favorite!

    The art style and fluid movement of the character is stunning. And from the storyline to overall structure of the game it doesn’t feel like a mobile game at all. I’m really impressed and will be playing this a lot. Though I sometimes wish the main character’s gender could be changed that isn’t a big issue since I’m used to it already. The only major thing that I could say is an issue is the price of the gacha which is pretty expensive considering there isn’t a guaranteed 5 star after the first time paid summon. I hope there are future banners that will have a high drop of five stars but I’m pretty happy that I managed to pull Mighty who I really wanted so I’m doing fine with 4 stars and a 5 star for now. Currently, at my point, in the game it’s not like you NEED 5 stars to progress which means the overall power balance is good thus I’m really enjoying the game. Keep up the good work!
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  • A good game but...

    So far I like the game. The music is spot on, the story feels good, even the random battle system does not feel like a grind at this time. The one problem is the chronos stones and no I am not complaining that they are in the game but that their is a difference between paid stones and stones that you get for playing the game. At first I did not think about it much but then I went to look at the prices of the chronos stones and was shock that I would be $25 with their special prices ($32 normally) to get a random summoning. I feel that I would be much better that they would remove the Difference between the paid stones and the free stones. That way you can save up stones to get the slightly better summoning and or pay for stones so you can speed up the story or get the characters that you want. Other than this long rambling complaint this game is fun. Thanks for all the hard work that went into in
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  • Amazing game

    Ok, so my five star is for the first couple hours spent on game and the hype that I’ve had since I seen this. I’ve never been one for mobile gaming. But this one sure caught my eye. I preordered and just started it tonight and I gotta say the story and everything about this game is just amazing thus far. The battle system brings back nostalgic memories of rpgs I use to play and it brings the amazing story with it. I’m unsure if the characters change their looks yet with the star level up or job level up. Hoping they do.

    Only down far this far is seeing how expensive it is to buy the diamonds to summon 10 characters. I think that’s terrible. 27$ just for a roll of 10. I feel 10$ would be sufficient. And the amount of gold you gain is very lacking!!!! Horrible honestly. I do feel they should implement a potion system for hp and mp only. So you can possibly take on some bosses early on to get a taste of what they drop and what you need to fight them for.

    I will update this as I continue playing and seeing how the game goes.
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