Pinterest User Reviews

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  • Good app, but a few features need to be re-added!

    I really like the app, but I actually liked it more a few updates ago - why on earth has the filter been removed from the search feature? It was so useful to filter whether you were searching by pin, board, or user. Now we can only search by pin. Please bring this filter back!

    The other thing that has been removed is the ability to view a homepage of people you are ‘following’ - I followed them for a reason, so it made total sense to have a feed just of pins from ‘followed’ users/boards. Why has this been removed?

    Again, great app, but these two features were ones I used every time I was on the app, and I cannot understand why they would be removed. Please consider putting them back!
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  • Pop-up notifications too big

    I’ve been a fan of Pinterest for many years. I’ve seen the way the app has changed visually quite a few times. I loved it then and still do now.

    One thing I’d like to change is the way notifications look when I save or delete something. The banner that tells me that I’ve successfully saved a pin to a board, blocks a portion of the next pin that I’m currently looking at. It’s too large (a big white bar) and stays on the screen a bit longer than I would like. I’d like to see a more minimal design: thinner banner, smaller font, maybe less opaque, and disappears quickly. Perhaps it could just be a simple checkmark with the name of the board the pin was saved to. if I was a casual user who only saved a few pins at a time, it probably wouldn’t bother me so much. But I tend to fall into a rabbit hole of inspo and pin so many photos to different boards that the huge pop-up hinders the experience. It would be great if I could move through photo to photo more smoothly.

    It’s something super minimal, but I really don’t have an issue with anything else apart from this. When there are unexpected issues within the app, I find it’s pretty easy to get around the problem and it gets resolved fairly quickly by the team (very good job on that part). It’s just this banner thing that’s not up to me to change and it’s something I encounter every time I’m on Pinterest.
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  • This app needs to fix safety issues for minors ASAP

    Overall, this app is really great and I love Pinterest. While for a long time Pinterest was mainly for a certain crowd (almost all adults) sharing recipes, crafts, and similar, there’s been a wider variety of content including memes, fandom stuff, tiktoks, etc. which have a much younger crowd. This isn’t a problem in itself, especially since they don’t interact much due to the algorithms. However, some things about this concern me A LOT regarding the safety of kids.

    I see a lot of kids posting photos and videos of themselves in reaction to content and this has me scared for them. Not just teenagers, but CHILDREN. Really young children. Ive seen so many times kids giving out their age and location in the comments for everyone to see!!! This is dangerous and there isn’t any way to report this either!!! I understand that there is no way to completely prevent kids from being on this app, but there needs to be ways to prevent kids from posting information and photos and videos of themselves in the comments like they are. The ability to react to posts like this is great if it were just adults sharing recipes, but this NEEDS to be addressed. As someone who grew up on the internet unmoderated, I had to discover the hard way how creepy some people are. I was lucky to not have had anything major but I could easily see some creep pretending to be 14 or something and messaging these kids.
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  • Pinterest

    This is the best app ever and you can search for ideas and crafts and such cute dogs 😛 🐶I personally use this every and instead of using google for ideas Pinterest has a wide and wonderful selection of what people have posted for example Easter is coming up and I wanted to make a card and used Pinterest I am so surprised that it hasn’t ended because it’s amazing and I use so much!!!!!!!!!! You can find so many ideas and it picks up what you have been looking at and gives you a wide selection selection on what you’ve been looking at it adapts to what you like seeing. Want to make ads, run a business well Pinterest has that, manage a business account or just casual browsing on there post photos or videos ALLL OF WHAT I SAID WITH THE BUSINESS AND STUFF IS ALL FOR FREE NO PAY I love IT SOOOOOOO MUCH I really love my whole family uses it and when you sign in all you have to have to sign in is have a google account

    LOVE FROM Pinterest lover
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  • Why?! With the ads, no ad free version and now you change the saving options!

    I have been so disappointed and frustrated by the ads, especially the video ads! First people who have visual problems there should be a way to at least turn off the motion of the ads, like an accessibility feature! Then before I even scroll down there are three ads a page if not more! I wish there was at least a paid version for people who really dislike the ads taking over Pinterest. This has almost put me over the edge with giving up on this app. Now worst of all you incorporate an unorganized button in the exact spot as the old save button... why?! The entire point of Pinterest is organizing a catalog of things you like. Why create a board that is unorganized and if it’s really for quick saves then MOVE THE BUTTONS! Leave the normal save button when you chose a board then hit save and switch the new “chose a board” button to the QUICK SAVE BUTTON! Don’t change the entire way to save pins based off of this new quick save feature!! Add a button and leave the original way to save untouched. Please at least create an option to turn off quick save option in settings!! Also a paid version for ad free or at very minimum an accessibility feature for vision impaired individuals for the movement of all the video ads!!! Please, please consider this or I’m unfortunately going to have to give up on Pinterest. Thanks for any consideration.
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  • A few problems?

    I haven’t been on Pinterest in a while, but I can say that I very much enjoy the photos and ideas it recommends. As anyone would, I do feel a bit creeped out at how quickly it changes my ‘preferences’ just because I used it for work or saved an image I would otherwise ignore.

    But here’s the problem: It is really, really time consuming to save each pin to a certain board. I’ve tried playing around with it a bit, but every time I tap on the ‘save’ logo I see a pop up telling me it has been saved to quick saves. There is actually another square on that that says change, but if I try tapping it it just saves it to quick saves again a few times and then alerts me there has been an error. Does anyone know what is going on? A part of an update?

    Even though this is happening (and I don’t know if anyone else has this problem) I would still recommend this app to everyone, no matter your interests! I’m all for the motivational quotes, and the artwork I see is truly stunning! Also, who doesn’t enjoy some dead memes? Way easier to navigate than the site, honestly.
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  • Unfixed issues

    So I have had the Pinterest app for about four or five years. For a while everything was good, everything worked and I didn’t have many problems. However, recently a problem has popped up that seems unable to be fixed. I am unable to follow anybody, I can unfollow people but for some reason when I go into somebody’s profile and hit the follow button it lights up and tells me that I am unable to follow the person. But when I hit the back button and go back in I am not following them anymore.

    Contacting Pinterest support proved to be a hassle as I either got a bit or a supposedly real person that was talking about issues on my pins that had nothing to do with the original problem at all. I even tried all the tips given, deleting app cache didn’t work, unfollowing pins and boards did not work and uninstalling and then reinstalling the app did not work. I was honestly about to just give up when I finally got a real person and they said that they were working on it and that it would take a while. I have not heard anything back since and even after multiple app updates the problem is still there.

    So yes Pinterest has a ton of pins and stuff but when you encounter an actual problem it is almost not worth it to try and contact support because either you get an unhelpful bot that gives you tips you already did. Very rarely do you get somebody real, it took me ten tries to get a real person
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  • Bring back “Search By Board”!!

    I’ve used Pinterest for years and love the ability to be able find ideas & inspiration! I mainly use the mobile version of Pinterest because of how smooth and effortless it is (along with the fact I’m always on my phone!) and I find that just searching for terms doesn’t yield varied results, so about 90% of my time I search things and select “view by board” to browse the collections other people have made! Being able to see other people’s “finds” or their own uploads is a perfect way to fill up my own boards. If I wanted to search for a certain aesthetic or look for certain types of recipes for example, how else would I find good boards to follow so that I can see their posts in my feed? However, when I last updated it, the feature that allowed us to search by board on mobile is gone!! I can’t even hit a picture and be able to trace it to the boards it shows up on. All the pins on my main feed I can’t even see where they came from. I expand my results not by hoping Pinterest’s own algorithms pick up what they think I want to see, but by what boards and pinners I follow!! Please bring this back! The fun of Pinterest is in cultivating all kinds of resources or pictures in one place, what good is that if I can’t even have the option to view the ones others have made?
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  • Long-time user but hate some of the updates

    I’ve loved Pinterest since a friend got me onto it, it’s perfect for my writing work and image references. I’ve stuck it out through the rough patches cause it’s just that handy. Small things here and there I can live with, but the most recent update has got things going pretty screwy and making it hard to use the mobile app.

    The most recent update took away the side-scrolling alphabet letter list on the board selection. I have A LOT of boards spread across TWO accounts, and I tend to move very fast when I get on a spree. And when I say a lot, I mean I’ve tapped out at the original board count before and i just keep going up! So you can imagine how time-consuming it is to have to manually scroll through Ever. Single. Board. to find the one I want to pin to. Please bring that back.

    Also, on the mobile app, the board selection tab while pinning is slippery AF. It’s so incredibly difficult to manually scroll cause the list keeps trying to slide itself closed at the bottom when I scroll up. If I’m trying to access boards not already in the top three selection, just throw the whole list open and keep it in place until the user closes it themselves, don’t let it go trying to close at it scrolls up or not open all the way when I’m trying to scroll down.
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  • I love it but.... some stuff has to change.

    I used to love Pinterest. As a baker and writer I loved looking through so many recipes and and different posts. I still love the format and everything about the app. But I have tried to post my opinions in the comments, no bad language or anything and Pinterest won’t let me. People are constantly swearing and typing inappropriate stuff but I can’t post my own opinions. I will keep Pinterest because of my hobbies, but it if uncalled for to not allow someone to post something they want or believe in. People are constantly voicing their own opinions but I can’t. It is not up to you to tell me what I can and can’t say, I understand that it is not totally designed for voicing your opinions but if you have a comment section, allow people to say what they want. Just fix the problem more social media platforms are falling into, you can’t stifle everyones voice, it’s not right. Pinterest is an amazing app for anything else, bakers, crafters, and writers or anyone else with hobbies should really enjoy the app. Thank you Pinterest for fueling my imagination and crafting, for years and hopefully more years to come. Just fix the one issue and it will be a five star app, and Pinterest will be unique from everywhere else people go for crafts and posts and whatever hobbies they are into.
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