Second Nature User Reviews

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  • Great Start but ......

    I had a great start with this program and the psychology behind sensible eating. No counting of calories, just a reduced carb diet with healthy meals. Lots of reading, explanations, suggestions etc. It’s opened my eyes to a healthy eating regime. And I’ve lost a considerable amount of weight in the 3 weeks I been doing it.

    However, this app is very frustrating!! It was great for the first two weeks, but now (since they’ve ‘improved it and fixed the bugs’) it’s an absolute disaster and nightmare to use. With many of the applications freezing on you in mid use, unable to use chat for support, unable to plan meals (I’ve actually got someone else’s meal planner!?) I’ve tried reloading. The app but it makes absolutely no difference.
    Have messaged support, only to get an automated reply saying they will get back to me in under a week. And there doesn’t appear to be any weekend support from the program or the coach - but that might be because the app isn’t functioning as one would expect. And no communication about whether there is an issue and when it’s likely to be fixed.

    You have to sign up for 12 weeks, even for the free 2 weeks, which they will refund if you don’t continue with the program.

    Such a great shame as the program seems really good.
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  • App does not work :(

    Your app does not work :( unfortunately

    It keeps asking for log in any time I change screens within your application .

    And you want clients to pay for this ? Really?

    :( :( :(
  • One problem after another....

    Non stop issues followed by extraordinary time to resolve issues. Too many to list here. When one problem fixed, would reset to following Monday and then there’s be another issue so reset again etc etc., after several weeks of this cancelled as I’ve lost all interest in app and plan. Also no calorie count on recipes which would be helpful.

    Shame as this could be a great plan but overpriced given the amount of problems plus the annoying constant pop up chat from the group which even when you switch the notifications off it won’t disappear from your screen till you click on it taking you out of what you were doing.

    Great concept; v poorly executed
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  • Not a good start

    The questions they ask to evaluate my problem were largely obscured on the screen. I pressed few answers on what I could see...on screen three or four it seemed to freeze.
    I’ll have another go later but if it doesn’t perform Noom here we come.
  • Noom from the perspective of an active person

    Even though I cycle a lot and run a little I had some excess weight to lose, about 1 1/2 stones, and I should have researched SN before beginning the program. So this is a review from the perspective of an active person.
    I thought it was a well organised weight loss program and my ‘tutor’ was really lovely, however it is a low carb program and after a couple of days I had no energy to do anything and it just got worse. I would go out cycling and I got slower and slower, I couldn’t even stand on my pedals. So I contacted my tutor for help and was sent articles relating to low carb lifestyle and exercise and was told my energy levels would get better over time. It didn’t. I contacted my tutor again and was encouraged to up my carb levels but it was for me to determine how much I needed which I felt went against the whole reason I had joined SN..... I’d wanted the professional help to lose weight and I was paying for the help and advice which I wasn’t getting. So I joined Noom and I haven’t looked back. I’ve been doing Noom for exactly a month and have lost 11 pounds with a far less restrictive diet and can up my calories depending on how much exercise I do.
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  • First Class!

    I’m entering my third week with Second Nature and it’s just getting better and better. The most important help is the support in attaining a different way of thinking and the encouragement from the mentor. The recipes are really good and anyone from a novice cook to an experienced one would find them tasty, healthy and enjoyable. There’s no pressure, really important for me who rebels at the tiniest hint and you can go at your own pace. I highly recommend anyone who is trying to achieve a better healthier lifestyle to give Second Nature a go!
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  • Doesn’t feel like a diet

    I’ve tried a lot of the major diet plans to lose weight. Some have worked really well and I kept large weight losses off for some time. But the weight has gradually crept back on and in recent years I’ve struggled to stick to an eating plan and quickly stopped following it with no loss.

    This really doesn’t feel like a diet 80% of the time. It feels like I’m taking back control of my habits and food. Cooking from scratch hasn’t been as time consuming as I thought it would be and planning makes it easier. Even when I haven’t planned v well I’ve put together good nutritious meals.

    The biggest thing is the chat group and advisor that you join at the start. On bad days when I’ve thought about stress eating they’ve helped me slow down and get control back. The articles are also v informative.

    Totally recommend it to anyone who struggles with diets that exclude certain foods.
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  • Brilliant and life changing!

    What an incredible programme this is! It really has been a life changing journey that has been supported by the exceptional support provided by the mentors. I have changed how I eat in a healthy and sustainable way. I’ve also lost 21lbs in 12 weeks, improving my health and boosting my self confidence. The programme is comprehensive, educational, informative and includes lots of great recipes. The support group has been really useful and all the components of the programme have provided a wide range of support structures, education and insight into the challenging psychological aspects of losing weight.
    I can’t recommend it enough!
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  • Lifestyle change not a diet!

    I have really enjoyed my OurPath journey, I have learnt more about nutrition, excellent recipes, ways to exercise, relax and believe in myself over the last six months and have made small changes to my lifestyle that I am truly seeing physical and mindful benefits from. The support from my group and mentor have helped tremendously when the going got tough and it was so easy using the app. I never once felt like I was on a diet, just taking positive steps to improve my whole wellbeing.
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  • Anyone with health and/or weight issues should try

    I really rate this programme as it guides you into eating correctly and exercising in a very gentle thought out way. It is science and evidence backed and so if you follow it and read the articles, do what they tell you to do including the positive thinking and daily (short) journal then you cannot fail to get results. I just love it, week 3 and now I’m used to meal preps and how to eat, I can now exercise around a level that suits me! I really recommend.
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