Medela Family User Reviews

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  • Good potential, but a disaster

    The new version of this app is a nightmare. It syncs pump sessions done on my Medela pump just fine, but when I use another pump and try to input the time/ounces/etc, there’s no “save” button. So it currently won’t let me add pumping sessions from non-Medela pumps.

    Not only that, but the app is set to a random time that is no where near my current time (EST) I’ve looked everywhere, and there’s no option to fix this. I’ve never seen an app have an issue with the current time as they use the time on your phone.

    Lastly, if you enter the total amount pumped, it divides the amount in half and lists half under each breast. (Ex: if I pump 5oz, it automatically lists 2.5oz for each side, which is highly unlikely.) Many moms don’t care what each side yields, they just need to know the total amount at the end of the session. Couldn’t this be a preference or setting to set, to allow us to choose if we want to have it divide into 2 same amounts or skip that part and leave it blank?

    Some of these seem like basic, common-sense issues, and I’m not sure how a large company like Medela can have an app this bad.

    In addition to fixing these issues, I’d love to be able to export/create a PDF with any combination of my logs (pumping, nursing, baby’s feeds, growth, etc)
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  • I need more from this app.

    So glitchy, the version I used during 2020 although it didn’t seem to track as much it was way more functional and reliable. The older version also seemed “newer” more up to date. This app could be amazing but there is always some type of glitch. Yes, I have my Bluetooth on and the app has trouble syncing pump sessions let alone it is a hassle to update the pump sessions with the amount of breast milk. When I’m logging feedings sometimes the counter reverts to 0 and I have inaccurate data for the amount of time baby was feeding. Sometimes when you save a feeding it logs the time of when you first started the feeding counter, other times it logs it when you stopped and or current time. The app is unpredictable and it’s unfortunate because this app could be amazing if it worked consistently.
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  • Breastfeed tracker

    This app is very helpful, and for the most part it’s great. However, the breastfeeding tracker and timer is pretty stupid the logic is flawed. While I can’t come to other trackers because I ah e used this one with my pump, the breastfeeding tracker logs time stupid. When you start a timer for say the left, it logs the time. However switch to the right and start the timer the finish time for both sides is the same and you can’t change it, WTH. It makes the app annoying bc then if you want accurate times you have to do like three work arounds. Also the Bluetooth constants connects when the pumps are t on and say charging, this interferes with your breastfeeding. Please just let the Bluetooth connect when you actually power o. The pump. Just saying fix these things and the app would be amazing.
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  • Preferred the older version

    I used it back in 2020 and loved it so i redownloaded it again now that my second baby is here. It’s a completely different layout, it definitely offers more but i feel like the layout is confusing and not user friendly. Reading the stats is super confusing so i dont even bother, and when i tried manually logging in a feed it wouldnt let me choose just one breast to log in the time, it automatically filled in the time slots for both breast sides. I also don’t understand how it calculates time, i started a feed at 6:24am and finished in about 10min. At 7:13am i checked the app and it said it had already been an hour since her last feed?….how?…idk if i’ll keep using it tbh
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  • Frustrating at times

    I liked using the app at first because it was easy to let my baby’s doctor know how often he eats as well as tracking for myself to recognize routines. I used this app 3 years ago and thought I would again now but now I have problems with it. At times it logs the time differently then what actual time of nursing was. For example just now I had just started nursing and so I just started timing, clicked out of the app and clicked back in & the timer read that I been nursing for over an hour when it hasn’t even been 1 min. At times it logs my pump session as if I pumped the day before. If I forget to press save after pausing at the end of a breastfeeding session then save it right before starting a new one it will say I had just finished 8 min ago when really it should read 1 hour or 2 hours ago.
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  • Use a different tracking app this needs work

    It’s ok but annoying. On an initial pass it’s really helpful but as you try to optimize your usage it falls apart. The slider to select the amount of used while bottle feeding is a pain to use and the manual entry auto fills 0 which you need to delete before moving on. The manual option would be much better if they used a placeholder value. The stats list doesn’t show all entries for a particular sub category until I scroll on the main list. For example we just added our third weight tracker and the birth weight wasn’t available in the weight section.

    You’ll get random surveys that are required. You can say remind me later later but that means 2 seconds. I even got the survey prompt while I was filling out the survey. The last tracked setting doesn’t accurately reflected what was actually tracked last. Sometimes it shows the values for me and my partner other times it’s just my events.

    The more I use the app the slower it seems to get. We’ll probably switch to a new app.
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    Developer Response

    Hi EisbarDasTier, we are very sorry you had a bad experience with our app. We take every complaint seriously. Please rest assured, our team is working non-stop on the app improvement and testing. Please help us improve our app by giving us more specific feedback at with screenshots or videos of your issue. Your Medela Family
  • Can be Frustrating

    Can be extremely annoying to log sessions. Sometimes it works fine, other times not. I have many of the issues described by others- inaccurate starting/ending times, timer goes back to zero and sometimes will resume the right time if you hit start again, difficulty with entering times manually, etc. I don’t even try to manually enter sessions if they cross the am/pm threshold and instead just pick a time earlier or later so I don’t have to deal with it. App will occasionally crash randomly during a session. I still am using it and it works for me as long as I take the time to correct and double check accuracy of every session but I am thinking of switching apps so I don’t have to spend so much extra time doing that.
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  • Recent update ruined the app

    Update: now the app is completely unusable. Save yourself the trouble and find a different app to track. Won’t save a single pump and keeps prompting me to enter my baby’s information. Then I get an error because it already has my baby’s information. I’ve installed every update, so that’s not the issue, but is the only thing anyone has reached out to me to recommend. Finally I deleted the app today and will be using something else. This app is worthless! If I could give it zero stars I absolutely would!

    I wish the old version of this app was still available. It used to work so great and now it’s trash! Pumping times randomly add 10-15 minutes to the pump. Records don’t save properly. And the photo of my baby keeps deleting off the app and putting in a stock photo. It’s garbage now. Find a different tracking app and save yourself the aggravation.
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  • Bring back the old app!!!!!

    I used this app with my 1st for 15 months and it was amazing!!! Never did I have to question my logs or search for which side to feed on next. Now, with my 2nd and using for almost 7 months, after the updates, my times record incorrectly - usually adds 5-10 minutes if I go out of the app and come back in.. even though 5-10 minutes have not gone by, a lot of times I know I’ve hit pause/save just to come back in later and time is still going/not paused/not saved. Sometimes I’ll come back in knowing it has been at least an hour and the timer is still going but only shows 15 minutes. I’ve mainly started to just use it to know which side to feed on because I know my logs are 9 times out of 10 incorrect. I’ve actually started searching for a new app. Oh, and not to mention I can BARELY READ THE “L” or “R” on the home screen. I ALWAYS have to go in my “stats” to be sure I am feeding on the correct side. This app is NOT user friendly. I wish 10,000 times they would just do away with it and bring back the old version!!!!! Don’t use this app.. save your frustration and find something else😁
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    Developer Response

    Hi Laura, we are very sorry you had a bad experience with our Medela Family app. We will take your feedback into account for future updates, please give us more specific feedback at with a screenshot or video of your issue. Your Medela Family
  • Disappointed in update

    As an exclusive pumper I use this app multiple times a day, and am so disappointed in this update. First and foremost; when I log in I want to see my daily stats. Let’s be honest, almost NONE of us moms are logging in to read the ridiculous articles that take up the home page.

    Secondly, you’ve made it so much work to try and add volume or edit a session. I shouldn’t have to click a million spots to try and find and be able to edit a session. This should be quick and intuitive!

    Thirdly, trying to add a session manually is basically impossible. My Bluetooth enabled pump was left at a family members home and every time I attempted to add a session it just kept telling me I was offline. I know this!! I just want to track a session.

    Lastly, trying to edit the time is nearly impossible based on the absolute laughable size of the field. Not to mention every single time I can actually get into the tiny field and attempt to edit the app crashes.

    PLEASE!!! We are begging you, FIX THIS CATASTROPHE OF AN APP!! We are moms and we need something quick, simple, intuitive, and accurate. And, yes, I have the most recent update (which by the way, does not look or act any differently then the original release).
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