Medisafe Medication Management User Reviews

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  • Wonderful App!

    EDIT: I’ve raised my rating from a 4 to a 5, as the wonderfully responsive customer service team has informed me that there are options to resolve the issues I presented, and that I simply missed. It’s nice to see a company being so active with helping its users!

    I’ve been using this app for about a week, and so far, I think it’s great! There seems to be a tool for just about anything you could think of, and it’s really helpful! The interface is beautiful, and everything is totally customizable.

    The only thing I would change is that there isn’t (from what I could find) an option to turn off the notifications it sends you every five-or-so minutes reminding you to take your pill. While I can understand that this may be helpful for some (and should, perhaps, remain the default setting) the medication I take isn’t going to harm me if I take it a few minutes late or even forget a dose entirely (although I obviously try to avoid this). As a result, I find myself getting annoyed with the constant notifications about my medicine when I already have the little red badge notification on the app icon reminding me that I have a pill to take. I wish there was an option to turn these off.

    It also would be nice to have a setting for those of us who only take a fraction of a pill as a dose. :)

    Overall, though, I’d highly recommend this if you have a difficult medication regiment, of if you’re simply a forgetful person, like myself!
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  • Amazing App

    I worked in health care for 15 years. This app is great as it helps me track my medication in my e-pill box and can add my wife to get notifications on her phone when I miss my dose, which is frequently. The scheduling portion is intuitive. The diary feature helps me keep track of my pain, especially post op and need to track feeling on your follow up. The last part is the pill counter, which really helps me know when I should ask for a refill. You can set the alert at whatever count you want. Something so simple can be so amazing sometimes. The only thing I would add is a forum where people can interact with others who are taking the same meds. That would be so freakin cool. Just s simple message board with posts. I would totally buy into that. That for me is the topper because you can then interact with others who are experience the same issues with the drug. I would take it a step further and add DRG forums. Then can search for posts with the med name. Just a thought.
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  • Only one thing missing...

    This is a wonderful app, especially for those of us who struggle to maintain a medication schedule. When you forget to take (or log) a dose, it sends a notification to a user-determined contact (or multiple contacts) alerting them to your missed dose. This is great, BUT could be made perfect by allowing you to manually (or, preferably, automatically) send that same contact a second alert/notification when you end up taking the missed dose.

    Sometimes I’m napping and miss an afternoon friend gets notified that I missed the dose and ends up worried about me...when I wake up I take the missed dose (maybe an hour or so late) and log it in to the app...but I have no way of telling that friend, “Hey, don’t worry, I just took that dose!”

    Now, you might say that I could simply call or text that friend...but some people’s illnesses and/or disabilities are such that they avoid any direct social interaction some (or all) of the time...and this is why it would be amazing to allow the user to have an option (a simple button?) to notify their friend that the missed dose has been taken at the time the missed dose is logged. Otherwise, a perfect app! Thank you.
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    Developer Response

    @DominicF thanks for the great review, we appreciate the insightful feedback! We will definitely pass along your suggestion regarding the additional medfriend notification to our product and dev teams for consideration. Thanks again! - The Medisafe Team
  • So close, but wishing for one more function

    Medisafe is perfect for me as it helps my obsessive behaviors and forgetfulness. I am busy and my mind sometimes wanders and I forget to take my medicine. The only problem I run into for me is not seeing a report of my past refill dates in conjunction with how much medicine (pills,etc.) I had left at the time of refill. Example, I have five pills left on the date I refill my 30 day supply making me have 35 pills as of the day I refilled. Why is this important for me? Because even with the refill button, refill reminders, and daily reminders to take medication, again I forget. So if I forget to notate that I did a refill, and I forget if I took my medication, I can look at the report and see what my last refill date was prior and how many pills I had as of that date. Then I can do the math and remember. It would also be helpful to see on the report how many pills I had left after I took my daily dose.
    But I love the simplicity of this app. For 98% of the time it keeps me on track with my medication.
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  • Close but not usable for me

    This app is so close to being exactly what I need but not close enough. I love the pill box interface but I don’t take pills four times a day, I take them six times a day (with breakfast, mid morning, with lunch, mid afternoon, with dinner and at bedtime). As it is now this app forces you to organize your pills into four predefined boxes. It needs to allow the user to set the number of boxes, define/name them and also to set a time range for each one vs a set time. I don’t eat lunch at exactly the same time every day so a reminder going off at exactly 12pm -hit snooze- go off again, etc. would get very annoying really quick. Users also need the option of making a pill “skipable” when they set it up. Not every supplement I take needs to be taken daily.

    My background: I have a rare autoimmune disease that I am trying to reverse naturally, using numerous supplements as part of my healing protocol. Some must be taken on an empty stomach, some with food, some once a day, others multiple times. The app as it is now is unusable for me. I am currently using Pills Ping because it is the closest to what I need though I do like the look and pill box interface of this app much better. If the above changes are ever made I will definitely switch.
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    Developer Response

    You can change the quadrant hours by opening the side menu (tap the avatar in the top left), tapping 'Settings', 'General Settings', 'Pillbox hours'. Your pills will appear in the pillbox quadrants according to the hours set for each time of day. Please email us at and we'll be happy to assist you with setting up your differing schedules according to your needs. Thanks, Medisafe Team.
  • (Suggestions)I LOVE this app

    Suggestions are here review is below.
    - Add different pain trackers, your current one is good for overall pain but bad if I want to track a few different symptoms that include pain. For example I wanna track my knee pain, my headaches, and my neck pain, but cannot currently do it separately. Add that separation ability.
    - Add different pill sizes. That way you can enlarge your pill or even make it smaller. Good for same colored pills that look exactly the same except for their size. Not a necessary feature but a good one to add.

    Very good app exceptionally for me because there have been multiple times where I forgot wether or not I have already taken my pills, so I had to not take them just in case so I don’t overdose, and so maybe I missed a few doses. With this I don’t have to even worry about memorizing. As soon as I take the pill I mark it down. Easy.

    I also love the fact that the pills that this app doesn’t have I can still put on there because you can customize your own pills! Great feature that a lot of other apps do not include.

    Love the fact that I can have all of my appointments on there as well! Amazing! I can have all of my medical reminders in one place!

    Also thanks to the creators for actually reading the reviews! I have noticed that a few features were added that other people including myself suggested! Good job guys! Wonderful app!

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