Medisafe Medication Management User Reviews

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  • Easy to use, reliable & convenient

    I've tried other medical tracking apps but Medisafe is my #1 choice! I take a lot of medications at all different times of the day. My afternoon medication times are typically when I am out and about so when I hear the chime go off I know its time to take my meds. I only miss doses if I don't have my phone on me. It has been a life saver! If I don't take some of my meds I definitely suffer. Medisafe has been so helpful. I had a very pleasant experience with Brian at customer service. I had used the free version for about 4 months. I recently became a BCBS medicare member and one of the benefits of their Blue365 program is that its free to upgrade to the premium version of the app. I did have to create an entirely new account but he spent a long time with me troubleshooting until we could make sure there was an email account associated with the medisafe account. He was so nice and thorough. I highly recommend Medisafe, both for the app and their customer service!!!!
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  • Exceptional!

    I’m not usually one to sit down and write a review, but I would absolutely love more people to hear about Medisafe! Someone I was in the hospital with recommended this app from her own personal experience and I was a bit skeptical, but interested. I’ve had a long history of forgetting to take meds so bad that I’ll be off the stuff for over a year or two (very bad, I know). Friends and family would try to help and encourage me to take my medication, but I always had some sort of excuse or just got grouchy with the person trying to help. Medisafe exceeded my expectation by a landslide. With it’s repeated reminders every ten minutes or so and the cute little picture of the beach you get when you log your dose, it feels helpful and also a bit rewarding with this app. I have been consistently taking my medication now for two and half months 100% adherence since downloading Medisafe. And I feel so much better due to taking my medication, too. This app is a literal lifesaver. I will always be recommending this app to anyone who takes medication and has a problem remembering, thank you!
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    Developer Response

    Hi @Arminna Matt thanks for the incredible review! We truly appreciate the feedback and are pleased to hear that Medisafe is having a positive impact on your life. Thanks again - The Medisafe Team
  • Exactly what I wanted

    I tend to get side tracked about taking my medications and supplements. I’ve spent too much time wondering if I actually took them and then fearing taking them twice ended up not taking them at all. This app has changed that cycle for me. The reminders come up with an attention getting tone and the best part is if I’m busy or ignore the first one they continue at an interval until I open the app and press one of the taken/snooze options. There is no way for me to miss a dose unless I actively try to.
    Additionally I’m really impressed with the potential drug interactions feature. As I was adding my meds and supplements an alert came up right away with a full explanation of why two of them shouldn’t be taken together. Thats a safety feature that was a surprise but really helpful.
    The biggest bonus is that the app works with my Apple Watch which honestly is the reason I chose this one in the first place. Even if my phone is somewhere else the alerts continually come up on my watch keeping me on track.
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  • Not bad but still could be improved for the “modern day” pill taker

    Very comprehensive meds library and color/shape icons. Main reason I use it is support for Apple Watch to log meds without picking up your iPhone. The Apple Watch support alone is a knockout criteria for me in selecting one of these pill tracker apps: you don’t have it, I don’t use you. But it could use some updates, including:
    * Better reporting. Currently, reports do not show the dosage you took. E. g., if you take a half of a pill, which they DO support logging, the report does not show this. This is required to calculate your average dose taken for “as needed” meds, which doctors are increasingly requiring you to tell them.
    * Allow at least two day view on the Apple Watch for meds taken. If you take meds during the night, as needed, you cannot see what you took after midnight. You have to pick up your iPhone. Also add full display of the dose you took as well on that list. E. G., if you took one-half of a 10mg pill, it should at least show you took 0.5 of 10mg of that med.
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  • Was great!! Now issues

    The app was one of my favorites I have ever downloaded for any reason!! I have used this app for the past year without any issues, the functionality is great and it’s easy to use. BUT, recently on a business trip that took me through several time zones (never an issue in the past) the app crashes. It asks if I want to save the new time zone as usual but when I try to make a selection it simply crashes. I reached out to support and tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app but still it does not work. Even after I got home to my original time zone, now my medications are scheduled incorrectly, the details say scheduled at 7:00am but then the reminder doesn’t happen until 9:00 am. I don’t understand this issue at all and have had no assistance from support so unfortunately after a month of waiting for a resolution to this issue I have to find a different app and start all over putting my info in. It’s very frustrating and I am disappointed since I really thought this app was the solution for my needs. Alas, it’s not.
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  • Very helpful!

    I have used other mex reminders and found them annoying. Sometimes because the snooze was only 10 minutes (you can change this on this app), some for the notification tones, (played the same tone as email so I disregarded it), and others for not letting me go back and “take” a med I had missed, much less give me the option to put what time I took it.

    This app allows you to have a “Medifriend” who gets notified if you don’t snooze or mark the meds as taken. It even gives you the option to skip a dose. If you skip it, you can go in later and set the time you ended up taking it.

    I am diabetic and it is so great being able to go back and see what time I used my shot, etc. I also take pills as needed, and I can keep track of that. Overall this is the best app I have found in the App Store. My friend also got it and she loves it too! We have synced our meds with each other and can see what was taken and what was missed. Very helpful!
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    PLEASE figure out a way to SYNC multiple simultaneously logged-in devices:
    1. Regardless of whichever one I have with me, I can enter that I’ve taken my pills or said my mantras or tested ny blood glucose at the moment I’ve done it, rather than having to rely on memory to know, later on, that I didn't skip a dose —this being the point of having such an app on my phone; and
    2. Allowing multiple devices to be logged in simultaneously will allow a “significant other” to help me out with calling to remind me to do all those things that I might miss if I rely only on my ability to respond to a sound my device makes at me, since I can’t record an mp4a file and have your app play THAT sound when it gives an alert sound, so it doesn’t blend in to all the other alerts; and
    3. Allow your app to access ANY alert sound so that I can record an mp4a and have the app say, in my own voice, “TAKE YER PILLS, YA OLD COOT!” so I’d know it wasn’t just some other app alerting me to the no doubt salient fact that I just drove past my favorite cafe and it might possibly be fun to stop in, since it IS approaching suppertime, after all...etc...
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  • Love it

    This a fabulous app for med management. Especially for people like myself who take many different meds...and tend to easily forget exactly which ones we take when we need to tell a doctor or pharmacist. It’s just so easy to forget the names of one or two, or the doses, when you take it p different pills throughout the day and night. This app keeps track of every medicine you take, what the pill looks like (color and shape), the strength of the dose, and how big of a dose you are prescribed. Also, this app will send you reminders each time of the day you are to take your meds. I have a morning pills reminder, an afternoon, and an evening reminder. One of the best features is that it keeps track of how many pills you have left in each bottle and will send you a refill reminder 5 days before your refill is due (by default, but you can change the number of days when it reminds you). This app also keeps your Doctors names and contact information along with all of your physical/mental conditions that you suffer with as well as what conditions each individual pill treats. Overall it is an amazingly useful and very helpful app!
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    Developer Response

    Hi @L.A.Y.N.E thanks for taking the time to leave a review, we appreciate the great feedback and are pleased to hear that Medisafe is having a positive impact on your life! Thanks again - The Medisafe Team
  • Keeps Reminding Until Pill Taken !!!

    What good is a single reminder that you don’t hear because you are temporarily separated from your smart phone?! And then you don’t see the notice on phone’s screen because you are busy with with some task, watching TV, etc. This pill reminder app keeps reminding audibly & visually every few minutes until you pick up phone & manually tap “snooze” or “taken”. “Snooze” lets you set how long you want the app to wait before it reminds you again! One suggestion for improvement is a louder audible reminder for people watching TV or poor hearing or both. Perhaps let user set volume. A defect that could cause confusion that results in patient taking wrong dosage is as follows. For one of my prescriptions I am supposed to take 2 pills at same time once per day. But reminder says: “2 pills: take one”. Some one not mentally sharp might take only one pill, which depending upon the medication & the medical condition for which it is taken could have serious negative consequences!
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  • Different options for scheduling

    This app has actually been working great for me, but I have one issue. I would like the option to schedule for specific times in between doses instead of at specific times of day. I take stimulants for ADHD and need to take them 4 hours apart. I don’t always wake up at the same time every day to take the first dose at the “regular” time, so I constantly have to remember that my next reminders are going off too early so I don’t take it too early (and then need to remember later when to actually take it on time. Very hard for an ADHD brain.) This could potentially be dangerous, like today I took my first dose 1.5 hours late, forgot about it, then took my next dose “on time” according to my alarm, which means I took my next dose 1.5 hours too early (and now my head hurts). It would be great if I could schedule how many doses a day, how much time in between, and when I’d like to start them in the day. That way if I take my first dose later than scheduled, all the next reminders are pushed back by that same amount of time too.
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