Smart User Reviews

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  • Great App

    For my needs it’s very user friendly with great graphics, a plan summary and user options all listed on the home page. I suggest you have your data ready for inputting since there is a security timer for the page.
  • Could be a lot better

    1. Final claim review doesn’t show the amount. If you try backing up to see the amount, you lose everything and have to start over.
    2. When I log in, it shows me my messages. I can read them but not delete them, so they just keep piling up.
    3. Our previous provider’s app kept a list of providers I’d entered, so I could pick from the list for a new claim, rather than typing it in each time.
    4. About half my claims are acknowledged by text message and then disappear, never appearing on my list of claims
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  • Bad app

    Seems design by engineers (ie difficult to use). To log in it asks what sign-in I want to use, like I’d have more than one. Only exercise services (eg gyms) listed under Service Category Codes when filing a claim. No choice to add/remember favorite providers. Back button during the claim process will erase all the details entered previously.l, instead of just going back one step. Check item eligibility only works as a bar-scanner, with no other way of looking at a list of items, forgetting that it’s the year 2020 and people can buy things online without looking at the physical item in hand first. UI is ugly, sad colors used (grays and dark greens)
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  • Terrible app for an ever worse company

    I changed employers and a had a nominal amount in a flexible dependent care savings account. I’ve called multiple times and was told they would mail me a claim form. After the 3rd call they actually did mail it. After I mailed the claim form I called 2 weeks later to confirm it was received- and they said it wasn’t and I needed a different claim form. .... now I’m trying the app, and it says I already have an account but there’s literally no way for me to login to the app.
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  • This is the worst app of this type i’ve used

    I tried to enter claim . Won’t work - get an error that it requires value in a field, but that field is populated by a drop down with no values; the support phone number does NOT say what hours support is available- it makes you call and push a lot of buttons before telling you no support available.

    This was either written by idiots who don’t mind wasting customers time, or it was designed by insurance companies to discourage us from filing claims.
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  • This app is a Scam!

    I called the number in the app to get my “account unlocked”.

    The first time, They answered the phone asked for my information then i got hung up on. I call back, thinking it was an accident, the lady ask for my information again and the transfers me to another department, then i get hung up on again!

    So at this point I’m upset, i call one final time. When the person picks up, i immediately explain the situation. He insisted he needed my information even though i asked him i to transfer me to the “smart-choice” department. I give him my information for the third time. He places me on hold then says he can fix it. Asked me to tell him if i get an error message, try’s to escalate the “ticket” but ultimately he couldn’t do anything.

    Now mind you, i called this same number months ago and asked for someone to call me so i could get my account unlocked.


    Yes, i could have tried to find another number after that. I have a million things I’m constantly doing! I’m just trying to be an adult and i fall short some time.

    That is why iam relying on the legitimacy on these app. Now I’m worried my information is being misused! This is RIDICULOUS
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  • Not responsive

    Not responsive, selections lead to nowhere. I’ve wasted literally hours trying to navigate this app all to no avail. Seems to not be professionally developed....with misspelled words, double entries etc. The company I retired from used to use WageWorks and it worked much, much better. I wish they had never changed to Smart-Choice.
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  • Missing reference number in bill pay

    The problem I have is for bill pay you put a reference number in but that number does not show up in the list after payment and if you have multiple account to pay at a hospital not its hard to figure out who you paid if you need to look back
  • Ok. But app switcher doesn’t work

    The app is alright. Does what I need to but the problem is the it doesn’t support multi-task. You can leave the app and come back to continue your claim. If you need to look at a calendar before submitting a claim make your you use another device. You can switch between them really annoying

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