Warning! Will
Response from developer
Hi there, we're sorry to hear you're having login issues with the app. If you could please email us at myblueapp@bcbsma.com regarding your experience, a member of our team will reply to you directly to provide assistance. Thank you. *SS
Still issues login in
Response from developer
We'd like to learn more about the issues you're encountering with the app and help you get to the information you need. In order to do that, please email us at myblueapp@bcbsma.com about your experience and we'll have a representative reach out to you directly. Thank you. Your feedback is appreciated as we’re always looking to improve the overall app experience. *JG
Easy Navigation
User friendly
Great App
Trouble booking appointments
Response from developer
Hi there, thanks for your feedback. We'd like to help you with booking appointments and hear more about the issues you're encountering with the app. In order to do that, please email us at myblueapp@bcbsma.com about your experience, and we'll have a representative reach out to you directly. Thank you. *SS