Medisafe Medication Management User Reviews

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  • Not a single “Medfriend” notification

    We installed the free version of this app on my child’s phone before they left for college so that we could be sure they were taking their lifesaving medication regularly. I was set up as the “Medfriend” to receive notifications if their meds weren’t taken on time. In the nearly 2 months that it’s been installed not once I have I ever received a notification. I contacted the developer and was instructed on numerous things to try to fix it. None worked. I was then told to send an email from within the app. I’ve sent 2. It’s been radio silence from support for a month now. Had this app worked as designed I fully intended to purchase the premium version so that we could add my spouse as the other Medfriend. As such, I’m about ready to delete the whole thing. On top of the notification issues it takes forever to update in the app when my child has taken their meds. It’s incredibly inconsistent. I’ve had it take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to update. So we’ve resorted to having my child just text us they’ve taken their meds. The app was supposed to give a little extra independence to my child from having to contact mom and dad on a 2 times daily basis. Super disappointed.
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  • Lifesaver app!!

    I recently started taking daily prescription meds for the first time in my life. I’m a bit scatter brained, so I knew I needed something to help me remember to take them every morning. I found this app, and I’m so glad I did. It’s so easy to use, set your time, and mark as taken. And best of all, I haven’t missed a day with my meds since I started them a month ago because of this app. There’s times in the morning when I’m in a whole other world, and if it’s wasn’t for the little notification that pops up, I seriously would forget to take my pill some days. I also really love how you get multiple notifications if you don’t mark it as taken. My favorite feature has to be that when you mark your meds as taken, you can reopen the app throughout the day and it’ll show you the exact time you took them. Because sometimes i’ll be doing whatever and suddenly start freaking out thinking I forget to take my meds, but when I open the app, it’s right there that I took them, which is such a relief. I’ve recommended this app to friends and family already, and I will continue to do so, I love it!
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  • App saved my life!

    I don’t usually take prescription medication but have had to recently due to medical complications from an emergency hospital visit. When I do I usually research the med and it’s side effects. Even in my research I don’t always come across every interaction it has with other foods or meds. Seems like more meds keep getting added to my care every other day. My doctor called me this afternoon with a new med based on some lab work. No mention to interactions with my current meds. My husband picks up the meds from the pharmacy, no mention by the pharmacist of any interactions. Load the new med into the app and check for interactions and critical alert and red is what I see. Immediately call the pharmacist and not only could I not take the med at the time I was planning, I can’t take it with 2 of my other critical meds. If it wasn’t for this app I don’t know if I would have found this interaction on my own but my doctors and pharmacist most certainly should have. With my vitals and current condition there was a high chance that I would have stopped breathing in the middle of the night. Thank you seriously! This app is amazing and I will keep using for every family member and love I can use it when I go down to just my supplements.
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  • Almost all Pros, only one Con

    I love this app. I’ve been using it for about 6 months now. I’ll admit sometimes when it goes “ding” I get irritated. But that’s good. If it didn’t go off, I probably would miss that dose. I like how flexible it is in scheduling. I love how it helps keep track of how many pills I have left and can help me remember to refill in time. The only thing is dislike - and it is really bothersome - is how it asks me every time I change time zones if I want to update to the new time zone. I change time zones sometimes 6 times a week. And when it prompts me, the answer is ALWAYS the same. Yes. Change time zones. It would be a lot less irritating if we could just set something in settings so that it would just do it and not ask us. It’s not like I will likely ever give it a different answer. That’s the one improvement I’d ask for.
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  • I never knew I needed this so much!!!

    This app!!! So simple to use and yet so powerful! I have struggled for years to keep up with my med schedule on my own (manually). When a friend suggested this app, I thought, “Why have I never considered trying to manage them through technology?!” And I am so amazed! Just Wow! It’s changed my life so much!! I literally have to take medicine every two hours, so getting an alert instead of having to watch the clock is such a game changer for me! Also, no more guessing whether I took a medicine or not … and what time I actually took it (which is important for timing out my meds because I can’t take certain meds too close together). I can look back and say, “oh yeah, I was late taking this med by 30 minutes, so let me reschedule this next med for 30 minutes later. Oh, and that throws off the schedule for these others, so let me “easily” reschedule those as well.” Entering all my meds into the app was so easy and being able to enter the Rx number, amount of pills left, and set notifications for when to refill … guys, I just can’t say enough. It’s one of the simplest apps on my phone, but one that has had the greatest impact on my life. Thank you (to the developers) for making such a great, well thought out, powerful but simple to use app. It’s simplicity to use is what makes it so great. Making it complicated would have detracted from its power as the time-saving, life-saving tool you’ve developed.
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  • A Very Tight Piece of Kit…(Actually, It’s a Digital Dumpster Fire!)

    I’ve been searching for a solid med-tracking app for a few years now. My casual perusals became much more serious and focused when I was diagnosed in August, on the same day, with Stage IV cancer and diabetes. I need an app that will remind me, inform me and, if necessary, rat me out. Medisafe fulfills my brief nicely. It does exactly what it says on the tin. I love the inclusion of a functional native watch app, this greatly enhances the utility of Medisafe. My only wish, is that Medisafe was a 3rd party data source for the Siri watchface - that would definitely put it in a much higher orbit!

    *UPDATE 9 APRIL 2022: I have completely given up on this app. MediSafe has become too unstable to run on any of my devices. At this point, the only consistent feature of this app is that if it’s launched, it will surely crash. This is far from ideal for a mission critical, paid for application. My numerous attempts to interface with Tech/Customer Support to a successful resolution of the issues had yielded no positive results. I now voting with my feet and my wallet — taking my money and my attention to Pill Alert (an app that ACTUALLY WORKS!).

    Please heed my warning and Run Away!!!
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  • Very helpful, one suggestion for +1 star

    Firstly, I have been using this app every day for many years. There have been little frustrations here and there with the user interface, but I can’t recall having any issue that resulted in me missing any of my multiple, daily medications. I have mistakenly taken medications at the wrong time, or more commonly marked the wrong one at the wrong time, however. *** My suggestion is: give an option to set and display the reminder times in 24 HOUR clock. For my “every 12 hour” meds this is a more easily readable, quicker, accurate and visually apparent time reading. *** Too often, due to having phone muted for example, missed the three alarms for 10:00 AM med, I remember after meeting at 11:12 take it and mistakenly tap that I took the 10:00 PM med b/c it’s first thing I see. Here’s the issue: I do not get my alarm to take it at 10:00 PM. If it displayed 22:00 that would be very visually obvious to me. Also some UI text is very small.
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  • If you are on any medications, this is a must!

    The title says it. For real, even if you are only on one medication, I would strongly recommend using this app.

    I downloaded this app after receiving ankle surgery. I went from being on no medications to 5, all with varying times and dosages. I needed help.

    This app made what could have been a very overwhelming experience rather simple. You enter each medication, dosage time, amount, and frequency, and it creates a schedule for you. That’s exactly what I needed.

    When it’s time to take a medication, the app will alert you. It will continue to send out alerts until you have marked that dose as “taken” or “skipped”.

    It’s a perfect system (at least for me!).

    Some other notable features….
    - Reports (you can view reports on your medication history, showing how many doses were taken and missed.)
    - Health Tracking (track your symptoms- for example… pain, mood, drowsiness)
    - Interaction Tracker and medication education!
    - Medifriend (Add a friend to your account, and they will be alerted if you miss doses! Great for safety and accountability).

    I must note, I did not upgrade to the paid version. So I cannot speak to that… But what I can say is, I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything being on the free version!

    Wonderful tool. Good job, Medisafe!
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  • Almost a perfect app

    My daughter and I take lots of medication. The one thing we struggle with is calling in refills on time. Anyone who take lots of medicine for an indefinite period of time knows that taking meds on time every time can be a challenge. Some times we have more medicine than we need and sometimes we have less. (Spilled our meds a time or two) Anyways, I love the app. It helps us with daily reminders to take our meds and helps me remember to make sure my daughter takes hers. The one thing that could be better is the refill reminder calculation. For example my daughter only takes one of her meds only on the weekends. She get prescribed anywhere from 30 to 90 day supply. The issue is that the start and end date option doesn’t take into account for the frequency. If I know my daughter has a 30 day supply and I select specific dates like the weekend, it would be more helpful if the end date counter would reflect the number of specific days and not just everyday. Sure I could pull out a calendar and count the weekends until I reach 30 but I feel like that defeats the purpose of the feature. I a hope future update can fix this. Did I mention I love the app :) Thanks
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  • Great in some ways

    Firstly, this app is loaded with features. No complaints there. However, it's a bit bogged down for the average user. It's not as easy or intuitive to navigate as an app should be for people who need to take multiple medications multiple times a day. Taking into account that people taking medications might also have some degree of brain fog or mental impairment either due to the condition or as a side effect of medication, an app aimed at this demographic should have its core features easy to access without having to tap through multiple menus repeatedly. The process for adding a medication, for example, could be simplified. I see this app advertised as #1 recommended by pharmacists, but what about the people who are actually using the app? The interactions checker is phenomenal from a pharmacist's or doctor's point-of-view, but easily being able to add and record doses, as well as being able to view monthly calendars, would be a great asset to users. In the end, making an app that's easy to use is the best way to ensure patients actually take their meds. This app could easily be 5 stars with just a better interface, because it truly is a fantastic app. Just not as practical as I'd like. P.S. I'm unsure if there's a way to turn off the weekend "extra help" notification.
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