Broken in so many ways it could be illegal
-can’t opt out of emails, attempting to deselect the (by default on) marketing emails option, the checkbox checks itself again within two seconds while you’re still on the page. Legally, this is required to function. But if they can’t even bother with the bare minimum legally required of them, you can’t expect the rest of the app to function much better
-multiple screens where attempting to go back to the previous screen flat out doesn’t work; you’ll hit back and it’ll make an animation like it’s going back, but you’ll be on the same page.
-the banners at the top of the app don’t function when you click on them, including the one where it asks you to pick your favorite location
-offers don’t appear at all, it’s just an empty page. could be linked to the prior issue, but it’s a big enough problem to list separately.