Medela Family User Reviews

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  • What did this update fix? Did you not read the comments?

    Was this app designed by men? Someone who does know what it’s like to breastfeed? Please fix or I will be forced to delete and look for another app.

    Trying to adjust duration of a pump, feeding, anything is a pain. Literally just made my morning pump pointless to log bc i forgot to hit pause and now I can’t adjust the duration. Nor can you go back and edit anything once you log it. The time entry is near impossible to adjust bc it is soooo small. clicking between the : is impossible and the warning that you can’t exceed 60 keeps popping up. Please fix ASAP. Adjusting duration need to be easier for this app to be fully functional. You also should be able to edit entries like before the update. Also I always felt like the stuff at the top of the screen is too small and close to one another. Another hard to click area.
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  • New update is terrible

    I have never written a review on something ever, I’m typically not the kind of person that will take the time to do so… however the new update is awful! The app was so user friendly before but now it glitches, will log me out often, the track button for breastfeeding will not work sometimes and it will also start me at random times and not at 0minutes at the start of a feeding session. So frustrating!

    Developers, please fix these issues or go back to the previous platform. I genuine LOVE my Medela pump! & I love this brand ❤️ I have told all my new mommy friends about Medela & how much I love the app… however my honest opinion of the app has changed. It would be most helpful to have the previous platform back!
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  • The Updated App is terrible!

    I loved the old medela app, the new update was a poor decision on medela’s part. This app is not user friendly - it’s impossible to log a pump session afterwards or to log a session trying to use “both” sides at the same time when using a pump that is not one of the smart pumps from medela! I literally now have to click in to every minute and second field and divide out (if I do 30 mins, I have to say I did 15 on left, 15 on right - if I put 30 on each side it says my total pump time is 60 minutes)! I also hate the new list view of what you’ve pumped or nursed for the day and the graphs (by showing the time and ounces in one graph it greatly skews the graph showing ounces - which let’s face it that’s what we’re all looking at not how many minutes)! Having to slide a scale to log ounces now is also annoying, but not more annoying to trying to have to touch in just the right spot to get the field editable on time. Also when trying to log a session in the past you have to search high and low allll over the app to try and make that happen. All in all I give the new app 1 star, the old app I would give 4.5 stars - very disappointed but feel stuck and can’t switch apps now because I’ve been logging in here for 17 weeks now. Medela developers if your listening, please fix all these bugs!! Thank you!!
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    Developer Response

    Hi Awellsie sorry to hear you are having a bad experience. We will release updates regularly to improve our app.
  • Can I give 0 stars?

    Don’t fix it if it isn’t broken!
    The new update is terrible! I’m convinced that whoever created and “tested” (was it even tested?!) this before rolling it out has NEVER pumped or even used their old app. I have the Sonata that connects via Bluetooth to the app and when I am in a live pumping session connected via Bluetooth, there is NO save button to save the session info. The old app I could connect the pump & then once connected I could turn the pump off and enter the info & hit save. The new app, if you turn the pump off, it changes the pumping time to the time that the pump was disconnected (which isn’t great if you have to pump on a strict schedule because the times are incorrect.
    The slide bar to record the oz is like 0.25oz off.

    Changing the time of a session (under the calendar like support recommends) is a HUGE pain because you have to hit the space at just the right place but the space is so tiny that it takes 20+ tries and then if you have to change the hour & minutes then you have to go to each space, you can’t just enter 8:30 for example. You would have to change the 8 and then go and click the minutes and change that.

    I’ve stopped using the app altogether since the update was rolled out because it would take 2+ hours for my pump to save the previous pumping session.
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  • New update is horrible!

    New update is horrible! I used this app several years ago with my firstborn and have been using it again the last 2 months with my newborn. It was perfect until the update a few days ago. I was in the middle of a breastfeeding session when the app made me update. Lost that session’s data. And if you leave the page while tracking to look at anything else on your phone you never know what you will come back to. Sometimes it deletes times and sides, sometimes entire sessions, which is very frustrating when you are sleep deprived and dealing with a newborn who isn’t a great eater. It is also impossible to enter manual information. I haven’t used it for a pumping session yet but other reviewers said that’s also become a lot more difficult to track. Please go back to the old version!
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  • New update is terrible

    I was really loving this app until I was forced to update. Now it is extremely UN-user friendly! If your logging on real time then it’s fine but if u have manual entry good luck almost impossible to log. Changing the time or duration is near impossible with the time fields being incredibly difficult to click into and the once u can click into the hour it gives u errors and then u have to click onto the minutes which also is difficult to use. The day overview and stats page on the previous version were better as well. Please go back!!! As moms with infants we do t have time to click around and waste time getting frustrated while trying to breastfeed and diaper change! Please fix! I really do r want to switch apps and lose all my data for the past few months.
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  • New Update is Horrible

    They recently updated the app and it’s so difficult to navigate and use. It used to be so user friendly. Now you can only log pumps in real time whereas before you could input manually the time you started pumping. When pumping, the stopwatch doesn’t work half the time, it glitches and then it doesn’t exceed 60 minutes. Also, you have to manually push start the stopwatch for the left and right breast because collectively you can’t exceed 60 minutes. I’m not sure why you’d make this app so difficult to use. You used to be able to manually type in the time you started pumping and that feature is gone. It was so simple and perfect before. Before the update it would clearly state your daily stats on the bottom of the page. It gave daily stats and weekly - go back to how it used to be!
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  • Loved the app before June 2021 Update

    I have the Sonata pump and was loving the easy tracking through Bluetooth. Then the update hit. It has a much prettier interface, but the tracking itself is awful. It has ruined my experience with the app. It shows you your last sessions on the home page, but you can’t even click to edit them. Then, when you connect to your pump, you put in the information after you’re done, but there is no safe button. The only way I noticed it transitions to make a save button is if I press on the pause button on the pump. And this has now been the 5th time the past two days that I do that, and my time disappears and I have to re-log everything manually... I have lost several sessions because of this. Really sad that the update has made things harder because they did a great job with the looks of the app itself. If it weren’t for all the lost data, I would give it 5 stars...
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    Developer Response

    Hi Amk1653 sorry to hear you are having a bad experience. We will release updates regularly to improve our app.
  • Update made a great app nearly useless.

    I used this app with my first son and loved it. I could pump on one side and nurse on the other and log everything without an issue. I could add in sessions where I forgot to use my phone to time seamlessly. Then I had my second son june 1 and used the app again. Everything was fantastic just like the first time around. I was even able to pull up stats from 2018 and 2019 when I nursed my first to compare with my second. Now I can’t do anything of that. The stats even from this month are gone. I can’t pump and nurse and log everything. Most of my nursing sessions don’t track anymore and the timer stops working 1-3 seconds in sometimes. I’ve basically gone back to the old “safety pin on that side of your bra” method my 67 year old mother used back when I was a baby because this app is effectively worthless now. Why? Put it back. I’m just glad I didn’t waste money on this now.
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  • The new app is harder to use

    I used to love Mymedela, until it changed this week. The graphics are less clear, the bar diagram works worse than the circles did. Sleep periods belong to one day or the other, so if one starts at 23 that hour isn’t counted in the day’s total.
    And the worse part for me, editing the hours of something. The scrolling option was much easier and now with tiny graphics it’s impossible to hit in the right spot. I tend to edit very often as it’s usual to keep the clock running and forget while I do something else.
    The length tracker has also stopped working and doesn’t show all the data I had in there.

    I really hope that these issues are addressed soon, but for now, it is just too time consuming for me to use this app so I am looking for a new one.
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