User Reviews: Grounds

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Top reviews

  • Unhappy…

    They charged me a full month when I signed up for the app, almost 2 weeks before the app even went live. That kind of bugged me that I was being charged full price for half a month, but I enjoyed the workouts and was excited for the challenges. Although it was difficult not being able to leave the workout to see what exercises were coming up next. You’d have to quit the workout and then restart the whole thing- it wouldn’t take you back to where you were. Finally cancelled my subscription a couple weeks before the month’s renewal and of course…I can’t use my account any longer though I already paid for the rest of the whole month. At least let people finish using the months they paid for in full! My advice would be to cancel just before the renewal so they don’t kick you out early and you can get your moneys worth.

    Developer Response

    Hello Abileemiller, Thank you for sharing your experience and providing valuable feedback. We want to ensure you have the best experience possible and would love to help resolve these issues. Please contact our support team at so we can help you directly and work on making your experience with Grounds better. We are here to help and ensure you get the value you deserve. We hope to hear from you soon! Anaya Grounds Community Manager
  • Wanted to love ..

    I think this app has great potential but has been overall disappointing. I absolutely love the buffbunny community and all the amazing women involved, so I was super excited for this app. But the macro tracking is weak, doesn’t come anywhere near my fitness pal. Not being able to exit your workout during or switch around any exercises or modify it in the least bit is not ideal at all or personable to users. And I know this is brand new, so I’m trying to grant grace, but my biggest issue is the fact that there are so many glitches that I don’t even bother opening the app half the time because it’s never correct. I’m constantly reaching out to the support email for fixes, and just overall makes the app unappealing to me. Hoping with time it gets better! But don’t see myself renewing this subscription.
  • Pretty Good

    This app has a ton to offer, and I so appreciate the time and effort that has gone into making this beast! There are a couple of improvements I’d like to see. The cycle tracking is great, except that it doesn’t actually let you track your cycle if you’re irregular. It will not let you update that you haven’t started your period, and for us PCOS people, that makes it really difficult. If I forget to log my first actual day, whenever that happens, then the app data will just confuse me. Also, please add the ability to add bowel movement info. I know it shows constipation and diarrhea, but just having the option of “pooped” would be awesome.

    I’d also love to see other types of workouts (yoga, walking, etc.), and I imagine those are definitely coming in the future! Echoing another reviewer, having warm ups and cool downs would also be game changing.

    Regarding nutrition, I’d love to see that built out to show additional nutrition info like sugar and fiber and also be able to see breakdowns of each meal and how they contributed to your overall day.

    This app is such an incredible start, and I know it’s only going to get better from here!
  • Overall a phenomenal app

    I am very experienced with fitness and have - on my own - gone from 235 lbs to 155lbs. This app was more just a fun switch of pace for me from my normal gym routine. That being said, I am EXTREMELY impressed with this app and all that it offers. I think anyone from beginner to extremely advanced can enjoy this app, whether its just learning the basic exercises or having a massive variety of options to integrate into your current fitness routine. There is little I would do to improve it as it has most of the features one would want: the only thing I really would like changed is the ability to input your own micro and macro nutrient trackers. I would really like to track my sugar intake specifically but carbs, protein, and fats are the only options for specific macros to track.
  • Amazing!

    This might actually be my new favorite fitness app. I love that I can listen to my own music while working out (some apps won’t let you). I love that I can track my cycle in this app & it tracks what phase I am in. I love that I can track my food without being forced to be on a meal plan. I love love LOVE that I can switch exercises if I don’t have equipment needed or if something is too difficult for me still. This is an all around amazing app. Only thing I wish is that it would automatically track on my Apple Watch. But it’s not a big deal that it doesn’t, I’ll just have to record it separately before I start. 😁
  • Okay for starters

    I was very excited to try this app since I have always been inspired by Heidi when it comes to fitness. I do have two complaints though. I have noticed that I often have to add in food items such as anything with Oscar Meyer or Nestle coffee creamer, etc. Also a lot of the time the micros aren’t accurate and can be off by a good couple grams. I find this frustrating as other apps I’ve used have always been pretty spot on. The other thing is I wish there was a spot to document your own workout. I’m not always going to want to do a workout video with the trainers. I would love if I could just document that I weight lifted shoulders, bicep, etc for 30 minutes. I believe that this is a good app for brand new beginners who need help getting going, but for those who’ve been using other apps this might be not what you’re used to.
  • Love it! Would add a few things…

    I love this app so far! I’ve been a big fan of Heidi for a long time & I know how much thought she puts into her products.💕 There is only a few things I would want to make it even better! I would change is adding suggested workouts based on where I am in my cycle & also I wish I could edit a meal after I have logged it. Like sometimes I log my food, but I only end up eating half or I change the side dish at the last minute, etc. I also wish I could make one time changes to individual items in a meal I have saved. Just some suggestions. Other than that, it’s so cute & has EVERYTHING!
  • Good start, but please change a few things.

    I’ve used quite a few fitness apps the last few years and I love that this has so many things incorporated into one space, but there are a couple of things that I think need to be addressed. I don’t think the sets need to be timed. Everyone completes sets at their own pace and I found my rest time starting before I had even completed the set on several occasions. I don’t want to have to leave the app every time to pause as the pause for the set doesn’t seem to last that long.
    I also think it would be helpful to be able to change what exercise is up next on the fly. Sometimes the equipment that I need for a certain exercise isn’t available and it would be nice to move on to something else and then circle back around to the other one when the equipment becomes available.
    Lastly, the reps count needs the ability to be altered. I like to know how many reps I completed at a certain weight and there doesn’t seem to be a way to change that.
  • Was hoping it would stand out from other workout apps

    To be honest I’m not super thrilled with the app. I was very excited to try it out but there was no option for a trial run even, so I forked out the $$ for it.
    I wish that you could see each exercise from the side as well and not just the 45° angle. I also don’t really love the period tracking because it wouldn’t log things correctly for me (messed up timelines and wouldn’t let me add previous data—as someone who was tracking it with apple health before).
    I also wish I could add in multiple weights (EX: started with 10 lbs then 15 and then 10 lbs again)
    Overall I know the app is just starting out but I regret how much $$ I spent on this just to not like it 😩
  • Great for beginners

    I was super excited about this app but after the first week I can say this app is wonderful, for beginners in the gym. It’s very structured and not much customization as I was hoping to. This app stresses me out at the gym and would really like to see update addressing the following things asap.
    Being able to search workouts rather than have to scroll through all of them

    Going back to main exercise list incase equipment isn’t available and switch if needed.

    Make timer and rest timer optional

    Create my own workout plan!!!! I love all the plans but I am so limited on how much I can customize my workout.

    Some workouts you can’t add decimals. I used 22.5 and couldn’t log my .5

    Weight history from ALL previous workouts, how am I to progressive overload if I can’t see what I lifted last?

    Adding stuff for cardio days! There’s no way to track my off workouts on the app.

    Macros and period tracking are great but Do macros increase or decrease depending on my tracked weigh?

    Water goal resets everyday, should be constant.

    Editing portions of meals rather then delete and reads

    How to change calorie suggestion goal

    This app has so much potential but it still needs a lot of work.

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