Medela Family User Reviews

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  • Easy to operate, organized

    I love the app because for one, it’s free. Although I am an exclusive pumper, i love the idea of having a lactation consultant available 24/7. Other apps I’ve used, after a few days, you have to pay for access to certain things and I think with being a new parent or having a newborn, it’s already costly so to add on to that isn’t worth it. The app is organized and easy to navigate. I love that it gives the average and total amount of how much I pump, how much my child eats and sleeps. Would definitely recommend this app to other new parents, especially those who use the medela breastfeeding brand products.
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  • Good for breastfeeding advice, not for data analysis

    I used this app for about two months before researching to see what other apps were out there and found far better alternatives like Baby Tracker, Glow Worm, and Huckleberry. Obviously, this app is more focused on breastfeeding and the tips and links to articles for breastfeeding support are the core competency. A feature I would like to see is how long on average between breastfeeding sessions. However, my purpose was to analyze sleep. This app doesn’t differentiate between daytime and night time sleep which makes the average stats useless (a 20 minute nap averaged with her 10 hour night time sleep means nothing). There were also a few bugs when trying to set the time for a manual tracking (the AM/PM kept jumping). There are a lot of extra button clicks to get to see the useful stats like the daily pattern which can also only be seen for 3 days at a time. Overall, this app let me collect a lot of data but did little to help me make that data tell me something useful.
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  • Made things easier!

    I discovered this app when I started pumping after breastfeeding my little one was established, and it made a world of difference! Before the app I was tracking the same stats in the Notes app on iPhone but would miss feedings is diaper changes. The app makes tracking breastfeeding, pumping, diaper changes and sleeping easy with just one tap. I like that I’m able to track multiple things at once. For example, if you would like to pump while your little one is sleeping, you can do so. Having lactation consultants helped me when I had problems with plugged ducts.

    The quirk that bothers me is that I liked to feed or pump one breast at a time, but the app auto selects both breasts if you manually enter your pump/feeding session. That’s not enough for me to give less than five stars! Definitely recommend for new moms even if you have a different pump system.
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  • Good App. Could use some improvements

    Great app so far. I love that I will be able to sync my pump when the time comes for me to be able to go back to work. The app could use some improvements for moms who primarily breastfeed (secondarily pump). 1) on the my baby menu it would be nice if the Last Tracked Today options could be customized. I don’t use the app to track sleep so I don’t need to see it on the my baby page. I would love to see the last time my baby breastfed though AND from what side. 2) The day overview is great but it would be nice if you could see which side(s) were used. 3) The breastfeeding stats page is completely useless. It’s wonderful that it tracks time, but again would be nice to see what sides were used in the nursing session.
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  • Good at first, then super frustrating

    This was great starting out bc you can time and keep track of everything. However, even when you have ALL notifications turned off it keeps telling you “great job”, “way to go” for breastfeeding and diapers. This was fine the first couple of weeks, but is annoying as hell 6 months later.

    I have been in contact with the makers of the app multiple times as it asks me about every 2 weeks to rate the app. I have voiced my frustration at the constant notifications even though I’ve turned them all off, this is a bug they haven’t been able to fix in 5 months. Additionally, I’ve told them that I have already given my feedback and rates their app (internally, not here), yet every 2 weeks it asks me to rate it again-as if for the first time.

    Additionally, about one month ago the app started being really slow to open, even when already running the timer. For example, I set the timer to breastfeed and then move on my phone to check emails and then when I toggle to the app 5 min later it takes forever to open, as if it wasn’t an already open window/program on my phone.

    I realize these seem like trivial things, but when using the app 20 times a day to register and track everything it is really annoying!!!!
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  • Love this app but has quirks

    This app was a lifesaver as a new mom. It tracks diaper changes, breastfeeding, and pumping. Though I didn’t utilize it as much it even allows you to track height and weight (our Pedi does this for us so not much use for it). I appreciated the ability to contact a lactation consultant whenever I needed one (who knows where to find those anymore?!). But, I will say the app has some quirks you need to be aware of. It will occasionally log you out. If you choose to manually enter time for a session it defaults to the last breast you fed/pumped on and you will have to also manually select which side you used. And the quick track only shows up in the list or day overview not under stats for whatever you auto logged. For example if I didn’t want to open and log the details of a diaper change just that one occurred I would hit the quick track but it doesn’t show up under diaper instead only under list or day overview.
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  • Does the job but...

    I’ve been using this for 5 months since my son was born (even though the app doesn’t seem to know that he’s been born, it keeps asking me if has despite having his birthday logged, as well as updated height and weight and 5 months of tracking.)

    My biggest issue is that it will drop feedings or pumping sessions. I’ve hit saved but they’re not recorded. Then, Sometimes it will refuse to save sessions (throw an error) and after I cancel out of the tracker my session will have been saved all along. It’s unpredictable like that. It’s once or twice a week this happens.

    I’m also mad that it keeps asking me to rate it, but when I do I get an error that the email won’t send, so I decided just to skip that and come to the App Store.

    It also can be very slow to load, which is not fun when you have an angry hungry infant and you’re trying to remember what the last side you fed on was.

    It’s superior to using a paper and pen like I did my first time bfing, but not by a lot. But it functions well enough I’m not going to bother trying to find another app either. I do like it’s reporting options, I really just wish it was more consistent.
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  • Login Issues

    I like how the app incorporates all of the aspects of tracking my baby, but the login issues are a real problem. On a semi regular basis, the app logs me out and then tells me that my login has failed even though I have the correct password. It can take multiple attempts and untold time until the app lets me log back in. This can be very frustrating when you are trying to check how long your baby has been sleeping or when you are trying to log information into her chart.

    Other than the login issues, I like how you can track breastfeeding, bottles, pumping, diapers, sleep, weight, and height all in one place. I would like to see a timer for the bottles, as my pediatrician will ask how long it takes for her to eat. It would also be nice to have a place to track medicine, for when the little one needs it.
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  • Helpful but could use minor improvements

    Overall helpful for tracking feedings. Enjoy the timer option-easer than just trying to remember everything.
    Suggestions for improvement would be keeping the option bar at the bottom in any screen. For example, before I start breastfeeding I want to check my last session to see how long baby was on each side. Then, I wish I could just select “tracking” at the bottom instead of having to back out of two screens before getting that option. It doesn’t seem like a lot until you have a baby screaming to be fed. Also wish if we did a pump or bottle session they would all show up together displayed the way the breastfeeding sessions are.
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