User Reviews: Stand Up! The Work Break Timer

Top reviews

  • Good App if You Have Your Phone in Front of You Often

    Reasons why this app is good:
    1. Of all the other break timers, this one really is the best available in the Apple App Store. I've downloaded a number of them with the exception of those that had bad popup reviews, and this one is the best.

    2. You can setup the Start and Stop time, set the interval time and days of the week, and it shows you at the top of the screen how many of the goal breaks you were able to hit.

    3. They seem very customer focused with a button to directly email them with feedback.

    Reasons why this app is bad:

    1. The black background is hard to see in the sunlight.

    2. The alert volume is very low. I have it on the highest setting and still miss my alerts.

    3. The alarm will only go off once. If I miss it (refer to number 2 above) I'm SOL. It doesn't keep beeping until you've acknowledged the reminder either. So I've often missed two to three timers in a row and never noticed.

    4. You have to pay extra for the other sounds. I would rather pay more upfront then get hit with surprise costs. Makes me feel like they tried getting one over me.

    This app would get five stars if:

    1. The reminder didn't go away until i picked up my phone and acknowledged it and if it were a little darn louder! Everything else would be a nice change (background color, one price for the app and sounds) but not necessary for 5 stars.
  • I love this app - it gets me on my feet!

    Great app. Gets me on my feet so I don't sit at my desk all day. I've enable it to only remind me when I'm in my office and it does that flawlessly.

    I customized the message to say "Stand. Hydrate." That reminds me not just to stand up, but to drink water.

    I like that I get a notification on my Apple Watch. I'd would like to be able to respond on my watch ( to confirm that I'm standing) instead of having to respond on my phone. I emailed that developers about that and they responded very quickly and graciously that an Apple Watch app is on their wish list for enhancements.
  • Wonderfully Effective App

    This app is simple to configure, and very easy to understand and use. It reminds me to get a bit of exercise at intervals I choose. I like that it doesn’t have a lot of unnecessary bells and whistles. I don’t want an app that creates privacy issues by accessing my health data, and this one doesn’t.
    I really appreciate the privacy policy for this app. It actually says what they do and don’t collect. Kudos to the developers for this!
  • Really use app. I use daily.

    Initially I downloaded this app for the purpose of a research study I was participating in. I was asked to stand up during my work day every 30 minutes while wearing a Fitbit. I searched through the App Store and discovered this app. It works consistently and I have location services enabled so that I am only alerted when I am in my work building! Super useful app and even told the study administrators about this app and they appeared excited to know of it. Highly recommended.
  • A great reminder

    Recommended by my physical therapist. Better than setting task reminders throughout the day. Very much like that I can set the reminder timeline and day as well as frequency.

    One complaint is that if my iphone does not have the app displayed, I will not 'get' or hear the reminders. Not even it the app is open and in the background. Haven't found how to fix this yet and hope this may be something for a future upgrade.
  • Stand Up!

    This is a great app for reminding me to get up and walk around for a few minutes each hour. I particularly like way I can be alerted on my iPhone to stand up or I can be alerted on my Apple Watch to stand up. If I am using my iPhone, I will be alerted to stand up. If my iPhone is not available or not near me, then I will get an alert to stand up on my Apple Watch. The alert appears on the iPhone or the Apple Watch. It will not appear on the iPhone and the Apple Watch at the same time.
  • Simple, Works

    I love the simplicity of this app. I use it to remind myself to move every 20 minutes AND to look away from my computer screen to prevent eye strain. Love how you can customize the message. I sometimes miss the notification during a break away from my phone so I wish I could say I was moving at that time so tracking was more accurate. Also wish I could pause it for an hour if I'm unable to stand like for commuting or traveling. But still adore the app without that.
  • YES

    I'm not like a health freak PER SE, like I put way too much cream in my coffee and enjoy Greek yogurt more than the next person... but I do care a lot about my lifespan and general health like SO MUCH and this app is just so awesome for that. Not only are the reminders on point but they add in a little "we want you to live longer!" Which I mean if that doesn't get you out of your chair, what will?! I work for a tech startup too and so I really try and only write reviews for apps that I think are super duper great and this is by far one of my favs. Recommended it to all my coworkers and friends. Thanks for extending my life guys!!
  • What a great app!

    This app really does what it says it will do and gets me to stand up! I love that it has a visual record of how I'm doing for the day. It would be nice to have a history of that built in so I could compare days and see progress over time.
    I set mine for every 20 minutes, to remind me too look up from the screen for the sake of my eyes (and stand up to stretch while I'm at it). So I have also noticed that this app makes me much more aware of how fast time is flying by! And not to waste any time doing things I don't want to be doing!
    This is such a great help that I hope future versions enable me to remind myself of multiple things at once.
    Thanks for a great app!
  • Simple, Intuitive, great customer service!

    This app is easy to use. I like the simplicity of it. On a earlier version you couldn't set continuous overnight alerts, (I needed this because I work a night shift). But this new version takes care of that problem! I had previously contacted the company to let them know this, and they really listened to my feedback. I like how they continue to improve their app and listen to users. It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles but it does exactly what I need it to do.

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