1. When you pay a company for a service you do not expect to find their logo at the end of all your pages. Am I paying to advertise your product or mine?
2. I do not appreciate the company I pay for a service to use a part of a page I pay for to suggest to any visitors I have on the site I pay Wordpress to host that I am in need of my clients to pay for my subscription to Wordpress..
3. When I originally signed up with Wordpress they had a team of helpful people who were aptly named “HAPPINESS ENGINEERS” and they made me extremely happy because they were very helpful ..Now there is an AI bot that is as much use as a lump of steak in a vegetarian banquet.
4. There is a section with a link that is a cry for help..seems not to function very well
5. No contact us E.Mail
6. No contact us phone number
7. If you are silly enough to engage with their AI bot you will be directed to the Community Forum where at least you find unpaid but extremely helpful individuals who try and do what Wordpress is being paid to do..
In conclusion( And every moan should conclude)
Wordpress have gone from an excellent company that provided a world class service to a company that is in danger of loosing their mojo.. I sincerely hope they recover
Response from developer
Hello Phillips - Thank you for sharing your concerns. I'm sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please contact us directly at mobile-support@automattic.com and mention your primary issue there. Our team will assist you promptly. Please make sure to contact us using the registered email address associated with your WordPress.com plan.