User Reviews: My CityPASS

City Pass, Inc

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • This is the worst package ever

    The shed aquarium and sky deck are not worth it at all.
    Save your money, get a boat ride and Amy museum you like.

    Developer Response

    We're sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the CityPASS attractions.
  • Difficult to link

    Purchasing the ticket is simple.

    Linking the ticket does not work in the app. The verification email includes a website that works if you open it in a browser. However, a link stating “open in app” and the ability to make a reservation in the app would be user friendly.


    Developer Response

    We apologize for any difficulties using our app. We are working on improvements to this process, and we appreciate your feedback.
  • Did not receive my tickets

    What a scam! Did not receive the 5 passes I ordered. Tried to contact customer service… what a joke! Could not speak to anyone. I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau after I contact my credit card.

    Developer Response

    I'm very sorry about this. Occasionally, our ticket emails can be intercepted by an ISP or sent to spam/promotional folders. Our Customer Care team is more than happy to resend them or send them to a different email address. If you hadn't been able to reach them yet, you can reach out to me at for assistance. We also have a 365-day refund policy for unused CityPASS tickets if you were unable to use them during your trip. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  • Not worth it

    Too hard to get your money’s worth out of it. Better to just buy your tickets separately. If you don’t use all it’s more expensive than just buying when you go on the museum website. I miss counted the days and missed out on two entrance fees
  • Used for trips to different cities

    I like how the pricing works and that you can reserve straight from the website or you can reserve using city pass. But what I don’t like is linking my ticket every time I want to make a new reservation I have to delete the app to re-link my tickets properly, which is very annoying

    Developer Response

    We're so sorry that you had to delete the app in order to make reservations. That should not be necessary, and we are working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your helpful feedback.
  • Awful

    The single worst email verification system I have ever seen. Sinful, abominable, atrocious. You should all be ashamed.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the problems you had verifying. We hear you, and we've been working to resolve these problems that some users have encountered. We appreciate you letting us know.
  • Doesn’t link to my passes

    I bought Chicago city passes on their website. After checking out, I learned they have an app to manage the city passes. When I got the app and went through the link passes flow, I ended up in the mobile Safari app instead of their app. Looks like their app isn’t setup correctly to handle universal links. It’s a shame that I can’t use their app’s flagship feature

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. We're sorry you weren't able to use our app, but we hope the web app worked well for you. We're working to resolve the issues that are causing some users problems verifying. We appreciate you letting us know.
  • Solo Travel

    The app is good for what it does, the CityPASS program is very helpful for my solo travel plans to some of the cities listed. Although some items are packaged weirdly, I make due with what I got.
  • So far so good

    I have used citypass in NYC before the app and now again with it. I like the ability to reserve the entry times in advance for my people. No fuss or surprises. Best way to see New York IMO!

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