Pinterest User Reviews

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  • The ads man...

    Y’all really need to chill on the ads. I can’t even listen to music while in the app anymore😭
  • Returned and hope for a return

    Thank you for adding back pins section Thank you for adding a choice on auto replay on vids Thank you for blocking porn/spam followers Thank you for stopping the bullying through comment filters Thank you for limiting story pins my feed is now clear of them unless I was to look for them Thank you for giving options in searches Explore/shop/profile this helps a great deal in bypassing shop I personally don’t have any issues with ads because I don’t hit on them and I turn auto play off on vids so I never hear them Anyone can do this What I would still hope for a comeback is board searches not just profiles/pins finding just boards was so exciting for me quick and simple I didn’t have to search through people’s profile to see if they had anything worth following and some have a great deal of boards I also still hope for a comeback is each pin tells you how many times that pin has been saved by the public it let me know that that pin has a link and can be saved and not blocked I also would hope for a comeback is each pin tells me a person that pinned it so I can be excited about there idea and check that board they saved it too :) Everything else is going well loyal pinner since august 2012
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  • Why have you done this ?

    This app used to be perfectly functional but now it is completely dysfunctional . The purpose of Pinterest is to save “pins” and sort them into “boards” so that you may have an organized place to save various pictures/ links of different themes . Now , every pin you save automatically saves to something called “profile” and if you want to sort it into a specific board you have to go out of your way to change it which is a huge pain . In addition , you are no longer allowed to look at your boards so even if you sort your pins into them you’re only allowed to look at the pins all mixed together in an big ol’ mess . On top of that , now whenever you search for anything it automatically searches for only things that are for sale and you have to manually change it to search the whole of Pinterest . I have spent so much time struggling to find pins I was searching for only to realize it was searching in the “shopping“ tab and that was why I couldn’t find anything . So , essentially they took away the core purposes of the app for no good reason . When will companies start to understand that corporate greed is not going to make them money and is instead the best way to drive your business into the ground ? Please just put this app back to the way it was .
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  • Extra Steps

    typically i really like pinterest - the boards are easy to make, its usually pretty easy to navigate, and in general i like spending time (i get sucked into a pin rabbit hole i swear) on the app - but since a few updates ago ive been super irritated.

    i dont know why you got rid of the old navigation system for pinning things, but i cant imagine anyone is enjoying the new one. the extra steps needed make pinning things irritating, and i feel like the change was a step back rather than a step forward. ive seen many similar complaints so you should be aware of the issue.

    if i had known it was going to change, i frankly would have avoided the update.
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  • Tired of my home feed refreshing all the time

    I’ve never made a review before because I didn’t care enough to before. But I have so much dedication to Pinterest, my issues with the updates have begun affecting my attitude for the app. I’ve been on Pinterest for probably a decade and no update has me more upset than the constant refreshing of the home page. I use all the platforms so I know that if you change from the home feed to your profile or to the search tab back to the home feed, the home feed automatically refreshes... when I even open the app sometimes I see a pin right away that I’d pin but for some reason it refreshes!! This is so irritating. Please fix this to wear it only updates the Home Screen if you pull down the feed from the top for a second. Like Twitter. You can’t even scroll through the feed sometimes without it randomly updating. Also the ads Pinterest.. come on. They’re every third pin! I get you have to pay the bills but more often than not your ads are irrelevant to my search. Speaking of searching, why is it that when I search one thing my home feed will suddenly be filled with that one search? I didn’t follow the topic, I didn’t follow a new board, I don’t care to see it on the home feed I have sort of curated myself. This has been a lot of complaints and my rating is low so that you get how irritated I am. But any other time you’d get a 5/5. I love you Pinterest, rarely change.
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  • This used to be my favorite app!

    Like the title says, I absolutely loved the old Pinterest. The update last year maybe made it a whole lot harder to navigate. I was accustomed to searching for boards so that I could easily follow other people who shared my very specific interests, but now that option has been gone for months! I’ve been meaning to write this review since then, but this newest update from a few days ago expedited it. Another of my main issues is the shopping aspect. In the older versions, it was more geared to crafting/diy/budget ideas. Now, I search for something simple like knitting ideas, and all I get back are shopping suggestions and priced items for sale. And there’s even a shopping section! I understand the need to evolve and bring in new demographics, but I feel that a lot of Pinterest’s original draw and identity has disappeared. Now, it behaves more like an Instagram or Facebook feed, filled with advertisements and shopping. It’s very disappointing to me that Pinterest has become so much like all the other dime-a-dozen social media apps and sites, since I initially fell in love with it years before because it avoided that world I hated. It felt quiet, calm, secluded, like a library or a yarn store, and I could do my own thing with topics I loved across the “board.” I am really, really bummed about all the changes and am considering deleting, which would be a major change. Please, please bring back some of the original features!
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  • Constantly pushes sales

    The app now constantly pushes sales for similar products to what you’re looking at with annoying white dots all over the photo and pop ups. What was a simple browsing experience now requires a lot more taps. Stop ruining the experience with your greed, Pinterest.
  • Quick Save

    I don’t know what’s going on with the new quick save feature but it’s not worth it. It seems to be interfering with the rest of the app experience. Since it’s introduction, I’ve been unable to see my boards and pins and have to constantly delete and re-download the app to make it work again and see my boards and pins.
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  • Long time user

    I’ve been a regular pinterest user for almost a decade now. I rarely have a day where I don’t check my Pinterest. I mainly use it to curate aesthetics and find inspiration for my life. It’s very soothing and artistic to me, and the only social media I’ll use. However, I feel as though Pinterest has recently gone down hill. There’s an overwhelming amount of ads. To the point of every other pin is an ad. Most of them are irrelevant to me and my feed is no longer aesthetically pleasing, just full of junk. And I’m not opposed to tasteful ads- I’ve even bought multiple products advertised to me on Pinterest that had beautiful ads that matched my interest and weren’t overwhelming. But there’s just too many now and too many pointless ones. It makes Pinterest significantly less enjoyable. I also don’t understand why Pinterest no longer shows you who pinned the pins in your feed, and when you click in you can’t click on the original user who pinned. It’s totally confusing and counterintuitive- I keep trying to click the icons of people to view their profile but I can’t. The best way for me to do it is to scroll through the hundreds of people I follow to find them. It’s a huge pain. Please make peoples profiles clickable from their pins like they used to be. I’m satisfied with most of the other features of this app and glad to be a part of the community!
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  • Good in the past, but terrible updates!

    I have been using the Pinterest app for years now, and these updates may be terrible enough for me to finally leave. First of all, the stories/slides function is confusing and difficult to use. If I’m ever swiping through content it’s a hassle to get through these stories that often have nothing to do with what I’ve pinned in the past, which brings me to my next point: the algorithm. I am constantly getting both suggested pins and targeted ads that have nothing to do with any boards or searches I’ve made! My home feed is full of ads that I am not interested in with very little actual content, much of which is irrelevant as well. It seems like the “hide pin” feature doesn’t even do anything to improve my feed. To me, it seems like Pinterest is struggling to remain relevant in the wake of Instagram and TikTok by introducing new features and changing up how content reaches viewers, but I think I speak for the majority of Pinterest users when I say that people don’t use Pinterest in the same way we use other platforms. There’s no need for flash and flair when Pinterest is already a well-designed social media platform with a specific user base in mind, and making these changes just interrupts the way people use the app.
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